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1、Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming. Section C By Zengqin. Background Information: Students: Grade 8 Lesson Duration: 45 minutesTeaching aims and demands:1. Learn some new words Olympics, Olympic games, Winter Olympic, Summer Olympic, modern, motto, ring. 2. Learn some new

2、 phrases: Stand for, at least, have the chance to do sth, in turn, more and more popular.3. Understand and make clear the usage of these sentences:In the future, more cities will have the chance to hold the Olympics.The Olympic Games will be more exciting. The Olympics are becoming more and more pop

3、ular. Teaching aids:Cards/PPT/Students Book/Chalk/blackboard Teaching Produces:Step 1 Greeting and Warm-up Listen to an English song named the The Power of the Dream. Its a song sung for the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996. (2)Greet with the students by asking and answering questions. E.g. Nice to mee

4、t you.Whats your name?Do you like sports? Which sport do you like? Why? Step 2 Review and Lead-in1. Review some words about sports. The teacher shows some pictures. The players did all kinds of sports in the Olympic Games. The students guess the name of the sports they have already learned. Review t

5、he sports we have learned in Section A and Section B.E.g. Table tennis/ cycling / rowing / running / baseball / basketball / volleyball / football 2. These sports are all played in the Olympics. Today we will learn something about Olympics.Step 3 While-reading 1. Scanning the whole passage of 1a qui

6、ckly and quietly and answer these questions. When did the modern Olympics start? Whats this passage talking about? 2. Watch the flash and enjoy the modern Olympics.3. Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.The modern Olympics started in Its motto is The five rings stand forTheir color is Step4 Inte

7、nsive-reading1.Design(设计) and prepare questions in your group.2.Write down your questions and discuss with your group members.Step5:Interview1. Introduce yourself: Hello, my name is _, I am a reporter from_. Could I ask you a question about the Olympics?2. Ask questions. What kind of sports do you want to do in the Olympic Games? Why? How do you do if you fail(失败) the sports meet?3. Thanks to the interviewee: Thank you for your time.Step6 share 发扬奥运精神,永不言败,积极进取。


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