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1、第二课时第二课时Section A(2a2d)一、根据句意及首字母或一、根据句意及首字母或汉语汉语提示完成下列句子。每空一提示完成下列句子。每空一词词。1Its not easy for her to find a good _(工作工作).2My grandpa watches TV for an hour at _(晚上晚上).3Ms.Green _(从不从不)eats hamburgers.She thinks theyre not healthy.4Whats twenty and thirty?Its _ 5My sister gets up _on school days.She

2、doesnt want to be late for school.jobnightneverfiftyearly6The students have Chinese at nine _on Monday.7Her family _eat rice and vegetables for lunch.8My grandparents always _,so they are healthy.9Jenny says to Grandma,“Thanks for telling me the _story!”10My mother is a math teacher.She _in a middle

3、 school.二、根据句意,二、根据句意,选择选择方框中的方框中的单词单词并用其适当形式填空。并用其适当形式填空。oclockusuallyexercisefunnyworks三、按要求完成下列句子。每空一三、按要求完成下列句子。每空一词词。11Mr.Wang goes to work at seven twenty.(改改为为否定句否定句)Mr.Wang _to work at seven twenty.12Eric always gets home late on the weekend.(改改为为同同义义句句)Eric _home early on the weekend.13吉姆上学

4、吉姆上学总总是是迟迟到。到。(翻翻译译句子句子)Jim is always _school.doesnt gonever getslate for14她她觉觉得在广播得在广播电电台工作很有趣。台工作很有趣。(翻翻译译句子句子)She thinks its interesting to work at a _15我父我父亲亲从早上九点工作到下午六点。从早上九点工作到下午六点。(翻翻译译句子句子)My father works _nine in the morning_ six in the afternoon.radio stationfrom to四、从下面方框中四、从下面方框中选择选择合适的

5、合适的选项补选项补全全对话对话。其中有两。其中有两项为项为多余多余项项。A:Hi!16._B:He is a doctor(医生医生).A:17._B:At 6:00 am.After that he eats breakfast at 6:15 am.A:When does he go to work then?B:After he finishes his breakfast at about 6:30 am.A:18._B:Yes.And he needs to work for about twelve hours every(每一每一)day.EADA:19._B:Yes,you are right.20._A:Thats great!AWhat time does he get up every day?BBut he likes his job and has great fun.CWhats the time now?DOh,thats very early.EWhat does your father do?FYour father has a really busy job.GHe is very free every day.FB


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