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1、Unit 2第一课时第一课时一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1She doesnt like blue.I dont like it e_2The little girl c_ because she didnt find her mother.3Look!The monkey is j_ over there.4Remember to r_ the book to the library,Mary.OK,I will.5Tony got up late,and he went to school w_ breakfast.itherriedumpingetur

2、nithout二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。6It was seven oclock.Judy got up and _ to school.7Dont _ at others.Its not polite(礼貌的礼貌的)8At _,I didnt know anyone in the new school.But now,I have many friends.9The box is too _I need some help.10Julia _ on her sisters new dress,but it was too small for he

3、r.hurriedpointfirstheavytriedone,try,hurry,heavy,point三、单项选择。三、单项选择。()11.Its too bad.He left home _ his money.Awith BwithoutCwith no Dhave()12.Did you _ her new dress?Anotice BnoticesCnoticed Dto notice()13._,I didnt find my parents.AFirst BAt firstCThe first DIn the firstBAB()14.Tom _ the two big c

4、hairs.Adidnt liked Bdidnt likeC.did liked Dnot liked()15.As I got out of the room,I didnt want to _ the room again.Areturn Breturn backCreturn to Dreturn back toBC四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。16很快我弟弟就睡着了。很快我弟弟就睡着了。My brother _ _ very soon.17你的杯子是怎么破碎的?你的杯子是怎么破碎的?How was your cup _ _?18不要在教室里大声喊。不要在

5、教室里大声喊。_ _ in the classroom.19你为什么指着那个男孩?你为什么指着那个男孩?Why did you _ _ the boy?20起初,我不喜欢打乒乓球。起初,我不喜欢打乒乓球。_ _,I didnt like playing table tennis.was asleepin piecesDont shoutpoint atAt first五、根据要求完成下列句子,每空一词。五、根据要求完成下列句子,每空一词。21Once upon a time,there were three bears.(改为同义句改为同义句)_ _ _,there were three be

6、ars.22I hurried to school,and I didnt have breakfast.(改为同义句改为同义句)I hurried to school _ _ breakfast.23Lily went to the museum last weekend.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ _ Lily go last weekend?24He played football this morning.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_ he _ football this morning?25The family lived here ten years ago.(改为否定句改为否定句)The family _ _ here ten years ago.Long long agowithout havingWhere didDidplaydidnt live


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