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1、 翻译漫谈(十五)汉译英:主谓 一怎样处理无主句? 汉语有些句子没有主语,称为“无主句”。这种句子相当普遍。有时一句话根本没有主语;有时前面一句话有主语,始终管下去,后面几句话就没有主语了;有时后面的动作并不是前面的主语所做的,却没有新的主语消失。虽然如此,句子的意思还是清晰的,不会引起误会。根据同样的句子构造译成英语就不行了。 例1过去,只讲在社会主义条件下进展生产力,没有讲还要通过改革解放生产力,不完全。应当把解放生产力和进展生产力两个讲全了。 In the past, we only stressed expansion of the productive forces under so

2、cialism, without mentioning the need to liberate them through reform. That conception was incomplete. Both the liberation and the expansion of the productive forces are essential.这是一个很典型的例子。从英语的角度考虑,“只讲”前面缺主语,译文加了we作主语。在泛泛而谈的时候,加we是最便利的。接下去,“不完全”前面还缺一个主语,这里再用we就不行了。推敲一下就可以看出,这“不完全”三字指的是上面这种熟悉或说法,因此译

3、文以That conception为主语。最终,“应当”前面还缺一个主语。既然原文说应把两个方面讲全,译文就以Both the liberation and the expansion of the productive forces作主语,把这两个方面放在突出的位置上,这就是把原文的宾语变为译文的主语了。 例2所以,能进展就不要阻挡,有条件的地方要尽可能搞快点,只要是讲效益,讲质量,搞外向型经济,就没有什么可以担忧的。 Therefore, those areas that are in a position to develop should not be obstructed. Wher

4、e local conditions permit, development should proceed as fast as possible. There is nothing to worry about so long as we stress efficiency and quality and develop an export-oriented economy. 例3社会主义的本质,是解放生产力,进展生产力,毁灭剥削,消退两极分化,最终到达共同富有。就是要对大家讲这个道理。 The essence of socialism is liberation and developme

5、nt of the productive forces, elimination of exploitation and polarization, and the ultimate achievement of prosperity for all. This concept must be made clear to the people. 例4这样好嘛,就是要有制造性。 Thats good. Creativity is just what we want. 例5对改革开放,一开头就有不同意见,这是正常的。 In the beginning opinions were divided a

6、bout the reform and the open policy. That was normal. 从英语的角度来看,例2“能进展就不要阻挡”需要落实到一个名词上,也就是说这一局部译文需要有个主语。下文紧接着提到“有条件的地方”,因此前面一句用those areas that.为主语就非常恰当了。例3至例5分别以This concept,Creativity和opinions为主语,也就是说都是把原文的宾语用作主语,但谓语局部各不一样,例3用了被动语态,例4和例5都是主动语态,但构造不同。由此可见,即便都是把宾语用作主语,谓语局部也要依据实际需要而定。 二怎样处理主谓搭配? 有时假如译

7、文照搬原文的主谓搭配会感到很别扭,这就是需要变动一下主语。一种常见的方法是到主语局部中的定语里找一个词来作主语,后面的谓语可能好安排一点。 例6我国经济进展分三步走,本世纪走两步,到达温饱和小康,下个世纪用三十年到五十年时间再走一步,到达中等兴旺国家的水平。 China is developing its economy in three steps. Two steps will be taken in this century, to reach the point where our people have adequate food and clothing and lead a fa

8、irly comfortable life. The third step, which will take us 30 to 50 years into the next century, is to reach the level of the moderately developed countries. 例7我国的经济进展,总要力争隔几年上一个台阶。 In developing the economy, we should strive to reach a higher level every few years. 例8 同时,我们的对外开放实行了多种方式,包括搞经济特区,开放十四个

9、沿海城市。 In the meantime, we have implemented the policy of opening China to the outside world in many ways, including setting up special economic zones and opening 14 coastal cities. 例9改革开放以来,我们立的章程并不少,而且是全方位的。经济、政治、科技、训练、文化、军事、外交等各个方面都有明确的方针和政策,而且有精确的表述语言。 Sine we introduced the reform and the open p

10、olicy, we have drawn up many rules and regulations covering all fields of endeavor. Clear-cut guidelines and policies concerning economic and political affairs, science and technology, education, culture and military and foreign affairs have been worked out and expressed in precise terms. 这四个例子,原文的主

11、语分别是“我国经济进展”、“我国的经济进展”、“我们的对外开放”和“我们立的章程”。译文若保持原文的主语,后面的谓语就很难安排。现在译文用China和we作主语,例9的其次句把宾语变为主语,这样后面的谓语就好安排了。看来,把主语局部中的定语拿出来作主语,不失为一个好方法。 另一个方法是依据上下文来确定或引入一个词语作主语,以与后面的谓语形成较好的搭配,使句子读起来顺畅。 例10改革开放迈不开步伐,不敢闯,说来说去就是怕资本主义的东西多了,走了资本主义道路。要害是姓“资”还是姓“社”的问题。 The reason some people hesitate to carry out the ref

12、orm and the open policy and dare not break new ground is, in essence, that theyre afraid it would mean introducing too many elements of capitalism and, indeed, taking the capitalist road. The crux of the matter is whether the road is capitalist or socialist. 例11农业实行多种经营,因地制宜,该种粮食的地方种粮食,该种经济作物的地方种经济作

13、物,不仅粮食大幅度增长,经济作物也大幅度增长。 By diversifying agriculture in accordance with local conditions, the peasants have grown grain and cash crops in places suited to them and have substantially increased the output of both. 例12社会主义进展生产力,成果是属于人民的。 Under socialism, when the productive forces are developed, the re

14、sult belongs to the people. 例13电视一翻开,尽是会议。 Every time you turn on the television, you see a meeting being held. 这四个例子,主语都不长,都没有定语,但在译文中保持原文的主谓搭配也是不行能的。从英语的角度看,“改革开放”怎能“迈步伐”?“农业”怎能“实行多种经营”?“社会主义”怎能“进展生产力”?“电视”自己也不能“翻开”。例10,从上下文看,说的是一局部人的状况,因此译文加了some people作主语,后半句加they作主语也就顺理成章了。其次句“姓资还是姓社”前面缺一个主语。既然

15、前面一句已经提到the capitalist road,其次句译文以the road作主语就很便利了。例11加了the peasants作主语统管全句,和后面的谓语也就简单接上了。例12确定把原文的宾语“生产力”作为主语,后接被动语态。例13引进you作主语统管全句,读起来通顺自然。若一个主语能管究竟,中间不要换主语,英语特别重视这一点。 例14不搞争辩,是我的一个创造。不争辩,是为了争取时间干。一争辩就简单了,把时间都争掉了,什么也干不成。 It was my idea to discourage contention, so as to have more time for action. Once disputes begin, they complicate matters and waste a lot of time. A


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