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1、新陕旅版小学英语六年级下册Unit6 A School Sale第一课时教学设计学校:甘肃省通渭县西关小学执教教师:陈红丽Unit 6 A School Sale The First Period一、教学目标(Teaching Aims)1.Can listen、speak、read and write the words:notebook, magazine, glue, story book, model plane, toy car, a pair of scissors.2.Can use the words to make up the dialogues.3.Can communi

2、cate with the words we have learned this lesson.4.Learn the structures: 1.There will be . 2. use sth. to do sth. 3. give sth. to sb.=give sb.sth.二、教学重、难点(Key Points and Difficult Points)1.Can use the words to make up the dialogues and communicate with the words we have learned this lesson.2.Can use

3、the structures: (1) There will be . ( 2) use sth. to do sth. ( 3) give sth. to sb.=give sb.sth.三、情感目标(Emotion Aims)1.培养学生从小树立关爱他人的意识,养成乐于助人、乐于奉献的良好品质。2.提高学生的组织能力,培养学生的团队合作精神。四、教学准备(Preparations)1.教师准备Lets learn 部分的词汇教学卡片和实物。2.教师准备本课时的PPT教学课件。五、教学过程(Teaching Process)(一)导入(Leading in)1.热身(Warming up)S

4、tudents and teacher sing the English songRain,Rain,Go Away.,使学生更快更好的融入到英语课堂的学习氛围中。2.新课导入T:Today we will learn the new lesson.Lets look at the screen.What are they doing? Ss:They are buying and selling somethings.T: Where are they buying and selling?Ss:At School .T: Yes.Maybe its a school sale.(教师书写题

5、目,学生齐读题目,并且学习新词sale)3.Learn the new words.T: Look at my hand.Whats this?Ss:Its a notebook.T:Yes,notebook.Show me your fingers and lets write the words together.T:Look!How many notebooks?Ss:Two notebooks.T:Yes.Look! What is this? Is this a notebook?Ss:No, its a magazine.T:Yes,magazine.Show me your fi

6、ngers and lets write magazine together.(The teacher uses the same way to teach these words:storybook,model plane,toy car,glue,a pair of scissors.)4.The teacher plays the word videos and students reads the words follow it.5.Play a game and check the words.6.Learn the structures Structure1(1)A: There

7、will be a sale at our school. What will you sell?B: I will sell _notebook_ .A: What will you do with the money?B: I use it to .(2) Learn the phrases: use sth. to do sth(3)Practise the structure.Structure2(1)A: There will be a sale at our school. What will you sell?B: I will sell _ .A: What will you

8、do with the money?B: I give it to .(2)Learn the phrases: give sth. to sb.=give sb.sth.(3)Practise the structure.7.Practice Activities(1) Look at the pictures and listen to the music.(2) Role Play.(教师在大屏幕上呈现不同图片的对话,学生在下面两人一组练习并表演)8.Writing:(写一篇有关下周我们学校拍卖会的短文,并且谈谈你将要出售的东西,短文开头已给出。) School Sale There will be a school sale at our school next week.I will sell.,I will get much money.I will give the money to.9.Summary and homework.10.Blackboard Designstory booktoy carnotebookmodel planemagazinegluea pair of scissorsUnit 6 A School Sale


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