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1、大学生的三分钟英语演讲稿范文 英语演讲稿范文一chan the wordchange urelve oo venin, hoabe jdges,ladies and gentmen。 it&uo; great pleasure totad hre to present myspeech;chane theworld, hane ourselves。 itrqo; noticabletha wetrn holiday ae becomig increasngly pular d y day,while chinse taditonl fstivalsae binowa negectd。 not

2、l befoeabot 10 dctors n beijin unierity and qnghua unversity anoncd ht w shoul rejt th nvasin of stern olids ,because hey reard wenolidasas an halenge aainturtraditia fstivals and cuture。 fnlyspaking,i don’ quit aree with m。ineed,we hould nver neglect o eve dsrd our tanal festals s chin oast i

3、llian hstoy ad spndid traditns。 (exmes)。but why ca&rquo;t we bsorb the eigfu wester hidys an cultr。ther ae obvsrason why somewsternolidaysreso poplar chin。 o the oehan,some of e wester hoiays whi w chse on&squo;t have are reonal n meang, sc as fahr’sdy nd pril fool□s day etc。 onte oter nd,

4、he prelenc glbalizti enbe wester cuture trevai in china。 overwhelmed b sua trend,inesenonsiciouly getinvolvd n estern holidayandcultur。 with the further devlmet of th whole wrld, he cuturalcmmuncation etwn differnt ouries ad nations eomes fatr an r and importan。 we aeinee rom differ nains, ut w are

5、the cizs f the e wl, so the tstding culture ofdfferentnationsis the commo walth of eryoe on theeat。theonly ay for us to rtecto adtinal clture is to rejet he forein cuturete answe s definitelyno。 wht we oght o dois to pareno ffo tdute chinese ogt tokow antreasure r slendid aitiosinsead of rejeingfore

6、ig clure。only by eucatig canwe stu confidence ad beli toards o cure。onl by educaingcne preserve an promot the alhtha ouranceses left for。 lat i&rquo;dlike t hare afamosesang f adhi hall of ou ,at s:if o wat to changet worl, thenyoumst hange yourself firs。”; 英语演讲稿范文二 aseryoe knws,engish i erymprtntod

7、ay.it a been ue everywhere ie wold.t as beo the mo coonlaga o intrnet and or inentinl trade f we anseak enlhwll,we wil have moe chance tosucedbecause r and mr peopleae tknnotco i,he nuber of hpeoe wh go o ln egish s inase at a ghspeed. bt fr el,i ler english not nlecuseof itimpotane ad its ueflness,

8、but also bausef my love f i.we i learn englih,ian feel a diffeent aftnkg wich ives meor rom otch he orld.whn i ed glish noels,i cn fl thepleasue fo the okich siferen fromreding t trslation.wen i seknglsh, i ca fee he nidet ro my wrdswhen i wte englih,can se te beauywic i not theame s our ines. i ove

9、 englis,it givs me colorful .i ho can travelarun he world oneday. wi my godenglish, ian make feds wih any peopero diffretcorie.i can se any plas o gr intes.ieamhat i ca t londn,bcus itithe bith paeof enlih. also wntouse m good glish tince our grea pace tohe nglishspken pepe,i hope that hey can ove r

10、 coylk u kow, me ot bil in a a. blievetat fterctinuou hrdsudy, oe day peak englis ver ell i you watobe loed, yu should lea to ov be lvble.o i blive s i loeengls everyday , it will o to. am u at i illrelize y ram on day! 英语演讲稿范文三smsa gowi up i ich faml pmte chidrn#39;s prsoity ancaracer. sm thik oter

11、wise. wt's your opiniowh well, it';s quit questio arged bepl ll thtme think prsn#39; personyas ltle relaton to s famy economic lvl. it's omony sad a a child ini famy wl asmr cne and bettercoicfo his sudy however, ifte id hiself ist awae of i, that is allin vin. i'snot unusualthat

12、may cilre om rih family are quiude and coceitd although they are alwas receithe btedat. tn, hoaut te poo amily's chiren thee s anoter saying that dersity cultvas heroes. t be onet,i agree with ittoo. poor cildnshoul lerhader andach ry cn to strnghenemseve hwever, the relity is ofen not ke tht. subectiveyspking, childrneay to el inferir a uscan&#; udyell ve ifhy std ll, the arl dowlipracticiiityobctiel seakin, poor childrn canhdl receive goodand ptiul eduatn


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