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1、Module 3 The Violence of Nature Part III GrammarLearning aims: 1.To get Ss to master the usage of the attributive clause(定语从句).Learning contents: the points in the papers. Learning difficult points: 定语从句I. 请同学们回忆一下定语从句的基本用法:定语从句由关系代词_whose、as和关系副词_等引导。 一.指人的关系代词有who、whose(=of whom)、whom、that.1. The

2、old man _ we visited yesterday is a famous artist. 2. Miss Wang is taking care of the child _ parents have gone to Beijing . 3. The man _ my father shook hands just now is our headmaster.二指物的关系代词有which、whose(=of which)、that1. I like the books _ were written by Lu Xun. 2. The desks _we made last year

3、 were very good. 3. This is the house _ we lived in last year. =This is the house _ we lived last year. 4. I live in the room _ windows face south. =I live in the room ,the windows _ face south. 介词+ which/ whom 1. The dress _ which she was particular was returned to change for another one.2. We came

4、 to the place _ they had never paid a visit before.3. He referred me to some reference books _ which I am not very familiar.4.This is our classroom, _which there is a teachers desk.II.将下列两个单句合并成定语从句1. The boys are from Class One. The boys are playing football. _2. Mr. Ling is just the boy. I want to

5、 see Mr. Ling. _3. There is somebody here. Somebody wants to speak to you. _4. Football is a game. Football is liked by most boys. _5. This is the house. I was born in the house. _6. Do you know the woman? Her son saved the boys life. _定语从句由关系代词who、whom、whose、which、as和关系副词where、when、why等引导,但须记住: 1.w

6、hat不能引导定语从句. 2.关系词的分析须考虑它在定语从句中的成分。一、非限定性定语从句,不用that,而用which,who,whom的情况1.He made the same mistakes again ,_ made his parents very angry.2.Yesterday I bought a dictionary, _ cost me more than 100 yuan .3.Mr Smith, _ gave a talk several months ago, will come again.4.My uncle has come back from abroad

7、,_ I havent met for a long time.5. The committee consists of 20 members, 5 of _ are women.6. The book contains 50 poems, most of _ was written in 1930s.7. I have a sentence, the meaning of _ I dont understand.二指物的关系副词有 where. when. why 1. The library _ students often study was on fire last night.The

8、 library, _ was built in the 1930s, needs repairing.The library _ you visited yesterday was built in 1990.2. I will never forget the day _ you worked with us.I will never forget the day _ we spent together.3.Can you tell me the reason _ you couldnt concentrate on the lesson?He didnt tell me the reas

9、on _ he explained to his teacher.4.I dont like the way _ you spoke to your mother.Can you tell me the way _ you found to solve the problem? 模糊的地点名词 point 程度,点; situation境况,情景 ;case情况;scene场景 在定于从句中做状语,关系词习惯用where occasion 场合,情况 关系词习惯用when1.Can you think of a situation _ the expression can be used?2.

10、The thing reached a point _ both groups fought with each other.3.You cant imagine the scene _ thousands of people were killed in the terrible earthquake in Haiti.4.There are some marks on his trousers _ he often wipes his hands.三.注意:某些关系代词的选择与使用规则。 A. 介词如果位于作为其宾语的关系代词之前时,只能用whom、 which不能用who或that. (

11、1). The girl about whom they were talking is our monitor. (2). The book in which there are many interesting things was written by Li Ming. B. 部分短语动词中的介词不可与动词拆开,在定语从句中其介词不可前置,只能放在其动词之后。 (1)Is this the book which she is looking for? (2)The old man who/whom they are waiting for is Professor Li. (3)The

12、child who/whom she is looking after is Wang Pings son. C. 指物时,下列情况下只能用that ,不宜用which。 (1)先行词为不定代词,如all、much、anything、everything、nothing、something、none、the one等。 We are willing to do anything that is good to the people. I have told them all (that) I know. All that can be done has been done. (2)先行词是序数词或被序数词、修饰时。 The first book that I read last night was an English novel. (3)先行词是形容词最高级或被最高级修饰时。 This is one of the most interesting films that I have ever seen. This is the best that can be done now. (4)如果有两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的先行词时(先行词既有人又有物),定语从句的关系代词用which和who都不合适,只能用tha


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