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1、英语词汇记忆法 1. 目标:熟悉和掌握: (“没有语法人们表达的东西很少,但是如果没有词汇就什么都表达不了。”)a: 英语六级大纲词汇中的1340个词汇; TOEFL:8000-15000 托福GRE:10000-30000 b: 英语中的200多个基本词根及词汇记忆法(立体记忆法) c: 在4000四级词汇的基础上力争把词汇量扩展到6500-70002“立体记忆法”的基本内容: a. 词根、词源法: 约占75% 85% b. 拟音、同音、近音联想法 5% c. 同形、近形联想法5% d. 同义、反义词 其它5%Word List 1.A.学习重点:熟悉和掌握词根: cess- (走);mod

2、-(模式,方式);dict-(说);her-(粘,连);ject-(扔,抛);mini-(小);oli-(ali-)(成长);ora-(嘴;说);vers-(转);flict-(打击);ag-(做);grav-(重)abnormal a.不正常的,反常的;变态的 BT, 分析 (ab-: away + norm:标准 +- al ) 同源词:normal a. normalize, (normal school),abnormally enormous a. abnormality n. e-:out ex-abolish vt.废除,废止 ( a law, slavery) 分析 (ab-:

3、away + oli- = ali-: to nourish,grow, feed) (记忆口诀:not to feed (so as to let it die) n.青少年时期 growing, adolescence adult old ad-= to, abolition n. abolitionist n. 废除主义者alumni association, alumnae, Alma Mater, abortion n.流产;堕胎 (forced abortion) 分析 (ab-:away, not + ori-: to rise, east, sun + -tion) (记忆口诀

4、:没能升起的太阳)aborted (plan) coup, origin n. gen-:originate v. originative, read English novels in original orient n/v. 东方 (the O), 定方向 (quality-oriented education, money-ed enterprise) sex orientation, homosexual, gay, lesbian, occident n.西方 (the Occident) cid- = cad- = fall, accident, incident, coincid

5、ence, New Oriental, aborted a.流产的;(计划等)中途失败的 an aborted plan abrupt a.突然的;鲁莽的 分析 (ab-:away + rupt-: break) abruptly ad.突然地;鲁莽地erupt v. break out, e-:out, ex-corrupt a./v.腐败的,使堕落totally broken, (cor-:con-,com-: with, together) anti-corruption campaign, corruption n. interrupt v.打断 inter-: into, betwe

6、en, break intointeractive, disrupt vt. absurd a.荒谬的;可笑的; absurdity ridiculous How absurd you are!abundance n.丰富;大量 ( scarcity,rareness) 分析 (ab-:away + unda-:water, wave + -ance) (记忆口诀:多得几乎要溢出来)abundant a.丰富的,充足的 (rich, plenty)undulate v.波动; inundate v. 泛滥;淹没 into + unda- + -ate redundant a.多余的,过剩的;

7、redundance a. re-: again, backaccessory n.附件;妇女饰品; 帮凶,从犯 分析 (ac-:to, toward + cess-: go + -ory) access, go togain access to(in)accessible a. (不)可以接近的 stern, ible- = able, can only be accessible by means of boat, concede v. concession, con- + cess-:success, successor, predecessor n. suc-= sub-: under

8、process, procedure, ancestor n.祖先; anti-: before, ancient, precedent n.先例 (president) sid-: sit, unprecedented a., accommodate vt. 能容纳; 提供膳宿;使适应;给方便,通融 分析 (ac-:to + com-:together + mod-:mode, manner + -ate)(记忆口诀:适应就是与某种模式、方式保持一致)accommodation n. mode, model, (im)moderate, Gang of Four, gangster, mod

9、erate statesman, radical a. modern, modest,modify, GM food -fy vt. genetically modified food. modem n.调制解调器 /This classroom can accommodate 300 people./ /accommodate oneself to/ including accommodation, 6000 acquaint vt.使认识(+with);使熟悉(with) acquaint oneself with, acquaintance nodding :点头之交“Auld Lang

10、 Sign” = Old Long TimeShould auld acquaintance be forgotAnd never brought to mind. addict vt./n.使成瘾;使沉溺 ( +to) 分析 (ad-:to + dict-: to say) (记忆口诀:对某物上瘾就是时时刻刻说着、念叨着该物) diction n.措词; Walking dictionary, addictive a.上瘾的be addicted to drug (computer games), narcotics, Narcissus, F1, Helen, cocaine, heroi

11、ne hero, contradict v. counter contradiction n.矛盾 predict v. predictor, predictable a. prophet, Mohumed, dictate v. dictation n. dictator n.proletariat dictatorship, adhere v.粘附;坚持(+to) 分析 (ad-:toward + her-, hesi-: to attach, cling to系,粘) ac-: (in) coherent a.连贯的;协调的;(话语等)条理清楚的, co-: = con-, com-to

12、 speak incoherently, (in)coherence n. cohesion n.凝聚力 (national ), her- = hesi-:hesitate v. hesitant a.踌躇的If you have any question, please do not feel hesitant to ask me. inherent a. in = inner, inherent virtue, inherent beauty, be born with a silver spoon in ones mouth, in-born a. innate a. nat-: na

13、ture, native, naked, 光胴胴literal a. How are you?How old are you?adherent n.追随者; adhesive a./n.粘的;胶粘剂, adjacent a.毗连的,邻近的 remote a. (remove) 分析 (ad-:to+ jac- = ject-: throw,cast + -ent) (记忆口诀: 近得在投掷范围之内)subject, sub-: under + ject-:suffer vt. suf-=sub- + fer-: carry, be subject to subjective, object to project vt. projector, pro-: forward, reject, re-: backinject vt. target, injection, adjoin v.毗连 (ad- + join) adjoining province, administer vt.管理;实施;给与(药)(ad- + minister) mini-: minister, -est, ministry, (记忆口诀:管理是由大臣、部长们来


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