My e-friend教学预案.docx

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1、My e-friend教学预案如东县丰利镇丰利小学 戴宁【教学目标】:1. The students can understand and read the new words.2. The students can understand the whole dialogues. 3. The students can learn in groups and introduce the e-friend with the mind map.4. The students can realize which e-friend is worthy making.【教学重难点】1. The stud

2、ents can learn in groups and introduce the e-friend with the mind map.2. The students can realize which e-friend is worthy making.【教学准备】:白板课件、板书、希沃授课助手【教学过程】:Step1 Pre-reading1. Daily reportT:Its time for our daily report. Lets see who the lucky dog is.(交互白板效果:屏幕上随机抽取学号)T:Lets welcome.T: Well done.

3、Big hands for Boys and girls, I want to see your beautiful smile and hear your loud voice, just like Okay?2. Lead in the titleT: Well, today lets learn Unit6T: Who can read?T: Do you know “e-friend”? (QQ, Wechat, Microblog提示音)Ss:a kind of friend./never meet/ chat on the InternetT: E-friendWe can cha

4、t with them on the Internet with QQ. Wechat and email.(teach email)Step2 While-reading1.Look and say(呈现较模糊的图或快速闪现的图)T: Look, here are our friends in the story. Who are they?T: What can you see in this picture?T:Maybe he wants to T:What does he say?T: Can Wang Bing go with him now?2. Listen and answe

5、rT: Lets listen. He says (teach: wait a minute) Why? Why cant he play football now?(teach: send this email)T: Today lets talk about this boy. Present: Peter图片Q: Whose e-friend is he?Q: Who is he?3. Think and askT: What do you want to know about Peter? (板书问题)4. Watch and answer(解决学生的问题)T: You can tak

6、e notes.5. Read and underlineT: Wow, you are so curious about Peter. So does Liu Tao. Here are his questions. Do we have the answers? Please read and find the answers. You can underline the key information.T: Now you can work in pairs.T: Lets check. Qs: (1) Who is your e-friend? (2) How old is he?(3

7、)Can he speak Chinese? (4) Does he have Chinese lessons at school? (5) What subjects does he like? (6)Does he like playing football?6. Check and learn(处理4、5环节)(1)Where does he live? 处理:呈现贴有几张国旗的地图,学生寻找the UK,线索为Peter的衣服。学生继续配对美国日本等,使之初步感知这些国家的地理位置并进行适当的文化渗透;询问:Where does Wang Bing live?地图上呈现两者远距离,从而

8、引出并教授 send an e-mail(2) How old is he?追问:What about Wang Bing?What about you?T: So they have the similar age.(3)Can he speak Chinese?T:I believe if you can speak English well, you can also make many English friends.(4) Does he have Chinese lessons at school?T: What does he do after school?追问:Who tea

9、ches Peter Chinese?(S:His Chinese teacher, Wang Bing)T:Wang Bing teaches Peter Chinese. Peter can teach him English.So they can learn from each other.(5) What subjects does he like?T: What subjects do you like? S:T: What subjects does she like? S: (6)Does he like playing football?T: What do you thin

10、k of him? (Ss: strong, like sports)T: So he is healthy and energetic.(7)Talk about the students questions.(解决学生提的书上没有的问题)7. Reading time8. Retell the storyStep3. Post-reading1. Listen and guessT: This is Wang Bings e-friend. Look, Miss Dai has an e-friend too. Can you guess some information about he

11、r?2. Make a conclusionT: How to introduce an e-friend? Anything else?My e-friend23国旗图1.0._s e-friend3. Do a survey4. Do a reportThis is s e-friend. He is He lives in He likes5. Think and say Q: Is Peter a good e-friend?What quality should a good e-friend/friend have in your eyes?Tip: Making an e-friend is not a bad thing. But we should know how to choose a good e-friend.Step 4 Homework1.Do the assignment in“一起作业网”2. Draw a mind map about yourself and try to introduce yourself.Blackboard design. Peter 图Peterthe UK11



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