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1、第三节 幽默技巧一、概述英国哲学家,散文家培根说:“善谈者必善幽默。”幽默(humor)一词韦氏词典的释义是:that quality which appeals to a sense of the ridiculous or absurdly in congruous。通俗地说,幽默是引人发笑的语言,是智慧的结晶。幽默的语言,可以融洽交谈气氛;幽默的语言,可以助你解除困境;幽默的语言,可以使批评含蓄而深刻;幽默的语言,可以让你的谈话更耐人寻味。人人都会说话,但并非人人说话都幽默。幽默是生活中的“味精”,没有幽默,生活就会枯燥无味。大思想家,大政治家,通常也是大幽默家。在美国,幽默感往往是衡量

2、一个官员是否有魅力的标准之一。但是,美国人的笑话与中国人的笑话不同。美国人的笑话重俏皮机智,中国笑话重后味,笑话里总含着点什么。比如小丑,美国剧中小丑大多纯为逗乐,中国戏中小丑往往含着寓意,大概是由于中国长期处于封建社会的压抑,话不能直说,便藏在笑话中,也就是幽默艺术的高深。美国现代文学中的“Black humor”把笑的内容引入深处,其要素为“自嘲”,乃是人在困境中无以摆脱,苦中作乐,用嘲弄自己的办法嘲弄社会。因此,我们在使用Humor时应当注意交际双方文化的差异,不然不仅达不到幽默的目的,反而会使交际双方陷入困境。幽默这种艺术形式,需要学会一定的语言技巧才能灵活运用。二、幽默技巧1. 你的

3、幽默应与主题有关。2. 讲笑话必须事先考虑暗示。听众并不知道你要讲笑话,这样才能自然,并带给人一种意外的惊喜。3. 讽喻。比喻和幽默是手段和效果的关系。讽喻,既能变抽象为具体,更能产生幽默风趣的艺术效果。4. 影射。借甲指乙,是揭露生活中不通情达理之处的有效手段。5. 双关。双关即言在此而意在彼,含义深刻,耐人咀嚼,能引起人们的思考和联想。6. 借一词多义,造成歧义词和歧义句。7. 偷换概念。8. 隐含判断法。9. 虚张声势;旁敲侧击。10. 运用谬联因果。11. 答非所问。12. 反话正说,正话反说。13. 幽默必须用简洁的语言表示。14. 笑话的选择应该适合情境和听众的类型15. 幽默四忌

4、:忌表意不清;忌粗鄙庸俗;忌淫邪下流;忌尖刻无礼。三、活用幽默(Interesting Humor stories)1. A chemistry professor was showing the properties of various acids (酸). Watch carefully, he instructed. I am going to drop this two shilling pieces into this glass of acid. Will it dissolve (溶化)?No,sir spoke up one student very promptly.No?

5、 asked the professor. Perhaps youll explain to the class why it wouldnt dissolve.Because. came the answer, if it would, you wouldnt drop it in.2. One of the guests turned to a man by his side and criticized the woman who was singing.What a terrible voice! Do you know who is she?Yes, was the answer.

6、She is my wife.Oh, I beg your pardon. Of course her voice isnt bad, but the song is very bad. I wonder who wrote that awful song?I did. was the answer.3. A small boy, losing his mother in a supermarket, ran through the aisles yelling frantically, Elaine! Elaine!When his mother found him, she scolded

7、(责备)him, “Bobby, it isnt polite to call me Elaine. You should always call me Mother. I know, Bobby replied through his tears, but this place is full of mothers and I wanted to be sure I got the right one.4. A young man fell into a state of coma (昏迷), but recovered before his friends had buried him.

8、One of them asked what it felt like to be dead.Dead! he exclaimed. I wasnt dead. And I knew I wasnt, because my feet were cold and I was hungry.But how did that make you sure?Well, I knew that if I were in heaven I shouldnt he hungry, and if I was in the other place my feet wouldnt be cold.5. Aunt H

9、attie, putting on her hat after a Sunday afternoon visit to one of her married nephews, said to eight-year old Johnny.And young man, would you like to walk with me to the bus stop?No, Johnny said.Why not? asked Aunt Hattie.Because we are going to start eating dinner as soon as you go.6. A new Englan

10、d had bought a new fire engine (救火车), and the chief of the fire department, after gathering all the boys together, suggested that an appropriate motto (格言) be placed over the fire house. The thing was debated as some length and several suggestions were made. Finally one man rose up and said:I move t

11、he following motto: May this fire engine be like all the old maids in our village always ready, but never called for 7. Mr. Barton lived in a suburban (郊区) town. His wife asked him to buy a shirtwaist for her while in New York. After telling the salesgirl what he was after, she displayed a number.He

12、re are some very pretty ones. What color do you prefer?It doesnt make any difference. replied Mr. Barton.Doesnt it make any difference! exclaimed the salesgirl.Why, dont you think your wife would like a certain color?No, it makes no difference what color I get or what size I shall have to come back

13、tomorrow to have it changed.8. A learned scientist was attending a dinner, and as cigars were being indulged in one of the guests began to decide philosophy. He went on rudely to express the opinion that philosopher was but another way of spelling fool.What is your opinion, professor? he asked smili

14、ngly. Is there much distance between them?The professor surveyed his boorish vis-a-vis keeny for a moment (目光犀利地把那个坐在饭桌他对面的粗鄙汉子上下打量了一番), then with a polite bow responded:Sometimes only the width of a table.9. George Von Lengerke Meyer, Ex-secretary of the Navy (海军部长), like most of us, is occasionall

15、y given to exaggeration (言过其实). Here is one rather neat example of Mr. Meyer in action:He was describing a voyage one night.While cruising in the Pacific. said he, we passed an island positively red with lobsters.But, interrupted one of the guests, lobsters are not red until boiled.Of course not, Mr. Meyer replied, but this was a volca


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