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1、 新概念英语第一册自学导读 Lessons9-10(3)当全部关系中指的是某件东西或某种物质时,whose后面的名词可以省略: 2全部格形容词和全部格代词(1) (1)全部格形容词与全部格代词都表示全部,即某人或某物属于某一个人,答复以whose引导的问句。全部格形容词my,your等是限定词,必需始终放在名词之前,只能作定语。它们的形式取决于全部者,而不是被拥有的东西。全部格代词mine,yours等不能用在名词前,并且在说话时要加重语气。它们指人或物,单数或复数都一样。请见下表: 如: This is my car. 这是我的汽车。(定语) That is her coat. 这是她的上衣

2、。(定语) Your car is red,mine is blue. 你的车是红色的,我的是蓝色的。(主语) This book is his,not yours. 这本书是他的,不是你的。(表语) I have my way, and she has hers. 我有我的处事方式,她有她的。(宾语) (2)名词全部格是在词尾加-”s构成的,不仅可作定语,还可作表语: Is this Dave”s shirt? 这是戴夫的衬衫吗?(作定语) Whose is that shirt? Is it your daughter”s? 那条裙子是谁的?是你女儿的吗?(作表语) 练习答案 Key to

3、 written exercises Lesson 12 A 1 Stella is here. That is her car. 2 Excuse me, Steven. Is this your umbrella? 3 I am an air hostess. My name is Britt. 4 Paul is here, too. That is his coat. B 1 Whose is this handbag? It”s Stella ”s. It”s her handbag. 2 Whose is this car? It”s Paul”s. It”s his car. 3

4、 Whose is this coat? It”s Sophie ”s. It”s her coat. 4 Whose is this umbrella? It”s Steven”s. It”s his umbrella. 5 Whose is this pen? It”s my daughter”s. It”s her pen. 6 Whose is this dress? It”s my son”s. It”s his dress. 7 Whose is this suit? It”s my father”s. It”s his suit. 8 Whose is this skirt? I

5、t”s my mother”s. It”s her skirt. 9 Whose is this blouse? It”s my sister”s. It”s her blouse. 10 Whose is this tie? It”s my brother”s. It”s his tie. 11 Whose is this pen? It”s Sophie”s. It”s her pen. 12 Whose is this pencil? It”s Hans”. It”s his pencil. 词汇学习 Word study 1perhaps adv. 或许,也许,可能: Perhaps it is, sir. 或许是,先生。 Perhaps it will rain. 或许要下雨了。 Perhaps it”s Sophie”s handbag. 或许这是索菲娅的手提包。 2catch v. (1)接住,挡住: Catch! 接着! (2)逮住,捕获: catch a thief 捉住一个贼 (3)染上(疾病): catch a cold 伤风 I have caught a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。



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