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1、 2022职称英语考试综合类C级模拟试题及答案五(8)mourn(致哀)the dead. The president and the state governor both hurried there to share the (51). But the majority of Americans still cling to their right to (52) weapons. Strictly speaking,the US is not the only country (53)gun violence has destroyed lives, families and commu

2、nities in everyday circumstance. But the US is one of the (54) countries that seem unwilling and politically incapable of doing anything serious to stop it. In countries like Britain and Canada, the government adopted stricter (55) control soon after serious gun violence incidents US leadershowever,

3、are held(56)by the gun lobby(院外活动集团)and the electoral(选举的)system. The powerful National Rifle Association, the major supporter of gun (57) in the US,is too strong for any party to take on Most Republicans oppose gun control anyway (58)the years,the Democrats have found that they can either campaign

4、for gun control or win power, not (59); they prefer power According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics,firearm(火器)incidents accounted (60)nine percent of the 4.7million violent crimes in 2022. So,although opinion polls show most Americans want stricter gun laws,many dont want to give up their ar

5、ms they (61)to protect themselves. Dave Hancock,a Virginia gun lover, is one example. In an interview he said,“If one professor in the Virginia incident had been carrying a legal weapon,they might have been able to (62)all this.” In his opinion, the massacre(*)is an argument for more people to carry

6、 weapons,not fewerBut at the root of Americans clinging to the right to bear arms is not just a fear of Crime, but a mistrust of (63),commented UKs Guardian newspaper. One Virginia resident who had a permit to carry a concealed(隐蔽的)firearm,told the Guardian that it was (64)Americans responsibility t

7、o have a gun. “Each person,”he said”should not rely solely (65)the government for protection.” 51. A. ceremony B. funeral C. grief D. tears52. A. own B. make C. destroy D. trade53. A. while B. which C. that D. where54. A. some B. few C. much D. little55. A. rocket B. knife C. gun D. bullet56. A. hos

8、tage B. office C. person D. home57. A. fire B. attacks C. violence D. rights58. A. Since B. Over C. Till D. Until59. A. either B. both C. each D. one60. A. of B. off C. out D. for61. A. hide B. buy C. keep D. sell62. A. stop B. cover C. shoot D. interrupt63. A. guards B. government C. students D. professors64. A. many B. few C. all D. every65. A. in B. on C. at D. from 参考答案: CADBC ADBBD CABDB


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