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1、词以“群”分“用法”各异used to; be used to; get used to1. Computers _ do many things for people now.2. She _ work in a small factory before she came here. 3. The boss is glad that the new workers _ hard work now.4. He asked if I _ driving on the left while I was traveling in England. 5. They _ play golf, didnt

2、 they?Key: 1. are used to 2. used to 3. are / get used to 4. was / got used to 5. used to解析:used to意为“过去常常”,后接动词原形;常用来表示今昔对比,暗含不那样做了(如2和5)。be used to接动词原形, 表示“被用来做某事”(如1);而be / get used to后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式,表示“习惯于;适应”(如3和4)。“能力”有别ability; capacity; potential 1. The health center serves all patients, r

3、egardless of their _ to pay. 2. One of their children has the _ to be a brilliant scientist.3. The children were born without the _ to walk. 4. Children have a remarkable _ to learn language.5. The company has the _ to build 1,500 trucks a year.6. My son has acting _, but he needs a lot of training.

4、 7. The hall has a seating _ of 2, 000 persons.Key: 1. ability 2. potential 3. ability 4. capacity / ability 5. capacity 6. potential 7. capacity解析:ability既指天赋的“能力”(如3),也指培养造就而获得的“本领;才能”或已经表现出来的实际“能力”(如1和4)。capacity 用于物时,指“(容纳接受的)能力”(如7);生产能力(如5),有时可翻译为“容量;容积”;用于人时,一般不指体力,多指才智、道德等方面,尤其指接受能力等(如4)。pot

5、ential表示“潜在的能力;可能性”(如2和6)。refuse; reject 1. Judge Gifford _ the defenses request.2. All apples with soft spots _, even in the Christmas Rush.3. The horse _ the apple.4. Gibson _ the idea as “absurd”.5. How can he _ to obey the order as a soldier? 6. Tom _ by the army because of his bad eyesight.7. U

6、nder the law, doctors cannot _ patients access to their own medical records. 8. My brother asked her to marry him, but she _. Key: 1. rejected / refused 2. were rejected 3. refused / rejected 4. rejected 5. refuse6. was rejected 7. refuse 8. refuse解析:两者都作“拒绝”讲,指不去做别人要求你做的事或不接受别人提供的某物(如1和3)。但refuse更常

7、接表示“邀请、许可”等意义的词;且既可作不及物动词(如8),也可作及物动词,并可接双宾语(如7)或接to do sth.(如5);而reject常作及物动词,并且态度上更坚定、更具权威性、更正式(如1);更常接表示“建议、提议、报价、理论”等意义的词(如4);还可表示“(在就业、入学等方面)拒绝、不选中(某人)”(如6)或“因无用或不好而丢弃(产品)”(如2)。allow; allow for 1. We do not _ eating in the classroom.2. It will take you half an hour to get to the station, _ traf

8、fic delays. 3. Passengers _ one item of hand luggage each.4. _ this train being late, we should be back by 10:30.5. Sometimes a loophole (漏洞) in the law _ someone to escape being punished.6. Our new system will _ more efficient use of resources.7. Even if they are in prison, they _ out on Sundays, o

9、r holidays such as Christmas, Easter.Key: 1. allow 2. allowing for3. are allowed 4. Allowing for5. allows6. allow for 7. are allowed解析:allow意为“允许;准许;准进入”,常后接名词或动词-ing形式(如1),也可接双宾语(如3)或带不定式或副词短语的复合宾语(如5和7);allow for意为“考虑到;顾及;为留出余地”,介词for后接名词(如2和6)或带动词-ing形式的复合宾语(如4)。怎样才“合适”?fit; fit in 1. The boy is

10、growing so fast that his clothes dont _ him. 2. Can you _ another person in the back seat?3. I couldnt find a key which _ the lock and couldnt open the door. 4. I need to _ a lock on the bathroom door.5. I wasnt sure if she would _ with my friends.6. We must try and _ a visit to Westminster Abbey wh

11、ile were in London. Key: 1. fit 2. fit in 3. fitted 4. fit 5. fit in 6. fit in解析: fit 常指“(衣服/鞋帽等)合身/脚”(如1)或“(物体)合槽;吻合”(如3);也可表示“安装”(如4,可根据实际情况接on, with等构成介词短语)。 fit in表示“尽量地安排时间见某人或做某事”(如6);也可表示“(设法)插人;挤进”(如2);还可接with sb.表示“与某人和睦相处”(如5)。“分” 而论之separate; divide 1. The lighthouse _ from the land by a

12、wide channel.2. The money will _ equally among the club members.3. _ this line into 20 equal parts.4. After this they go their _ ways.5. Sarah and John _ a year after they got married.6. Whats six _ by three? Two, of course. 7. She find it difficult to _ the truth from lies.Key: 1. is separated2. be

13、 divided3. Divide 4. separate5. separated6. divided 7. separate解析: separate多指把原来连在一起的或靠近的事物“分隔;隔开”(如1);也表示“把区分开”(如7);还可指“分手;分散;分离”(如5)。另外,separate还可用作形容词,表示“分离的;分开的;单独的;各自的”(如4)。 divide指把整体“划分”成若干份,常接into (如3);也可表示“分配;分享”,可接among, between, with等(如2);还表示“(数学)除”,常接by (如6)。“自己的”选择for oneself; by onesel

14、f; of oneself 1. You should think _ instead of just obeying others. 2. The box is too heavy for me to lift _.3. The door opened _. You neednt push or pull it. 4. One should not live only _. 5. All her relatives have died off. Now she lives _ in the countryside. 6. He could not believe his ears. He opened the window to see _. Key: 1. for yourself2. by myself3. of itself 4. for oneself5. by herself6. for himself解析: for oneself 意为“独立地”,常与think连用表示“独立思考,自行决定”(如1);也可表示“亲自地”(如6);还可表示“为自己(本人好处)”(如4)。 by oneself意为“单


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