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1、education 学历educational background 教育程度educational history 学历curriculum 课程major 主修minor 副修educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程courses completed 所学课程special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作summer jobs 暑期工作vacation jobs 假期工

2、作refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activities 课外活动physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动rewards 奖励scholarship 奖学金Three Goods student 三好学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会off-job training 脱产培训in-job trai

3、ning 在职培训educational system 学制academic year 学年semester 学期(美)term 学期(英)president 校长vice-president 副校长dean 院长assistant dean 副院长academic dean 教务长department chairman 系主任professor 教授associate professor 副教授guest professor 客座教授lecturer 讲师teaching assistant 助教research fellow 研究员research assistant 助理研究员super

4、visor 论文导师principal 中学校长(美)headmaster 中学校长(英)master 小学校长(美)dean of studies 教务长dean of students 教导主任probation teacher 代课教师tutor 家庭教师governess 女家庭教师intelligence quotient(IQ) 智商pass 及格fail 不及格marks 分数grades 分数scores 分数examination 考试grade 年级class 班级monitor 班长vice-monitor 副班长commissary in charge of studi

5、es 学习委员commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记Commissary in charge of organization 组织委员Commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员degree 学位post doctorate 博士后doctor(Ph.

6、D) 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士student 学生graduate student 研究生abroad student 留学生returned student 回国留学生foreign student 外国学生undergraduate 大学肄业生senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生Sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生Freshman 大学一年级学生Guest student 旁听生(英)Auditor 旁听生(美)government-supported student 公费生commoner 自费生ext

7、ern 走读生day-student 走读生intern 实习生prize fellow 奖学金生boarder 寄宿生classmate 同班同学schoolmate 同校同学graduate 毕业生scholar 学者教育(education)获取知识 acquire knowledge高等教育 higher education远程教育 tele-education素质教育 quality-orientededucation知识的来源 source of knowledge课外活动 extracurricul学费 tuition奖学金 scholarship,grant教学大纲 sylla

8、bus学前教育 preschool education男女同校 co-education穿校服 school unifonn参加入学考试 take an entranceexamination教育工作者 teaching staff导师 tutor( advise)传授知识 impart knowledge提高教学效果 improveteachers perfonnance培养能力 foster ones capability塑造性格 shape(mold) childrens characters培养孩子的协作精神 fosterchildren使天生的想象力得到训练 have ones in

9、nate powers of imagination trained有助于个性的发展 facilitate the development of individuality在较好的环境中长大 grow up under more favorable circumstances接受必要的教育 receive adequate education受过良好教育 well -educated适应性强 well-adapted取长补短 learn from each other s strengths to offset their owq weaknesses智商IQ (intelligence qu

10、otient)充分发挥 bring into full play have a wide range of skills发挥创造潜能 use ones creative potential; add to our knowledge about设施齐全 (kindergarten)well-equipped facilities上课 attend class学习成绩 academic performance平均分 average score从事兼职工作 take part-time job体罚 corporal punishment差生 inferiorstudents把孩子看扁 condem

11、n a child过度宠爱 excessive permissiveness为负责 be held responsible for承担义务 assumethe obligation a sense of responsibility( obligation)推卸责任 pass the buck(to), shirk ones obligations父母子女关系 parent-child relationship报答父母 repay ones parents人才 talented person精英 elite本科生 undergraduate毕业生 graduate研究生 postgraduat

12、e博士 doctor博士学位 doctorate博士后 postdoctoral证书 diploma,credentialinstruction, education 教育culture 文化primary education 初等教育secondary education 中等教育higher education 高等教育the three Rs 读、写、算school year 学年term, trimester 学季semester 学期school day 教学日school holidays 假期curriculum 课程subject 学科discipline 纪律timetabl

13、e 课程表class, lesson 课homework 家庭作业exercise 练习dictation 听写spelling mistake 拼写错误(short) course 短训班seminar 研讨班playtime, break 课间,休息to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课course (of study) 学业student body 学生(总称)classmate, schoolmate 同学pupil 小学生student 大学生schoolboy 男生schoolgirl 女生auditor 旁听生swot, grind 用功的学生ol

14、d boy 老生grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者school uniform 校服teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)teachers 教师(总称)primary school teacher 小学老师teacher lecturer 大学老师professor 教授schooling 教授,授课assistant 助教headmaster 校长(女性为:headmistress)deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长rector 校长dean 教务长laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员beadle, porter 门房,学校工友games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称)


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