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1、 2022年全国计算机等级考试四级练习试题及答案2(41) 在关系数据库设计中,使每个关系到达某一范式。这是哪个设计阶段的任务?A需求分析B概念设计C规律设计D物理设计 (42) 在指令编码设计过程中,虽然有化的编码方法,但人们仍采纳 AASCII码进展指令编码BBCD码进展指令编码C哈夫曼码进展指令编码D等长扩展码进展指令编码 (43) 存放器窗口重叠技术是RISC的关键技术,这项技术能很好地支持过程调用和返回操作。这里所谓的重叠是指 A高位存放器与低位存放器重叠B高位存放器与局部存放器重叠C全局存放器与局部存放器重叠D全局存放器与高位存放器重叠 (44) 奔腾处理器已普遍采纳超标量流水线技

2、术。所谓超标量技术就是 A把一般流水线的主频提高B多建立几条流水线而已C不采纳多指令分发技术D细化流水、增加级数 (45) 以下哪种构造是把指令和数据混合进展存储的 A哈佛构造B马克构造C冯.诺依曼构造D非冯.诺依曼构造 (46) 虚拟存储系统的页式治理。每个页都是一个 A等长模块B等长页面C规律实体D模块实体 (47) 高速并行构造的种类许多。在下述构造中,硬件效率而软件需求量最少的是 A专用多功能单元B阵列处理机C数据流计算机D多处理机系统 (48) 所谓I/O操作是指内存与I/O设备之间进展信息交换。在I/O方式的进展过程中,对CPU依靠程度的I/O操作是 A通道掌握B中断掌握C程序掌握

3、DDMA掌握 (49) 计算机 网络 根据其掩盖的地理范围可以分为哪几种根本类型? 局域网城域网数据通信网广域网A和B和C、和D、和 (50) 计算机网络拓扑是*网中结点与通信线路之间的几何关系来反映出网络中各实体间的 A规律关系B效劳关系C构造关系D层次关系 (51) 由于连接多台计算机之间的线路构造可能是简单的,因此打算分组如何从通信子网的源结点到达目的结点时需要使用 A拥塞算法B路由选择算法C过失掌握算法D排队算法 (52) 在网络环境中进展大型科学计算、信息处理时,需要数据通信网能供应较高的带宽。这一类数据通信具有哪些主要特征? 通信量大挨次性突发性层次性A和B和C、和D和 (53)

4、IEEE 802标准所描述的局域网参考模型对应于OSI参考模型的哪一(几)层? 规律链路掌握层数据链路层 网络 层物理层A只有B、和 C)和D、和 (54) 与快速以太网 Fatt Ethernet一样之处是:千兆位以太Gigabit Ethernet同样保存着传统的10 Mbps Ethernet的根本特征,而且把每个比特的发送时间降低为 A100nsB10nsC0.1nsD1ns (55) Internet的根本效劳,如电子邮件E-mail、远程登录Telnet、文件传输FTP与浏 览等,它们的应用软件系统设计中都采纳了 A客户机/效劳器构造B规律构造C层次模型构造D并行体系构造 (56)

5、 An instruction that uses indrect addressing mustt contain an address of memory where Adata is storedBa pipeline stall will be executedCa page fault is addressedDanother address is stored (57) The principle for a stack memory to store data is AFIFOBFILOCrandomDother way (58) In the forest correspond

6、ing to the following binary tree,how many children does node B have? A1B2C3D4 (59) For the root of B_tree of order m,the minimal number of its children is A2Bm/2Cm/2Dm (60) A disk scheduling mechanism in an operating system causes the disk arm to sweepback and forth across the disk surface servicing

7、 all requests in its path. This is a AFirst Come First ServeBShortest Seek Time FirstCScanDNone of the above (61) The construct cobeginStatement1;Statement2;coendmeans Statement1 and Statement2 are to be executed in parallel. The only two atomic actions in this construct are loading the value of a v

8、ariable and storing into a variable. For the program segmentx:=0;y:=O;cobeginbeginx:=l;y:=y+x;end;beginy:=2;x:=x+3;endcoendWhich of the following indicate(s) possible values for the variables when the segment finishes execution?x=1,y=2x=1,y=3x=4,y=6AB and C) and D and (62) Software maintenance is to

9、 do necessary modification,supplenemt, and completeness during software life circle. Among the following vary kinds of maintenance,which one has the maximum workload in a general way? Arelevance maintenanceBcompleteness maintenanceCcorrectness naintenanceDother kinds of maintenance (63) Different qu

10、ality factors of software can be reflected upon users different points of view,through product running,product modification and product transformation. Of the following properties,which one is connected with product running? correctness robustness re-useAonlyBonlyC+Dall of above (64) Let R and S be

11、the relation respectively: Relation R: A B C Relation S: B C D 1 2 3 2 3 4 6 7 8 2 3 5 9 7 8 7 8 1The number of tuples that the result of the expression R S (Here is the natural join of relations R and S) isA3B4C6D9 (65) Suppose we have the relation schema R(A,B,C, Dwith functional dependencies;FAB,

12、BC,CD,DA,then R(A,B,C,D)at least is inA1NFB2NFC3NFDBCNF (66) By means of multiple pipeline to carry out multiple processing,this technologyiscalled AMultiple pipelingBSuperpipelineCSuperscalarDVery long instruction word (67) There are many page replacement algorithms in the page management. Most fre

13、quently used algorithm is AFIFOBPPTCOPTDLRU (68) Layer n on one machine carries on a conversation with layer n on another machine. The rules and conventions used in this conversation are collectively known as the layer n AtopologyBprotocolCserviceDpeer (69) Transport gateways connect byte streams in the transport layer. Application gateways allow interworki



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