高中英语语法知识单项选择题专练 省略、倒装、替代和插入语部分(word版含解析).doc

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1、高中英语单项选择题分类汇总 省略、倒装、替代和插入语1. _ can you expect to get a pay rise.A. With hard work B. Although work hardC. Only with hard work D. Now that he works hard分析:由题干“can you except”可知本题考查的是倒装句,only在句首修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句,实行部分倒装,因此答案是C。2. Not only _ interested in football but _ beginning to show an interest in it.

2、A. the teacher himself is; all his students areB. the teacher himself is; are all his studentsC. is the teacher himself; are all his studentsD. is the teacher himself; all his students are分析:本题考察not only but also 的倒装句型。在此句式中,实行部分倒装,即把系动词、助动词、情态动词提到主语之前,但是but后面不倒装。因此正确答案是D。3. No sooner_themselves in

3、their seats in the theatre_the curtain went up.A.they have settled; beforeB.had they settled; thanC.have they settled; whenD.they had settled; than分析:B. 因为以否定词或半否定词开头的句子,要用部分倒装,排除A和D。另外,no soonerthan(一就)是固定答搭配,且no sooner分句中的谓语通常用过去完成时,而than分句中的谓语用一般过去时。4. Susan, will you please go and empty that dra

4、wer?_?A. What for B. What is itC. How is it D. How come分析:本题考察口语中省略形式的含义。What for译为“为何,为什么”; How come译为“为何会”;What is it译为“那是什么”,“它怎么样”;所以答案是A。5. The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.A. begins B. having begunC. beginning D. begun分析:若是错选B,是因为没有把握好begin的用法。Begin可以做及物

5、动词,也可以做不及物动词,但是从本题句子结构分析,应该把begin看作是及物动词;once we begin the research,其被动语态形式为:once the research is begun, 而B显然是主动形式,与题意不符。解题时,要特别注意分析句子结构和某些动词的用法特点。本题主要考查了状语从句的省略现象。That从句是结果状语从句,若从句的主语与主句的主语一致,此时从句的主语可以省略,谓语动词根据主动或被动关系变为现在分词或过去分词接在从句引导词之后,形成一种省略现象。Once begun是 once the research is begun的省略,once译为“一旦”

6、。本题题意:这项研究这样设计,导致一旦着手就没有地方可更改的了。所以答案是D。6. It is so nice to hear from her. _ we last met more that thirty ago.A. Whats more B. That is to sayC. In other words D. Believe it or not分析:本题主要考察了插入语的选择。Whats more译为“而且”、“加之”“另外”;that is to say 译为“也就是说”;in other words 译为“换句话说”;believe it or not译为“信不信由你”。依据本题

7、语境,D符合要求。本题题意:收到她的信太好了,信不信由你,我们上次见面是三十多年以前的事了。所以答案是D。7. Only in this way _ to make improvement in the operating system.A. you can hope B. you did hopeC. can you hope D. did you hope分析:本题主要考察倒装结构。Only位于句首后接状语时,句子要用倒装。最佳答案是C。8.I wonder if your girl friend will go to the ball. If she_, so_mine.A.does;

8、doesB.does; willC.will; doesD.would; will分析:B. 因为由前句判现在还没有去舞会,是将来时态;又因为在条件状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时,所以正确答案是B。If she does, so will mine. =If she goes to the ball, my girl friend will go, too.9.Its necessary that not only_to see a doctor but also stay at home for a good sleep.A.Bob should goB.did Bob go C.B

9、obs goingD.should Bob go分析:D. 当not onlybut also不是连接两个不同的主语时,以not only开头的句子要用部分倒装,排除A和C。又因为it is necessary后的that从句一般要用should +动词原形,所以只有D正确。10. In_, but out_again.A.came the teacher; he wentB.came the teacher; went heC.did the teacher come; he wentD.the teacher came; went he分析:A. 主句是名词时,其后要倒装,但是代词时不用倒

10、装。11. “Where did you find the professor who made the speech yesterday?” “It was in the hall _ the students often have a meeting.”A. where B. which C. that D. when分析:若是错选C,认为这是一个强调句,强调地点状语in the hall.假若选C,即有It was in the hall that the students often have a meeting, 该句的意思是“学生们通常是在大厅开会”,单独看这一句,无论是其意思还是

11、其语法均未错,但若将其与上文联系起来看,则不通,因为上文的意思是“你是在哪儿找到昨天作报告的那位教授的?”假若将答句改为It was in the hall that I found the professor, 则完全可以。其实,此题的最佳答案是A,where the students often have a meeting为定语从句,用以修饰其前的动词the hall,句意为“是在学生们经常开会的那个大厅(找到教授的)”,这样语意就通顺了。12.Its beyond description. Nowhere else in the world_such a quiet, beautifu

12、l place.A.can there beB.you can findC.there can beD.can find you分析:A. 因为是nowhere否定词,以否定词开头的句子,要用部分否定。13.Not until Dec. 2003_caught by the US soldiers, and it was a great victory for the USA.A.was Saddam HusseinB.Saddam Hussein wasC. had Saddam Hussein beenD.Saddam Hussein had been分析:A. 因为以否定词not unt

13、il开头的句子要用部分倒装,排除B和D;又因为2003年12月是过去时间,用一般过去时,所以选A。14. Was it five oclock _ the fire broke out?A. when B. that C. which D. in which分析:若是误选B,因为误认为这是强调句。其实,本题答案是A,这不是强调句。因为在强调句中,若去掉强调句的结构词it is/was that, 句子结构仍然完整,但是本句不是这样,若去掉结构词,即为five oclock the fire broke out, 句子不完整,但若在five oclock前面加上介词at则可以,因为at five

14、 oclock用作时间状语。本题选A可分析为:it表时间,when the fire broke out为时间状语从句,全句意为“火灾是5点钟发生的吗?”比较下面一题)答案是B,为强调句):Was it at five oclock _ the fire broke out?A. when B. that C. which D. in which15. “Was it under the tree _ you were away talking to a friend?” “Sure. But when I got back there, the bike was gone.”A. that B. where C. which D. while分析:本题容易误选A,认为这是强调句型。其实本题应该选D。做好本题的关键是正确理解上下文的语境。在此句中,it是代词,指代the bike, 句意为:当你离开去同朋友谈话的时候,你的自行车是



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