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1、中西自助餐菜单(B)China and the West buffet menu (B)140元/位(60100)人 头盘 Opening price意大利鸡肉沙拉 Italian chicken salad 鲜番茄奶酪拼盘 Fresh tomato cheese什锦冷肉拼盘 Assorted cold meat 特制金枪鱼沙拉 Specially made tuna salad如意厨师长沙拉 Pleasant chef Changsha 意式什锦蘑菇沙拉 Italian type assorted凉拌西芹云耳 Celery with White Fungus什锦蔬菜沙拉 Assorted v

2、egetables salad沙拉汁(千岛汁,意大利油醋汁,法汁)Salad juice (thousand island juice, Italian oil vinegar juice, law juice) 热盘 Heating platen蒜香排骨 Garlic fragrant spareribs香菇扒蔬菜 The shiitake mushroom digs黑胡椒炒牛柳 The black pepper fires Niu Liu清炒时蔬 Fries without additional 水晶虾仁 Crystal shelled fresh shrimp椰香咖喱鸡胸肉 Coconu

3、t tree fragrant curry 泰式酸辣虾 Peaceful -like harsh shrimp扒鸭胸配黑胡椒汁 Digs up the duck chest 主食 Staple food意大利面 Spaghetti虾仁炒饭 Shrimps fritters 甜品 Sweets黑森林蛋糕 Black forest cake提拉米苏 Raises the Lami Soviet西米布丁 Sago pudding菠萝蛋糕 Pineapple cake鲜果塔 Fresh fruit tower苹果派 Apple pie拿破仑蛋糕 Napoleon cake 时令水果盘 Seasonal

4、 fruit plate 美国脐橙 American navel orange 美国提子 The US raises the child 火龙果 Procession of lanterns fruit 新疆哈密瓜 Xinjiang Hami melon 西瓜 Watermelon 饮料 Drink雪碧 Snow blue可口可乐 Coca-Cola汇源橙汁 Huiyuan orange juice雀巢矿泉水 Mineral waterNestle咖啡 coffee青岛啤酒 Qingdao beer 红茶 Black tea烧烤菜单(C)Bakes the menu (C)180元/位(601

5、00)人头盘 Opening price金枪鱼沙拉Tuna salad什锦蔬菜沙拉Assorted vegetables salad如意厨师长沙拉 Pleasant chef Changsha pulls番茄芝士Tomato cheese泰式鸡肉沙拉Peaceful -like chicken salad泰式虾仁色拉 Peaceful -like shelled fresh shrimp salad德式土豆沙拉German potato salad冷切香肠拼盘 Cold cut sausage hors doeuvre酿蛋花拼盘 Ferments the egg colored hors do

6、euvre什锦寿司Assorted sushi沙拉汁(千岛汁,意大利油醋汁,法汁)Salad juice (thousand island juice, Italian oil vinegar juice, law juice)BBQ烧烤BBQ bakes烤鲜虾 Roasts the fresh shrimp澳洲小牛肉串 Australian veal string烤五色蔬菜Roasts the five colors vegetables骨肉相连 Cl ose as flesh and blood草原羊肉串 Prairie skewered mutton墨西哥鸡肉串 Mexican chic

7、ken string图林根香肠 Attempts the lingane sausage烤鱿鱼 Roasts the squid烤新西兰小羊排Roasts the New Zealand small mutton chop烤澳洲牛排 Roasts the Australian beefsteak美味烤翅 The delicacy roasts the wing锡纸烤玉米 The tin foil roasts the corn锡纸烤土豆The tin foil roasts the potato主食Staple food意大利面 Spaghetti虾仁炒饭 Shrimps fritters时令

8、水果盘Seasonal fruit plate 美国脐橙 American navel orange 美国提子The US raises the child 火龙果 Procession of lanterns fruit 新疆哈密瓜 Xinjiang Hami melon 西瓜 Watermelon 甜品Sweets意大利奶酪蛋糕Italian cheese cake意式大理石纹蛋糕Italian type Dali grain cake瑞士抹茶蛋糕 Switzerland wipes the tea cake美式坚果派 American nut faction德式黑森林蛋糕 German black forest cake提拉米苏Raises the Lami Soviet苹果派Apple pie奶油布丁Cream pudding曲奇拼盘 Tune wonderful hors doeuvre饮料Drink可口可乐Coca-Cola雪碧Snow blue汇源橙汁Huiyuan orange juice雀巢矿泉水Nestle mineral water现磨咖啡Presently rubs the coffee 红茶Black tea青岛啤酒 Qingdao beer法国红酒 French red wine法国干白 French dried egg white



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