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1、初二上Unit11知识点讲解1 .fight v. fought; fought; fight for为什么而战fight against=fight with 和谁作战fight together 并肩作战They _ (fight) yesterday because of my Fault(错误)2. prefer v. =_prefer-prefers-preferring-preferred(1)prefer A to B=like A better than B 和A相比更喜欢Beg. I prefer apple to orange= I like apple better th

2、an orange(2)prefer doing A to doing Beg. I prefer swimming than to skating.(3)prefer sb. to doeg. I prefer you to come to the meeting. (4)prefer to do 喜欢做 eg. I prefer to go shopping with my sister.(5)prefer to do sth. rather than doeg. I prefer to stay at home rather than go shopping.(6)prefer to d

3、o instead of doing sth.Eg. I prefer to stay at home instead of going shopping.注意:prefer 不可以与more /most 连用()1. I prefer to _rather than_. A. read books, watch TV B. read books, watching TV C. reading books, watching TV()2. She prefers coffee _ milk.A. with B. to C. for()3. My parents _walking to taki

4、ng a bus or driving. A. prefer B. like C. enjoy()4. I prefer to listen to GG s songs rather than_ the film which Directed by zhang yimou.A. watch B. watching C. to watch3. body n. pl._人人_ 任何人_4. balance v.保持平衡 保持/失去平衡keep / lose ones balance n.天平 称一副天平a pair of balanc()1. John has to balance _. What

5、s wrong with the other foot?A. with one foot B. on one foot C. on feet()2. The girl_ and fell down from the floor.Thats terrible ! Did she hurt herself?A.lost her balanceB.out of balance5. lose v. 失去;输;失败lost, lost, losing 反义词_ 1. 输给某人lose to sb 2. 失去信心lose heart 3.迷失方向lose ones way 4.减肥

6、.lose ones weigh 5. 增重gain weight= put on weight 6. 丧生lose ones life /lose their lives 7. 比赛输了lose the match 8.You may lose the train.= You may miss the train. 你可能要错过这趟火车。lost adj. =missing 丢失的 (1).Some families _ everything in the earthquake. ( lose )()2.How was the football match yesterday? Did we

7、 _?I dont want to talk about it. They _ us 4-3.A. win, beat B. win, win C. lost, lost()3. Is tai chi _ than kung fu?A. more slowly B. slower C. more slow()4. What a pity, our team _ the match yesterday.Don t be sad. Strive for in(努力)you can win someday.A. lose B. lost C. losing6. breathe v. 呼吸 n. .b

8、reath 1. 深呼吸breathe deeply/take a deep breath2.屏住呼吸hold ones breath 3. 吸入新鲜空气breathe in fresh air ()1. There is something wrong with his _, so he_ heavily. A. breath, breathes B. breathing, breaths C. breathe, breath()2. The air was so cold that we could hardly_.A. breath B. breathe C. breathing()3.

9、 Im too nervous. I almost can t_.You can take a deep _or you can pull the wall with your hands.A. breathes, breath B. breathing, breatherC. breathe, breath()4. All of us _ to see who would win the game.It was the most interesting link(环节).A. hold our breath B. held our breath C. breathe5. She_(breat

10、h) hard after she goes running.7. slow adj&adv 比较级_ 最高级_ 反义_()Wei Hua runs _ than Susan. Do you think so?Yes, Susan really needs enough exercise.A.much slowlierB.much more slowlyC.very more slowly8. mind n. 思想 想法 v. 介意v. 介意mind (ones) doing sth. 介意某人做某事eg. Do you mind my sitting here?= Do you mind i

11、f I sit here?你介意我坐这儿吗?1. 下决心make up ones mind to do sth. = decide to do sth. = make a decision to do sth.2. 改变某人的主意change ones mind .3.记住keep in mind 4. 没关系 Never mind =I t doesnt matter . 5. 锻炼你的思维exercise your mind6.开阔视野open ones mind 1.Would you mind my _the window? (close)()2. I will give you th

12、e last chance to choose.You shouldnt change your _ any more.A. mind B. brain C. head()3. Would you mind _ my pet dog when I am out?A.taking care ofB.take care take care of9. move v. 移动 ;感动 n. _ move to 搬到/ move back搬回来/ move about走来走去/ move away离开move house 搬家/ move out搬出去/ move in搬进来/ move o

13、n 继续Look! This is a water _ (move)10. 独自地by oneself= on ones own = alone 1. Its useful for the students to learn the lessons by_.(they)2. Her sister always asks others for help, but she likes studying by _.(she)3. We should wash clothes by _ (our).4.We should practice learning our subjects alone.= We should practice learning our subjects_ _.5. Did he have a good time yesterday?Yes. He enjoyed _ very much.A. him B. himself C. histeach oneself=learn by oneself 自学help


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