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1、2022年考博英语-扬州大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题One child per family has become the( )of family in most cities in China.问题1选项A.standardsB.criteriaC.normD.I tried hard【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项standards“标准;规格”;B选项criteria“标准,条件”;C选项norm“标准,规范” D选项touchstone“试金石;检验标准”。句意:一个家庭一个孩子已经成为中国大多数城市的家庭标准。A, B, C选项都有 “标准”的意思,它们的区

2、别是:standard指法定的或一般公认的标准,用途比较广泛,criteria指有特殊的确实性,令人信服而用以判断,norm是一种社会习惯(标准),指规范、基准、定额、分配之工作量、准则。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题When you think of the tremendous technological progress we have made, its amazing how little we have developed in other respects. We may speak contemptuously of the poor old Romans because the

3、y relished the orgies of slaughter that went on in their arenas. We may despise them because they mistook these goings on for entertainment. We may forgive them condescendingly because they lived 2000 years ago and obviously knew no better. But are our feelings of superiority really justified? Are w

4、e any less blood-thirsty? Why do boxing matches, for instance, attract such universal interest? Dont the spectators who attend them hope they will see some violence? Human beings remains as bloodthirsty as ever they were. The only difference between ourselves and the Romans is that while they were h

5、onest enough to admit that they enjoyed watching hungry lions tearing people apart and eating them alive, we find all sorts of sophisticated arguments to defend sports which should have been banned long age; sports which are quite as barbarous as, say, public hangings or bearbaiting.It really is inc

6、redible that in this day and age we should still allow hunting or bull-fighting, that we should be prepared to sit back and watch two men batter each other to pulp in a boxing ring, that we should be relatively unmoved by the sight of one or a number of racing cars crashing and bursting into flames.

7、 Let us not deceive ourselves. Any talk of the sporting spirit is sheer hypocrisy. People take part in violent sports because of the high rewards they bring. Spectators are willing to pay vast sums of money to see violence. A world heavyweight championship match, for instance, is front page news. Mi

8、llions of people are disappointed if a big fight is over in two rounds instead of fifteen. They feel disappointment because they have been deprived of the exquisite pleasure of witnessing prolonged torture and violence.Why should we ban violent spoils if people enjoy them so much? You may welt ask.

9、The answer is simple: they arc uncivilized. For centuries man has been trying to improve himself spiritually and emotionally admittedly with little success. But at least we no longer tolerate the sight madmen cooped up in cages, or public floggings of any of the countless other barbaric practices wh

10、ich were common in the past. Prisons are no longer the grim forbidding places they used to be. Social welfare systems are in operation in many parts of the world. Big efforts are being made to distribute wealth fairly. These changes have come about not because human beings have suddenly and unaccoun

11、tably improved, but because positive steps were taken to change the law. The taw is the biggest instrument of social change that we have and it may exert great civilizing influence. If we banned dangerous and violent sports, we would be moving one step further to improving mankind. We would recogniz

12、e that violence is degrading and unworthy of human beings.1. It can be inferred from the passage that the authors opinion of nowadays human beings is( ).2.The main idea of this passage is( ).3.That the author mentions the old Romans is( ).4.How many dangerous sports does the author mention in this p

13、assage?5.The purpose of the author in writing this passage is( ).问题1选项A.not very highB.high.C.contemptuous.D.critical.问题2选项A.vicious and dangerous sports should be banned by law.B.people are willing to pay vast sums money to see violence.C.to compare two different attitudes towards dangerous sports.

14、D.people are bloodthirsty in sports.问题3选项A.to compare the old Romans with todays people.B.to give an example.C.to show human beings in the past know nothing better.D.to indicate human beings are used to bloodthirsty.问题4选项A.Three.B.Five.C.Six.D.Seven.问题5选项A.that, by banning the violent sports, we hum

15、an beings can improve our selves.B.that, by banning the dangerous sports, we can improve the law.C.that we must lake positive steps to improve social welfare system.D.to show law is the main instrument of social change.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。结合全文内容可知,作者在第一段指出:现在的我们和罗马人的区别在于,罗马人诚实的承认他们暴力且嗜血,而我们则使用各种理由来掩盖自己和罗马人一样的本性。第二段作者以暴力的体育运动为例进行阐述,但在第三段指出,人们努力进行改善,比如社会福利和法律,尽管没有成功但有所改观。作者一直站在客观的角度阐述事实,并没有体现出轻蔑和批判的语气,并且对人们还抱有期望,所以作者只是对现在的人们评价不高,选项A更加恰当。2.判断推理题。根据上一题的分析可知,作者是不希望看到暴力危险的体育运动的,所以作者希望法律能够禁止暴力危险的体育运动,选项A符合原文。3.判断推理题。根据原文第一段中所提及的“Human beings remains as bloodthirsty as ever


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