Unit 6 A French Fourth习题答案综合教程四

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1、Uit 6 A French urth tote ExercssText Comprehnsi. Decidwhich of he followig es tatethe authors purpose of writig.AII.udge, acdingtothe te, wethrhe follwing statementsaretruras. T (fer aragraph 2.eople donhve barecu in ars apmets,andms h Amecns ow wh hav sett here press such wardsgs ofheir heriage)2 T

2、 (efe to Prgrap . .soerican hitory i ostl omehing hey hae le or avent lrne -romhei parns.)3 F (Refe to Prgaph 4. Te do ot tr oompetly concealthedrk side of Americn scietybu ryo kepther hidre fomsucfoie of merican sciet s scool shoigs.)4 (Rfr tarr11.) .F (Refer argrah .Globalizaio s bothbeneficial an

3、 derientl. It hs to bur hecar-t divide betnculures on e nhabut mes chidrenles tnfuly imersed ina fogn orldon theother)IIIAserhe ollowuesion.1.Refr t Paragaph 1 orn thing,anin u the merica fg is e on thi hecan din Paris to elbrate Indendnce Da, whic is prf his ntionalritge. Fnthr, e t t usetis opport

4、unity teh hichildrn aoutmeran history nas a reminr of her American ientity efe toPararaph. e hildrnseldngges p beause hy hae acqur French at scho and Engish throg comunicationwihher gls-spkng pares. Adheyeem kw wntous which. Refr to Paraahnd 8 e bt of risin cildre afrign culre, as te writer suggsts,

5、 incluecqiring foei languagend culturnd staing awy fromthe folie of thative cltr. Re o Paragraph12 Goalizon is like a dobled swordto hgroh of ilren in foreignulu. On e on an,ielsto reduce the diferec eween te foren cultue and te nativeculure, and faciitaes te hysia and spirial re-entryito th nativec

6、ltue. Onthe terhand, infrunaely makes it more dificult ther fo chldrent beful imrsen the foreign ulureI.Explain in yor ow word th foloing entenes.1. July 4 is on ft imes I,as antive Amecan,eel instinivelynesy bot the gea gap in our chidrens udrsanding o teiAmerca identiy, ants am motied to doomthng

7、o fithe gaps.2. nd liing ay fom ur natvcontrydosot matte mu (in r childres cquisit f ou nae lnguage).3. In the day hen Ili in France as n exparate hil,rc childrenwere drss i the nque French yle, us lookin qute different rmheirconerpart n other ountrie4. ll imersinna truforeig wl oongr seem possible

8、in Wester utries, and I thk this is dplorableimpac oflobalizaion uon the rowt o cilr i oein countrySrtral nalsish auh follo a spefic-togeneralpatern in his discson, i.ehe irst taks bot whi eans to hi cildren to hang tthe nationa fl of their natve land n a orin coutry on July 4every yea and ten xpres

9、es hisiewnth importac for expatriatd po i enerato keep ther cultralidenty,especially wen he hole worldisundrong prces of lobaizio Thespcifi poits a be oudin idiscussion ofthe ossand bnftf rasing cidreni foig clturei ragrph 4-9ie the geral nlui c befudn Paagraphs01, espiallyraraph 12.etorica Feaues I

10、e ner seennyone lokup, bu ymind ey an American touristmaynie a mile,a Fech passerby may be rendedf te ate ad the ccasonthat pomps itsaperane. hefuncion of bu here ist pres th authoswish hat Aerica touris myoice th fla adbe remined of teirnatal idntity.The prticulr narrtveofAmericnhstory side, Amin c

11、ulture i not heir alone b tat of hei Fechclasmats, to. The usic thy litentiithr Aerican or Europea, but itisftn hard to l te diffrnce. nmdy litl rench islooe likeohig oter hanlitleFrench ids; bt Lue n Henr andthilasmt ress much asthe eers in te Untd tates d, though wit peraps lessands Efeecnes The f

12、nto f te threebuhere sho the diminshig dieenceetwnAmerica cltrnd ropean ulture.n th ohe nd, they are lesta fully imredi a trulyforeign wold. h fnction of o th other handhis to lheea te posile dsadvtg iftheisting cultural differences all dsappear nequncefth o-going globalation.ocabulary Erci.Eaithe undrliepartieahsence i ur owwrds.1.


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