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1、克林顿在总统图书馆发表致谢演讲President Clintons Remarks at Library Dedication11月18日,美国第12个总统图书馆克林顿图书馆正式向公众开放,克林顿政府要员、前总统老布什和现任总统小布什、演艺明星等人前往捧场,出席总人数估计达到了3万人。 该图书馆名为威廉杰斐逊克林顿总统中心,座落在美国前总统克林顿的家乡美国中南部阿肯色州的小石城。 按照美国政府的传统,军乐团奏起向总统致敬,克林顿在老布什、小布什和前总统卡特的陪同下走上台。早些时候他们的夫人已经上台。由于下着大雨,每人都撑着一把伞。November 18, 2004PRESIIDENNT CCl

2、inntonn: (Appplaausee) WWelll, lladiies andd geentllemeen, if my belloveed mmothher werre hheree, sshe wouuld remmindd mee thhat raiin iis lliquuid sunnshiine andd thhat I sshouuldnnt commplaain aboout thiis bbecaausee thhe ggrouund proobabbly neeeds it andd soomebbodyy iss beeneffitiing froom iit.

3、Mr. Prresiidennt aand Mrss. BBushh, PPressideent andd Mrrs. Carrterr, PPressideent andd Mrrs. Bussh, memmberrs oof tthe Eissenhhoweer, Nixxon, Joohnsson, Keenneedy andd Caarteer ffamiiliees; to thee vaast nummberr off meembeers of Conngreess andd foormeer mmembberss off Coongrresss heere - I ddont k

4、knoww whheree thhey aree beecauuse youuree alll iin pponcchoss - (ccheeers) - buut ttherre ttheyy arre; theeres aa huuge grooup froom CConggresss, andd thhe ppressideent sennt ffourr pllanees ddownn annd II thhankk hiim ffor thaat; to alll thhe gguessts froom ootheer ccounntriies; annd mmy ffelllow

5、Ameericcanss - weelcoome to my raiiny libbrarry ddediicattionn. (Laugghteer) Thaank youu Skkip Ruttherrforrd aand alll thhosee onn myy sttafff annd tthe volluntteerrs ffromm Arrkannsass annd aacrooss Ameericca wwho worrk sso hhardd too maake thiis eevennt jjustt peerfeect - ( hhe llaugghs) - annd ee

6、xceept forr onne tthinng, it is. I tthannk tthe preevioous speeakeers andd thhosee whho hhavee suung andd ennterrtaiinedd. Mr. PPressideent, I cannt thaank youu ennouggh ffor youur ggeneerouus wwordds aand forr coominng tto tthe opeeninng aat aall. I meaan, aftter alll, yyou jusst ddelaayedd yoour o

7、wnn liibraary opeeninng bby ffourr yeearss. (Lauughtter.) II coongrratuulatte yyou on youur eelecctioon, andd I wissh yyou Goddspeeed, esspecciallly in a nnew andd moore hoppefuul ttimee foor ppeacce iin tthe Midddlee Eaast. I rremeembeer tthe firrst timme II evver heaard Geoorgee W. Buush givve aa

8、sppeecch iin IIowaa, aand I ccallled a ffrieend of minne aand I ssaidd: My Godd, tthatt guuy ccan beaat uus. He is a ggoodd poolitticiian. HHe hhas beeen vveryy kiind andd geenerrouss too myy faamilly, andd I thaank himm foor tthatt. Todday were alll reed, whiite andd bllue. I tthannk fformmer Prees

9、iddentt Buush andd Mrrs. Bussh ffor commingg annd ffor theeir serrvicce tto oour nattionn. PPressideent Bussh, I lloveed aall thaat sstufff yyou saiid. Butt I wannt tto tthannk yyou forr soometthinng sseriioussly. Inn 19989, affterr I hadd beeen govvernnor forr a lonng ttimee, yyou werre tthe preesi

10、ddentt whho ffinaallyy caalleed uus ttogeetheer aand askked us to devveloop nnatiionaal eeduccatiion goaals forr Ammeriica so thaat aall ourr chhilddrenn coouldd geet aa goood eduucattionn. IIt wwas thee beeginnninng oof aa seerioous refformm effforrt, whiich I ttrieed tto ccarrry tthrooughh annd ww

11、hicch II knnow Preesiddentt Buush hass trriedd too puush. Soo thhankk yoou ffor doiing thaat aand forr giivinng mme tthe oppporttuniity to worrk wwithh yoou. Thaank youu Prresiidennt aand Mrss. CCartter forr alll yyou didd inn thhe WWhitte HHousse aand alll yoouvve ddonee inn thhe yyearrs ssincce tt

12、o mmakee thhe wworlld mmoree juust andd peeaceefull. JJohnn Quuinccy AAdamms ooncee saaid, TTherre iis nnothhingg inn liife so patthettic as a fformmer preesiddentt. Welll, he turrnedd ouut tto bbe wwronng bbecaausee off hiis oown serrvicce, andd Prresiidennt CCartter hass prroveed tthatt noothiing

13、couuld be furrtheer ffromm thhe ttrutth. (Appllausse) He jusst ttoldd yoou wwe mmet 30 yeaars agoo whhen he wass trryinng tto hhelpp mee. HHe ddidnnt telll yyou thaat, lesss tthann a yeaar llateer aand lesss tthann a mille ffromm heere, Jiimmyy Caarteer aaskeed HHilllaryy annd mme tto jjoinn inn hii

14、s ccamppaiggn ffor thee prresiidenncy. Wee diid, andd ass yoou ccan seee frrom thiis dday, itt waas tthe begginnningg off quuitee a ridde. I rreceentlly sspokke wwithh Prresiidennt FFordd, wwho, att 911, iis uunabble to comme aand - witth hhis exttraoordiinarry wwifee, BBettty. Butt thhey stiill are

15、e sttronng. Yessterrdayy I recceivved a wwondderfful lettterr frrom Nanncy Reaagann, wwho remmainns iin oour thooughhts andd prrayeers. I thaank thee Foordss annd NNanccy aand thee laate Preesiddentt Reeagaan ffor theeir serrvicce tto oour couuntrry. I wwantt too thhankk alll tthe vasst nnumbberss off Coongrresss annd fformmer memmberrs wwho aree heere whoo seerveed wwithh mee. II cooulddntt haave donne mmostt off thhe ggoodd thhinggs wwe d



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