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1、2023年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、Your idea sounds great. Lets _.Atry on it Btry it on Ctry out it Dtry it out2、 Mom, must I finish my homework now? No, you _. You may have supper first.Amustnt Bneedn

2、t Ccant3、Nowadays schools should care for the full _of a students talents.AsatisfactionBcommunicationCdevelopmentDpreparation4、Mr. Wang,could you tell me the magazine?At most ten days.Ahow often I can keepBhow often can I keepChow long I can keepDhow long can I keep5、_ my brother _ my father loves t

3、he science fiction movie The Wandering Earth (流浪地球) a lot, both of them want to see it again.ABoth; and.BNot only; but alsoCEither; orDNeither, nor6、Sorry, I didnt see the sign of No Photos. Ill _my cameraAput out Bput off Cput up Dput away7、Thanks to Project Hope, _ children have better lives.Athou

4、sands ofBthousandsCthousand of8、 Did he tell you anything _? Yes, he told us the _ of learning English well.Aimportant; important Bimportance; importantCimportance; importance Dimportant; importance9、 Could you please tell me the pretty dress? She bought it online, I think.Awhere Mary boughtBif Mary

5、 likedCwhen Mary boughtDhow much Mary paid for10、Youd better_ more time talking with your parents so that they can understand you better.Aspend Btake Ccost Dpay. 完形填空11、 As we all know, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. If we go to another country, we should follow their customs(风俗).If we do like t

6、his, 1 the hosts(男主人) and visitors will be very happy.It is a good idea to bring a small present when you go to a 2 party in England or in the USAFlowers are always nice because they are fit for a dinner and people can feel very happy, or you may bring a bottle of wine 3 you know what the family 4 .

7、 You should arrive on time or about 5 minutes late. Dont get there early. If you are going to be there more than fifteen minutes late, you should 6 and tell the host and hostess(女主人).Try to be free at the dinner table. If you dont know 7 to use the fork(叉子),the knife, or the spoon(汤匙),just watch oth

8、ers and follow 8 . You can also ask someone next to you. If you like the food, say so. Of course, you will thank the host and the hostess 9 the meal and for their kindness. Its good to send a card or a thank you note the next day. The host and the hostess think you 10 their meal very much.1AallBeach

9、CbothDevery2AbreakfastBlunchCmealDdinner3AwhenBifCsoDas4AgetBeatCfollowDdrink5AtenBtwentyCthirtyDforty6AcryBcallCgoDshout7AwhyBhowCwhatDwho8AhimBherCthemDus9AforBofCatDabout10AhateBdreamCwantDenjoy. 语法填空12、Think before we speak!It was a sunny and enjoyable day. Everyone in the railway station was wa

10、iting for the train 1 (arrive). Among the crowd, there was a group of young friends who were on board for vacation.It was a busy station with a lot of people and some juice shops, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shops, etc. The train 2(arrive) and everyone prepared to get into the train to their se

11、ats.The group of friends made loud noise to welcome the train as it moved into the station. They ran to get their seats before anyone entered the train.The empty seats were 3 (fill) and the train whistled (鸣汽笛) to move. An old man with a young boy 4 (age) around 15 had their seats just next to the f

12、riends group. The young boy was so 5 (surprise) to see everything. He cheered, Dad, the train is moving and the things 6 (move) backward.His father smiled and 7 (nod) his head.As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed (尖叫) , Dad, the trees are green in color and run backward ver

13、y fast. His father said, “Yes, dear, and smiledJust like a kid, he was watching everything with great 8 (interesting).A fruit seller passed 9 (sell) apples, bananas and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, I want to eat apples. His father bought some for him. He said, Oh, this apple looks a lot 10(

14、sweet) than it tastes. I love this color. The group was watching all the activities of this boy and asked the boys father, Is your son having any problem? Why is he behaving so 11(different)?His son is mad, I think, a friend from the group made fun of him and shouted.The father of the young boy, wit

15、h patience, replied to the friends group, “My son was born blind. Only a few days ago he 12 (operate). He is seeing different things in his life for the first time.The young friends became very quiet. 阅读理解A13、A mother in Australia was told by a doctor that her new born son was “dead”,but she helped bring him



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