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1、-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1电厂常用英语词汇 常用词汇 主厂房 main power building设备缺陷 equipment defect 缺陷处理 defect treatment设备规范 Specification of equipment铭牌 nameplate 接线盒 terminal box热网 heating network 电网 network供货范围 scope of supply 参数 parameter停机, 停运 outage皮带速度 belt velocity 皮带传输 belt conveyor蒸汽参数 steam con

2、dition 蒸发量 generation rates功率因素 power factor 输出负荷 continuous rating output额定蒸汽流量 Max. continuous rating(MCR) 额定电压 rated voltage额定电流 rated current 运行工况 operation condition值班员 attendant工日 man-day工时 man-hour事故甩负荷 emergency load dump四班三倒 three shift by four teams 白班 day shift 长白班 regular shift小休 short-t

3、ime off 大休 long time-off行灯 safety lamp, 手锤 hand hammer, 钢丝 reinforcing wire 螺丝刀 screw driver测厚仪 pachometer, 电筒 electric torch卡尺 Sliding caliper 撬棒 crowbar手拉葫芦 hand chain block 梯子 Ladder, 扳手 spanner安全帽 safety helmet手套 gloves分包商 sub-contractor承包商 contractor土建 civil work工作票 work order操作票 operation orde

4、r锅炉循环流化床(锅炉) the circulating fluidized bed boiler(CFB)固体颗粒 soiled particles 底渣 bottom ash 循环灰 circulating ash 渣场 slag yard 磨煤机 coal pulverizer 输煤系统 coal handing system送灰器 ash conveyer吹灰器 soot blower 除尘器 precipitator 空气过滤器 air filter 石灰石仓 limestone silo 给煤机 coal feader返料装置 material returning device 布

5、风板 air distributor 风嘴 air nozzles 风帽 air cap燃烧室 combustion chamber旋风分离器 cyclone separator 床料 bed material布袋除尘器 bag filter 静电除尘器 electrostatic precipitator密相区 dense region 稀相区 dilute region煤仓 coal bunker 炉膛 furnace过热器 superheater 再热器 reheater输煤机 coal transporter煤粉锅炉 pulverized coal-fired boiler 上升管 r

6、iser 下降管 downcomer 烟囱 stack 过滤器 strainer母管 main pipe 母线 busbar烟道 flue 烟道挡板 chimney damper烟窗帽 chimney hood 冷渣机 slag cooler汽包 steam drum 流化风室 fluidized air chamber水冷壁 water-cooled wall 引风机 induced draught fan 送风机 forced draught fan一次风 primary air二次风 secondary air排水设备 drainage排污箱 blow down tank 排污系统 bl

7、ow down system烟道净化器 flue gas purifier联箱 header(汇集分配工质)管束(排) tube bundle 管屏 tube platen蛇形管 coil 吊挂管 supporting tube鳍片管 finned tube, fin tube, gilled tube风门 air damper 炉膛容积 furnace volume漏风试验 air leakage test 膨胀补偿节 expansion joint变电站 substation 避雷针 lightening rod 配电盘 distribution board 阻波器 line trap 阻尼绕组 damper winding污油泵 Sump pump 卸油泵 Oil unloading pump锅炉附件 (锅炉辅助设备) boiler accessories 辅助设施 auxiliary plant 烟道净化器 flue gas purifier净热值 Net



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