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1、外研版本高中英语选修六16单元总结复习学习知识点归纳外研版高中英语选修六1-6 单元知识点概括Module 12要点单词2b5E2RGbCAP经典短语透视p1EanqFDPw3热门语法聚焦(非要点)5DXDiTa9E3dModule 26RTCrpUDGiT要点单词5PCzVD7HxA6经典短语透视jLBHrnAILg7热门语法聚焦(要点)xHAQX74J0X8Module 310LDAYtRyKfE要点单词10Zzz6ZB2Ltk经典短语透视11dvzfvkwMI1热门语法聚焦 (要点)12rqyn14ZNXIModule 4EmxvxOtOco13要点单词13SixE2yXPq5经典短语透

2、视156ewMyirQFL热门语法聚焦(非要点)16kavU42VRUsModule 517y6v3ALoS89要点单词17M2ub6vSTnP经典短语透视190YujCfmUCw热门语法聚焦(非要点)20eUts8ZQVRdModule 6sQsAEJkW5T21要点单词21GMsIasNXkA经典短语透视23TIrRGchYzg热门语法聚焦 (非要点)247EqZcWLZNX1 / 31Module 1要点 【 条 1】 lack【点 】 lack, 意 缺少 ,没有 。如 :He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidencelzq7

3、IGf02E.What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasmzvpgeqJ1hk.【拓展】1. lack 的常用短 有 :be lacking短缺 ,缺少 ; be lacking in缺少 (某种品 、特色等 );lack (for) nothing 有尽有 。如 :NrpoJac3v1Money for the project is still lacking.I think the film is lacking in pace.They have got everything ready and they lack f

4、or nothing1nowfTG4KI.2. lack 可作名 ,常与 of 用 ,意 缺少 ,没有 。for lack of 因 缺少。如 :fjnFLDa5ZoThe work had to be stopped for lack of funds.The flowers withered for lack of water.【 条 2】 reply【点 】名 ,意 回答 ,答复 ,常与介 to 用。如 :Is it a reply to the first or the second letter?To my anger, she made no reply to my questio

5、n.其常用在短 in reply to 中 ,意 作 的回答 ,答复 。如 :What did he do in reply to your challenge?【拓展】 reply 也可作 ,意 回答 ,答复 ,reply (to . / that .) 。如 :tfnNhnE6e5 The teacher gave me no chance to reply to her questionHbmVN777sL. Lily replied that she knew nothing about it.【 条 3】 apology【点 】 apology 名 ,意 致歉 ,抱歉 ,常用于短 :

6、offer / make an apology to sb.向某人致歉 ,2 / 31accept an apology接受致歉 。如 :V7l4jRB8HsIt s impolite of you to leave without a word of apology83lcPA59W9.In my judgment, we should accept their apology.You d better make an apology for your absence.【拓展】其 形式 apologize,意 致歉 ,表示抱歉 ,常用短 : apologize to sb.(for sth.

7、)(因某事 )向某人致歉 。如 : mZkklkzaaPI must apologize for not being able to meet you that dayAVktR43bpw.I think Tom might have apologized to Jane for what he didORjBnOwcEd. 典短 透 【短 1】 think of【点 】 think of 可意 想起 ,想出 。如 :The photo made me think of my child-hood.It was Tom who thought of the good plan.【拓展】 thi

8、nk 的其余常用短 :1. think highly / much of 重 ,高度 。如 :All the teachers think highly of John because he is very smart and kind2MiJTy0dTT.2. think about 考 。如 :I was thinking about something else and missed your wordsgIiSpiue7A.3. think over 仔 考 。如 :Please think the plan over and let me know your decision tom

9、orrowuEh0U1Yfmh.【短 2】 in addition【点 】 in addition 意 此外 ,别的 。如 :I write my own songs and I play the guitar in addition.IAg9qLsgBXYou need money and time. In addition, you need diligenceWwghWvVhPE.【拓展】 in addition to 除以外 ( 有 ),to 介 ,后接名 或 -ing 形式。如 :asfpsfpi4k3 / 31His brother can speak three foreign

10、languages in addition to EnglishooeyYZTjj1.besides也意 除 以外 ( 有 )。如 :The play was badly acted, besides being far too longBkeGuInkxI.【短 3】 leave out【点 】 leave out 意 省去 , 去 。如 :In Western countries, people usually leave out No. 13 as the number is thought unlucky.PgdO0sRlMoYou can leave out the unnecess

11、ary words when writing down the notes3cdXwckm15.【拓展】1. leave out 可意 遗漏 , 漏 。如 :Decide with you partner which words have been left outh8c52WOngM.2. 与 leave 有关的常用短 :leave behind 留 ,留下It left behind a long train of problems and difficulties.v4bdyGious leave over 节余 , 不解决We shall have to leave the quest

12、ion over till the next meetingJ0bm4qMpJ9.leave alone 管 ,不理睬If I were you, I d leave this question alone.【短 4】 show off【点 】 show off 意 夸耀 。如 :Those boys always show off their sports skills to the girlsXVauA9grYP.His brother likes to show off his knowledge in public.bR9C6TJscw【拓展】与 show 有关的常用短 :show s

13、b. around 某人参 The headmaster showed us around the school.show up 列席 ,到 The party is about to begin,but Mr. Wang hasn t shownpN9LBDdtrdup.4 / 31热门语法聚焦(非要点)didn t need to do和 needn t have done的差别 (非要点)didn t need to do和 needn t have done都有 过去不用做某事 的意思 ,可是 didn t need 表to示 过去没有必需做某事 ,事实上也没做 ;neednt hav

14、e done表示 过去本来不用做某事 ,实质上却做了 。如 :DJ8T7nHuGTI didn t need to take a taxi from the-portair there was a bus all the way into the city.QF81D7bvUA I needn t have booked in advance; there were plenty of tickets 4B7a9QFw9hleft.别的 ,要注意 need 的其余用法 :need可作实义动词 ,也可作神态动词。1. 作实义动词时 , need有人称和数的变化 ,后能够接名词、 代词、动词不定式

15、和动名词等 ,否认式要在前面加 dont (doesn t, didn疑问句用t), do (does, did) 发问。如 :ix6iFA8xoX The company needs some good salesmen.His broken car needs to be repaired. = His broken car needs repairingwt6qbkCyDE.2. 作神态动词时 ,need没有人称和数的变化 ,后接动词原形 ,否认式为 needn常t,用在否认句和疑问句中。如 :Kp5zH46zRkYou needn t worry about him. He is very mature nowYl4HdOAA61. Need I stay another day? Yes, you must.5 / 31Module 2要点单词【词条 1】 behave【点拨】 behave



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