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1、小学PEP英语毕业测试卷(答题时间60分钟)听力部分(40)一、听音选出听到的一项。每小题听两遍。(8)( ) 1. A. landB. lambC. lamp( ) 2. A. March B. much C. match( ) 3. A. listenB. lessonC. season( ) 4. A. 87446372B. 87466372C.87446672( ) 5. A. TBSB. DPSC. TPS( ) 6. A. soreB. soC. son( ) 7. A. on the mapB. on the right C. on the bike( ) 8. A. take

2、a tripB. take a shipC. take a sheep二、听录音,按听到的顺序给下列图片标号。每小题听两遍。(8)三、听对话圈图片。每小题听两遍。(8)1、A B C2、 A B C3、A B C 4、 A B C5、A B C6、 A B C7、A B C 8、 A B C四、听音,选择与所读句子意思相近的句子。每小题听两遍。 (8)( ) 1. A. John is the oldest in his class. B. John is helpful in his class.( ) 2. A. Henry lives next to us. B. Henry lives

3、 far from us.( ) 3. A. His father is a doctor. B. His father is a teacher.( ) 4. A. Jenny likes meat. B. Jenny likes vegetables.( ) 5. A. Mr White was born in April. B. Mr White was born in March.( ) 6. A. Betty is busy. B. Betty is free.( ) 7. A. Dick collects fifty stamps. B. Dick collects one hun

4、dred stamps.( ) 8. A. The fruit stand is in front of the bookstore. B. The fruit stand is behind the bookstore.五、听录音,共两篇短文,请你根据听到的内容判断下列句子的正误。正确的打“”错误的打“”。每小题听两遍。(8)A( ) 1. Today is Saturday.( ) 2. We are in the nature park.( ) 3. John is catching butterflies.( ) 4. Sarah is having a picnic with Amy

5、.B( ) 1. Mary is ten years old.( ) 2. Her parents live in England now.( ) 3. She can speak good Chinese.( ) 4. Mary teaches her friends English.笔试部分(60)六、读一读,找出不同类的词。(10)( ) 1. A. fourteenB. thirteen C. canteen D. eighteen( ) 2. A. juice B. cakeC. CokeD. coffee( ) 3. A. kitchenB. chickenC. beef D. p

6、ork( ) 4. A. forkB. spoonC. knifeD. plane( ) 5. A. sneakersB. sleepsC. sandalsD. boots( ) 6. A. windyB. sweet C. sourD. salty( ) 7. A. Number B. OctoberC. NovemberD. December( ) 8. A. north B. south C. mouthD. west七、读音标写单词。(10)八、对话排序。共有两个对话,请你根据内容在每句前写上序号。(8)A( )Mrs Black. Shes from Australia. ( )Sh

7、es young and active.( )Whats she like?( )Whos your math teacher?B( )Yes, so Im going by bus.( )Im going to visit the science museum.( )What are you going to do this afternoon?( )Is it far?九、根据实际情况选择正确的回答。(10)( ) 1. How many days are there in August?A. 29. B. 30. C. 31.( ) 2. Where does milk come fro

8、m?A. Hen. B. Duck. C. Cow.( ) 3. Which city is in the west of China?A. Lhasa. B. Hong Kong. C. Harbin.( ) 4. What do you call the child of your uncle?A. Son. B. Cousin. C. Brother.( ) 5. If you meet a new word, what can you do? A. Use a dictionary. B. Read a magazine. C. Write a story book.( ) 6. Wh

9、at do we call the first meal of the day?A. Lunch. B. Breakfast. C. Supper.( ) 7. My friends name is Thomas Allen Green. Which is his family name?A. Thomas. B. Allen. C. Green.( ) 8. Which month comes before January?A. February. B. December. C. November.( ) 9. Which of the food is vegetable?A. Egg. B

10、. Eggplant. C. Mutton.( ) 10. Which animal sleeps in winter?A. Monkey. B. Bear. C. Panda.十、读读,给下列每个问句找到相应的答句。(8)( ) 1. May I speak to Mike?A. Summer. Because I can swim.( ) 2. Which season do you like best?B. Sorry, I have no watch.( ) 3. Whats your hobby?C. Hes near the window.( ) 4. Who is Mary?D.

11、 Its ten yuan, I think.( ) 5. What time is it?E. Because he couldnt find his bike. ( ) 6. How much is the book?F. She is my new friend.( ) 7. Where is the boy?G. I like swimming in the lake.( ) 8. Why did he come to school late?H. Hold on, please.十一、读句子,用括号中单词的正确形式填空。(8)1. My mother is a bus _ (driv

12、e).2. How many _ (tomato) can you see? I can see four. 3. Mr White goes _ (shop) every morning.4. What are you going to _ (be) when you grow up? 5. Betty often _ (wash) her dress on Sunday.6. There _ (be) a lot of rain in Ningbo in summer. 7. Look, the girl is _ (take) a picture. 8. Mr White has five _ (sheep) on the farm. 十二、读短文,打“”或“”判断对错。(6)Welcome to our school. There are twenty-four classrooms. The classrooms are large and beautiful. There is a computer, two boards, six fans, eight lights and many desks and chairs in each cla


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