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1、Unit 1一、单词拼写: 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。1.Many students want to find p_ jobs in their spare time.2.Customers like Debbie very much because she often greets them c_.3.Without h_, the policeman jumped into the river to save the little boy at once.4.Lily often s_ as she doesnt know how to use the fax machi

2、ne.5.The teacher always asks the students to find out the k_ words when they do the reading.6.These rules can a_ accidents. People should obey them.7.Its polite to offer(提供) seats to e_ and kids.8.In many Western countries, people like standing c_ to each other to show their respect.9. S_ at others

3、is rude and we should not do it.10.Two roads c_ here, so the traffic is always heavy.11.Mother is very a_ because little Bob hasnt returned home yet.12.The price seems r_, I will take it.13.Sally is popular in our class because she is lively and o_.二、完成句子:1.芭蕾舞演员经常用脚尖跳舞。 Ballet dancers often _ _ _.2

4、.因为想减肥,我对吃的东西很小心。 I _ _ _ the food she eats because she wants to lose weight.3.模特要有一定的身高和体形。 Models have to _ _ a certain _ _ _.4.大部分小学生上课都能坐直身体。 Most pupils can _ _ _ in class.5.这只黑猩猩骄傲得翘起下巴来了。 The chimpanzee feels proud to _ _ _ _.6.谢谢你提醒我关于会议的事。 Thank you for _ _ _ the meeting.7.我喜欢果枝胜过于茶。 I _ fr

5、uit juice _ tea.8.老师让西蒙抬起头来认真听课。 The teacher asked Simon to _ his head _ and listen to the lesson carefully. 9.当我不舒服时,我经常找医生帮忙。 I often _ _ _ _ _ _ when I feel 10.这是问题的关键. It is _ _ _ the problem.11.盯着别人是不礼貌的. _ _ others _ impolite.12.在西方国家,交谈时目光交流是必要的. In western countries, _ _ _ is necessary when

6、talking.13.事实上,身体语言也是很重要的. _ _ _ _ _, body language is also very important.三、语法:动词不定式(Infinitives):用不定式 to do 做宾语的动词:agree同意 ask要求 decide决定 hope希望 happen碰巧 plan计划refuse拒绝 seem似乎 want想要 wish希望 forget忘记 try尽力动名词(Gerunds):用动名词ing 做宾语的动词:admit承认 consider考虑 enjoy喜欢 escape逃脱 finish完成 keep保持 like/love喜欢 mi

7、ss错过 practise练习 suggest建议 deny否认 mind介意 hate讨厌用省去to的不定式 do 做宾语的动词:“四看”:see, watch, notice, look at “三使”:make, have, let “二听”:hear, listen to“一感觉”:feel “半帮助”:help其他词组及句型:had better do sth, rather than do sth, Why not do sth? Would / Will you please do sth?单项选择:1.Youd better _ when your mouth is full

8、of food.A. dont speak B. not to speak C. not speak D. not speaking2.Yesterday afternoon Miss Green told the boys _ football in the classroom.A. didnt play B. to not play C. not play D. not to play3.Do you enjoy _ friends with foreigners and practise _ English with them? A.to make, to speak B.making,

9、 speaking C.to make, speaking D.making, to speak4.-Have you finished _ the book? -Not yet. Ill try _ it to you before Friday.A.reading, returning B.to read, to return C.reading, to return D.to read, returning5. -Do you often hear John _ in his room? -Listen! Now we can hear him _ in his room again.

10、A. sing, to sing B. singing, singing C. sing, singing D. to sing, singing6. Would you please _ to clean the classroom? Its so dirty. A. not to forget B. not forget C. dont forget D. not forgetting7.Thank you for _ me _ some water.A.to help, to carry B. to help, carrying C.helping, carrying D. helpin

11、g, to carry8.The old man is strong enough. He prefers _ to _.A. walking, riding B. walk, ride C. to walk, ride D. walking, ride9. Please keep the fire _ and window _.A. burn, open B. burning, opening C. burned, opened D. burning, open10.The doctor let him _ in the chair. It made him _ better. A. sit

12、, feel B. sit, to feel C. to sit, to feel D. sitting, feeling11.I feel cold. Would you mind _ the window, please?A.close B. closed C. to close D. closing12.You dont look well. Why _ to see the doctor? A. not to go B. you not to go C. not go D. didnt go13.-Dont forget _ him about it before he goes away. -No, I wont.A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. to telling14.Look at the sign on the wall! Stop _ photographs, please.A. to take B. taking C. take D. not taking 15.Jim dropped his stick on the ground, but he stopped _ it and went on _.A. to get, running B.



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