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1、模板:开头:三部分:引述题目,表达正反两方面的观点,陈述自己的观点;引述题目:反问法;正反两方面的观点:用转折词,比如while、but、despite、although等,例如While some people can find beauty in the mosr common places, true beauty is only found in the exceptional.There can be no doubt that some of the worlds most common things are beautiful, yet it is ofthen the exce

2、ptional objects that possess the true beauty.陈述自己的观点:例如:I believe that ,becauseIn my view,this is becauseIt is cleat thatAfter weighing the evidence, it si certain that 三个例子:1、 The speaker asserts that. It has some merits in terms of /from a normative standpoint. However, I disagree with the speaker

3、 for some reasons, including/ as discussed below.适用于单纯观点,不涉及争论的话题。2、 Where/ does it / can we .while/ even though/ there can be no doubt some people I would like to agree with that 3、The speaker asserts/considers that _. While this claim seems plausible in the abstract, it suffers several practical p

4、roblems/ flaws under/ with a close scrutiny. 主体段:三部分:主题句、例子、例子如何支持主题句主题句:没有固定格式,只要能总结概括该段主旨就行例子:for example ,for instance one example of that is A second instance of is in whichConsider that Like that 例子支持主题句:不断地重复主题关键词,把例子和主题句联系起来。结尾:两部分:明确告知读者文章结束;总结文章的中心思想告知读者结束:in conclusion, ultimately, As the

5、bulk of the evidence show, The example above all support the idea that 总结中心思想:In conclusion,the example above all support the idea that ETS官网公布的ISSUE新题库 This page contains the Issue topics for the Analytical Writing section of the GRE? revised General Test. When you take the test, you will be presen

6、ted with one Issue topic from this pool. Each Issue topic consists of an issue statement or statements followed by specific task instructions that tell you how to respond to the issue. The wording of some topics in the test might vary slightly from what is presented here. Also, because there may be

7、multiple versions of some topics with similar or identical wording but with different task instructions, it is very important to read your test topic and its specific task directions carefully and respond to the wording as it appears in the actual test. 1 As people rely more and more on technology t

8、o solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. 当人们越来越依赖技术去解决问题,人类独立思考能力却退化。Whether the ability of thingking of human beings will deteriorate in the future if people tend to combat with problems through tecnology? While some people suggest that peopele become

9、 increasingly lazier as a result of the development of techniques, some others hold strongly that we think and deal with dillemas more productively and effectively than before. In my opinion, the development of teconoly relies on human independent thinking ability, and in ture enhance the ability. A

10、s far as I am concerned, .We Human Beings are dependent on technology more than before. Many probles and task require the involvement of techniques, such as mathematics calculating, logic deduction and many dangerous outdoor task, such as mine deducing, electricity conducting and so on.In sum,tecnol

11、ogy has been developing since it appeared and people increasingly rely on it. However, form an overall point, the capability of thinking is enhancing all the time, thus promoting the former. All in all, these two subjects are complementary and promoting each other. 技术越来越发达,人类对技术的依赖越来越严重,人类很多问题都需要技术的

12、发明和创新来解决,包括繁杂枯燥的数学运算、危险的室外作业、科学计算、文件编辑、信息管理、专家系统、模式识别、定理证明等等;技术不能解决所有问题,比如依赖于人脑的逻辑推理、思考创新等,这些有助于人类思维的锻炼;技术可以使人从繁重枯燥的工作中解放出来,有更多的时间进行逻辑推理(有更多的时间做intellectual work),反而锻炼了人的思维。随着技术的进步,人类思考问题的范围和方式也在发生变化。人类开始思考许多原来没有考虑过的问题,古希腊哲学家说的圆圈的故事(ancient greek philosopher)If we compare the known part of the world

13、 to the space within a circle ,the unknown part of the world around the circle grows as the circle of our knowledge expands.tecknology provides people with effective instruments for intellectual work.宇宙探秘,基因遗传突变等。技术不断发展,人类对技术的依赖也越来越严重,但从总体上看,人类思维能力是不断提升的,反之也促进了技术的发展,所以,这两者是相辅相成的、相互促进的;Overall:除了技术外,

14、人类的思考能力还受其他很多因素的影响,比如教育、生长环境、智商等;2 To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities. 要想了解一个社会最重要的特征,人们必须研究这个社会主要的城市。社会主要的城市确实可以体现出很多这个社会的重要特征,因为城市经济发达、信息流通畅通,交通方便,因此汇集了来自各行各界、各地的人们,他们在城市学习、工作、生活,因此城市成为了整个社会特征的最为集中的体现地;发达国家和发展中国家的区别,发达国家城市化水平高,人口大部分集中在城市,

15、城市和农村差距不大,因此说社会的主要特征集中在城市是正确的,但是在发展中国家,社会最重要的特征却并不一定在主要城市中得到体现,比如中国,中国人口有14亿,农村人口8亿,主要城市人口不足2亿,中国社会巨大的贫困差距体现在城市与农村之间而不是城市内部,中国社会各种矛盾最激烈的体现在数不清中小城镇,体现出广袤的农村地区,那么中国的主要城市怎么体现出了中国社会最重要的特征了呢?恐怕不能; 要了解一个社会的重要的特征,除了研究这个社会主要的城市外,还应该研究中小城镇和农村,尤其是在比较贫困、城乡差距悬殊的发展中国家;3 Educational institutions have a responsibi

16、lity to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. 教育机构有责任劝阻学生不要从事不太可能成功的科学研究。论点:有保留的反对让步:教育工作者很professional,如果能适当地给予学生建议,可以避开一些研究价值小,难度大的学术领域,帮助学生更便捷地取得成功;Admittedly,有些研究领域确实非常难以取得成功,但是没有任何一个领域是unlikely成功的,要知道,该领域之所以成为研究领域,势必由前人开拓、奠定的,必然有一定的学术价值,如果付出足够的努力,是一定可以取得成功的;强



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