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1、U5TI大门 对也一样 乘(车等);靠近,在旁 地铁交通 总是,一直 快点,加油 走路,步行 去上学 飞机 火车,培训 轮船 小船 女士 奶奶,外婆 组,群 平日 早的 鸟 捉住,接住 蠕虫 有时 很少,不常 步行,散步 绝不,从来没有 骑车,乘车 公园,停放 家庭作业 做家庭作业 观看,注视,手表 电视 看电视 美国 生活,生命 美国(人)的 或者,否则 很少的 吃午饭 在学校 一天,白天 休息 休息 打球,游戏 篮球 足球 游泳 去游泳 等等 球,舞会 比赛,游戏 更,另外 谈话,交谈 听 听 音乐 图书馆 必须 第一 朗读 一次,从前 星期,周 两次,两倍 每一 开始 上课 一会儿 床

2、睡觉 Jane usually at 6:20 . At 7:00 , she breakfast with her parents . She goes to school bus at 7:30 .Classes begin at 8:00. She has four classes the morning .She has lunch school at about 12:00 .She has two classes the afternoon .After school,she often soccer with her classmates . At a quarter past

3、five ,she the subway home.She gets home at five thirty and has dinner at seven oclock . After dinner ,she often does her homework and then watches TV for a little . She to bed at about a quarter to ten . U5T2制造,做 卡片 乏味,无聊的 很快,不久 跑 操场 跳舞 体育馆 学生宿舍 睡觉 坐 弄干净 实验室 电脑 房间 大厅,礼堂 餐厅 教室 大楼 游泳 水池 借用 一些,少量 工程,项目

4、 练习册 过程,课程 钱 当然 使用 更好地(的) 寻找 架子 保持,保存 归还,回 准时 高兴,愉快 写 邮件,邮寄 再见 又一,再一 失物招领处 钱包 别的,其他的 图片,照片 放,摆 穿,戴上 在周围 领某人参观 在后面 绘画 因为 日本(人)的 精彩的,太好了 也,而且,此外 ( the playground ) A few students running around the playground. Some students are a soccer game. Some students are basketball. Look! Many students are sitti

5、ng there and watching .( the gym) Three students are swimming the swimming pool. A few boys are to music and Li Lei is singing. What about the girls over there? Oh! They are dancing .( the classroom) Mom , at my classroom. Kangkang is Renai English Post.Michael is his homework. Is Wang Wei his homew

6、ork, too? Oh! No ,he is a letter. What are Jane and Maria doing? They are talking. Where is Sally? Aha ,she is the blackboard the classroom . Tom is my good friend. Here are some photos of . Look! He is running in the gym Picture1. In Picture 2, he is in a swimming pool. He looks happy he loves swimming.In Picture 3, he is to a Japanese girl the Great Wall. The Great Wall is wonderful.I also to visit it one day. U5T3今天 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日 美术 课程表,时间表


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