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1、7选5题型一、词汇衔接又可以具体分为三种:代词、同义词/近义词、上下义词/同一范畴词对应关系。1代词英语表达中的代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用是指代前面提及的名词或形容词概念,巧妙利用这样的指代关系和根据代词的单复数差异可以准确而快速地解题。(the, this, that, these, those, they, it等)例题The new design was well received by the reception staff of the hotel chain._ 正确选项句子为:They all believe that its introduction has led to

2、a modern , more professional corporate image and greater confidence among them.例题分析:选项中的they是一个复数人数主格代词,对应空格前句中的staff。staff是一个集合名词(全体员工),是个复数概念。代词中有一类叫不定代词,常见的有:one, everyone, everybody, each, both, all, many, these, this等。2.同义词/近义词英语前言后语之间往往有同义词、近义词、近义表达语甚至相同词汇的重复使用,这是我们解题的一个很好的判断线索。其实就其本质而言,上文讲的代词

3、和下文将涉及的上下义词和同一范畴词都是特殊的同义/近义词。例题:Laura Ashley made a fortune by looking back to past centuries, searching for old designs to decorate a variety of clothes and household furnishings. _.正确的选项是:These traditional products created a huge wave of demand from the States and elsewhere.例题分析:空格前句中的old和选项中的trad

4、itional是近义词,是很明显的同义对应关系。例题:These days, Dan Baird runs Front Line Developments, his own computer games business, and has just sold his latest game to the American software giant. _.“The computer game is now a totally accepted means of entertainment”, she says. 正确的选项是:She thinks that a lot of people f

5、eel that computer games are just a passing fad, but her view is that they are not.例题分析:空格前后句都出现了computer game,在读选项的时候很容易注意到这个同词重复的解题线索。二逻辑衔接根据前后句之间的逻辑关系又细分为:解释关系、例证关系、因果关系、顺逆关系。1.解释关系前后句之间含有解释的逻辑关系,这样的逻辑关系是很隐蔽的。例题:By 1995, the year she died, the business had grown so much that she had decided to rem

6、ain involved only in the area of design. _.正确选项:the creative side of things was what she had always enjoyed most.例题分析:design这个词的中文意思肯定是所有新东方读者熟知的,但笔者如果提个问题,不知道有多少读者能回答出来:What is the essential quality(nature) of a successful designer? -一个成功的设计师的基本素质是什么?究竟怎样的人可以被称之为设计师?答案是:He or she must have original

7、 mind. -必须具有创新思维。选项中的the creative side of things是对前句中the area of design的最好解释。其实任何语言学习的最高境界就是对语言所表达的思想的精确理解,而不是表面的语言现象。笔者留一个简单的问题给读者思考:who can be called entrepreneurs(企业家)? 2.例证关系前后句的某句是为了证明另一句而举的例子。例证的形式多样,但就其本质而言无非是思维上的形象(例子、类比等)和抽象(观点)的辩证关系,用到的思维过程无非就是基本的归纳(从形象到抽象)和推理(从抽象到形象)。例题:Manager should pro

8、vide regular feedback to their staff._.正确选项:For example, when good work has been done it must be praised.例题分析:选项是对前句举了一个十分明显的例子。3. 因果关系前后句的逻辑是因果关系,常见的逻辑表达有:because, for, since, as, the reason is that,result in/ from, be due to, be attributed to 等。还有一些表示因果逻辑关系的表达是比较隐蔽的,如:underlie(前者构成后者的基础,实际是前者是因,后者

9、是果),再如:in response to(前者作为后者的回应,即后者是因,前者是果)。希望考生在平日英语学习中多作总结,这对考研的各个部分的解题都有好处。例题:There is no doubt that, in an increasingly competitive trading environment, we are better equipped than ever to compete and to win and we feel increasingly optimistic._.正确选项:This is due to our now having a clear strateg

10、y with a focus on the customer, product improvement and store refurbishment.例题分析:选项句中有一个非常重要的形容词clear,这个词足以说明该公司的strategy(战略)是正确的,一家公司有着清晰而正确的战略思想当然会使其蒸蒸日上。空格前面一句正是讲的该公司踌躇满志,十分乐观。空格句开头的this is due to 反映出这样的因果逻辑关系。4. 顺逆关系英语行文中后句对前句不是顺承逻辑关系就是逆转逻辑关系,这是显然的常识。如果空格前后两句话之间是逻辑上的逆转,则空格处很有可能是个转折逻辑的句子。例题:Compa

11、ny both large and small have spend large sums of money on improving office computer facilities._. It seems that business have failed to apply the developments in technology to greater effect.正确选项: However, this enormous investment has not improved productivity as expected.例题分析:空格前句作者如果不是正面也至少可以说是中性的

12、描述:公司无论大小都在改进自己的办公室的硬件方面不惜血本投资。空格后面的一句中有一个鲜明表示负面评价的词汇:fail to。如果没有空格中的这句话,前后两句的逻辑出现了断层(logical gap)。所以考生可以在备选项中搜寻转折逻辑的各种表达法,很快就能找出正确的选项。5.总分结构关系英语文章绝大多数都是总分结构,无论是全篇的逻辑,还是每一个独立的意群(一般以自然段的形式出现)的逻辑都是总分结构。利用总句和分句中可能存在的上述的各种衔接关系可以迅速地解题。由于篇幅有限,这里就不举例说明了。解题策略:句子衔接六法则1)重复在诸多句子中,后一句重复使用前一句子中的某个词语。As the sayi

13、ng goes,All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but Ive also heard people say All play and no work makes Jake a dumb boy.中重复了使用了work, play, makes. boy等。2)同义语:重复的词语的同义语。大纲样题第一段第一句与第二句,fishes, reptiles, birds, insects and some mammals和the sea animals属于重复词语的同义语。3)反义语:使用反义语也可以实现句子衔接。4)指代:使用代词等手段来指代前

14、面提到过的内容。例如:“it, these,this”的使用。5)列举:使用明显的顺序标记来彰显各个意思之间的联系。例如“First,Second,Third.6)平行:重复某一句子的句子结构。Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways 71Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, no

15、te-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.72 Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.73The follo

16、wing methods may work best for you.Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.Write your notes in your own words.74Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.As you



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