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1、Lesson One Greetings 打招呼Good morning, Mrs. Brown.Brown太太,早上好。Hi. 自然的表达方式Hello. 自然的表达方式Morning. Good morning的缩略形式 Good morning.早上好(中午12点以前)Good afternoon. 下午好(1点到5点) Good evening.晚上好(晚间6点至8点)Good night.晚上相互道别的时候Whats up, buddy?哥们儿,怎么样?collectivism 集体主义,中国式,比较大众话,“吃了吗?”“您哪儿去?”individualism 个人主义,西方式,很少

2、过问别人的privacy私事Hey, whats up? 最近还好吗?并不期望一个很完整的答案Hey, whats new?同上Fine.还好,最简单的回答Hi. 打招呼Hey. 引起别人注意How are you doing?您好吗?How is everything going?一切顺利吗?人+doing,表示人怎么样事情 +going,表示事情进行如何How are your family doing?你的家人怎么样,家人要用复数areHow is your husband doing?你先生怎么样?How is your study going?学习进展怎么样How is your w

3、ork going?工作顺利吗?How do you do?非常正式的说法,在美国已经很少用了,非常正式或头一次见面时用I am doing well, thank you. And you?我很好,谢谢。你呢?Not bad, thanks.还可以,谢谢。Im doing well.我很好Im well.Im fine. 听不错的Well, cant be better.好的不能再好了Well, its OK. 还可以吧Well, not bad.同上Oh, just soso.一般般了Oh, not good.不好Really bad.很糟糕How is your husband?你先生好

4、吗?Allen was sick last week, but now he feels better.Allen上周病了,但现在他好多了。A: Good morning, Mrs Brown. How are you doing?B: Im doing well. Thank you. And you?A: I am fine too, thank you. How is your husband?B: Allen was sick last week, but now he feels better. Allen上周生病了,但是现在好多了Please give my regards to

5、him.请代我问候他。regared = treatv. 对待Dont treat / regard yourself as a kid.别把我当成小孩子We regard him as our boss.regardn.敬意I have regard for sb.对某人有敬意We have regard for David.BR= Best regards. email中很常用,信末尾出现Please say hello to him. 请代我问候他remember sb to sb Please remember me to him. 代我问候他Jenny, I havent seen

6、you in ages. You look great today! Jenny,好久不见。你今天看起来好极了!Thanks, John. Its really been a long time. 谢谢,John。确实好久没见了。John: Jenny, I havent seen you in ages. You look great today!Jenny: ThanksJohn.Its really been a long time. How is everything going?John: Well, not bad, thanks.Jenny: Whats going on wit

7、h your study?John: Im working very hard on my English now.Jenny, I havent seen you in ages. You look great today! Jenny,好久不见。你今天看起来好极了!Thanks, John. Its really been a long time. 谢谢,John。确实好久没见了。You look great today.西方语言的优良传统,见面先夸奖对方以帮助对方树立confident信心You look pretty today.你今天看起来很漂亮I havent seen you f

8、or / in ages.好久没见了Well, its (really) been long.是啊,确实是好久了Long time no see.中式的英文,已经被西方采用Whats going on with your study? 学习进展如何?Whats going on with this project?这个项目进展如何?I am working hard on my English now. 我正努力学英文呢。I am working hard on my homework. 我正在努力地干家务活 I worked hard on my paper and I got A.我正在努

9、力地写论文并且我得了a级Well, I am working on it / my Enlgish.我正在努力的学呢work on sb = try to persuade sb想要劝服某人Will you help me to work on him? 你可以帮我劝劝他吗?He wants to go aborad. 他想出国But we really dont want him to go 但是我们真的不想让他去.Lets drop it. 不要劝了Stop working on me.你别在我身上费工夫了Not much. How about you? 没什么。你呢?Whats up?W

10、hats new?Well, nothing up.没什么事儿Not much.没什么Lesson Two What is your name? 怎么称呼您What is your name? 怎么称呼你?My name is Claire.自我介绍,我叫claire。May I have your name, Miss? 小姐,告诉我您的名字好吗?Hi, may I have your name, please? 很礼貌的搭讪方式,你好,请问我可以知道你的名字吗? Could you please tell me your name? 同上Will it be convenient for

11、you if I have your name?很委婉的方式,告诉我你的名字方便吗?Whats your name?正常的问Your name?体现严肃性We must have met before. 我们一定见过面吧,不管怎么地先混个脸熟Is it your name Claire? 你是叫claire吗?No, my name is Sarah. 不,我叫sarah,(你看看,知道叫什么了吧)Hi, Sarah, nice to meet you.你好sarah,很高兴认识你It is my family name. In China, we put our surname first.

12、 是我的姓。中国人先说姓再说名。姓surnamelast name(因为英文的姓是放在最后的)family name 名first namegiven name 中名middle nameHer name is Susan N. Armstrong. N is the abbreviation of her middle name.她叫Susan N. Armstrong。“N”是她中间名字的缩写。Abbreviation缩略 Abbreviate缩写、删节 abbreviate sth. = make sth. shorterMiddlen name can be abbreviated中间

13、的名字是可以缩写的. This story is abbreciated.这个故事被删节了Are you from the PRC?你是从中国来吗PRC = Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国UN is the abbreviation of the United Nations.UN是联合国的缩写USA美国 UK英国Is Li your first name? “李”是你的名吗?My name is Claire Li. Clare is my first name and Li is my last name.clare是我的名,li是我的姓My name i

14、s Alexander Smith. Just call me Alex. 我叫Alexander Smith。叫我Alex就可以了。Just call my Enlgish name.叫我的英文名字好了Just call me Claire.叫我claire好了How do you spell your first name? 您的名字怎么拼?Spell拼写Will you spell your name?当你不知道对方名字怎么写的时候:你可以拼写你的名字吗?My first name is spelled G-A-R-Y. 我的名字的拼写是“G-A-R-Y”。My name is spel

15、led C-L-A-I-R-E.Will you spell your surname? My surname is spelled R-I-C-E.How do you pronounce your last name? 怎么读您的姓儿?pronounce 发音 pronunciation 读音It is pronounced “/g1ri/”. 读作“/g1ri/”。My last name is Rice.My last name is pronounced Rice.You must be Mr. John Kennedy. Your name precedes you. 您一定就是John Kennedy先生。久闻大名。Your name precedes you. 久闻大名。He precede


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