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1、2015-2016学年三年级知识能力竞赛试卷一、根据大写字母写出小写字母、小写字母写出大写字母(10 分): M Q X P G L I F Y J - u v e b k d r t n s-二 选出不同类的单词:(10分)( )1. A.summer B. autumn C.cool D.winter( )2.A.under B.in C.behind D.bedroom( )3.A.sweater B. line C.coat D.T-shirt( )4.A.Maths B.Science C.Art D.China( )5.A.sleep B.has C.flies D.goes三、单

2、项选择:(20分) ( )1、My favourite is a kite. A.doll B.colour C.toy D.letter( )2、Look ,Tom milk . A .like B .likes C .dont like D.doesnt likes( )3、Does Amy rice and meat ? A .like B .likes C .does like D.dont like ( )4、-Pass me the apple ,please . - . A .You are here . B .Here are you . C .Here you are D.T

3、hank you.( )5、What do you at school ? -I Maths and English . A .has ,have B .have ,has C .have ,have D. has , has ( )6、What does Lingling at school today? -She English and Music. A . has has B .have have C .have has D .has have ( )7、I have in the afternoon . A .Music ,art and pe B .Maths and Art ,PE

4、 C .Maths ,Art and PE D.Maths and Art and PE( )8. We fly kites spring. A./ B.at C.on D. in( )9. a new book,Amy? A.Have got you B.Has you got C.Do you got D.Have you got ( )10. do you go to school On Mondays? -I go to school by bike. A. What B.How C.When D.Where 四、连词成句。(15分)1. up , the, bananas , ten

5、 , there, big , wall, on ( .) 2. desk , in , on ,the , is , pen , bedroom, the ( .) 3. have , Lingling , what, does , school , at ( ? ) 4. shopping , on, she , Saturdays, goes ( . ) 5. bed , on , it , the , isnt ( . ) 五、情景对话(15分)A:Good afternoon,Lucy!B: A:Its hot and sunny today. B:I go swimming .Wh

6、at about you?A: B:Does your father go to work today?A: B: A:She is on the phone with her friend.A:What does your mother do?B:He has Art and Maths.C:What do you do?D:I sleep today.E:No, he doesnt. He rides his bike.F:Good afternoon,Jack!六智力测试(10分)1. ( )选出既能表示水果,又能表示颜色的单词,将其标号写在括号中。Ared Borange Cpeach

7、 Dbanana2. ( )字母d是由几笔写成的?A. one B.two C.three3. ( )“中华人民共和国”的英文缩写是哪个?A. PRC B.PQC C.WHO4. 这幅图中至少有多少个字母宝宝?A.8个 B. 9个 C. 10个 5.( ) 猜谜 Ihavealongbody.Ihaveasmallhead.Ihavenofeet,noarmsandnohands. A.panda B.elephant C.snake七、阅读理解 (一)阅读理解,判断对(T)错(F)(10分)Ihaveahappyfamily.Myfatherisapoliceman.Heistall.Hel

8、ikestoplaybasketball.Mymotherisateacher.ShelikestowatchTVandreadbooks.Iamastudent.Iamaboy.Iamshort.Weliketoeatnoodles.Weareahappyfamily.()1.Myfatherisateacher.()2.Mymotherisapoliceman.()3.Myfatheristall.()4.Myfatherlikestoplayfootball.()5.Iamastudent.Iamagirl.(二)根据图标,将答案序号填在横线上。(10分) A、have got B、havent got C、 has got D、hasnt got Da


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