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1、督陶官说明介绍Brief Introduction to Ceramic Governors 臧应选清康熙十九年(1680)时任工部虞衡司郎中。于康熙二十年(1681)至二十七年(1688)在御窑厂督造瓷器。据载,臧窑土埴腻,质莹薄,诸色兼备,有蛇皮绿、鳝鱼黄、吉翠、黄斑点四种尤佳。其浇黄、浇绿、吹红(豇豆红)、吹青(洒蓝)者亦美。从传世品看,除鳝鱼黄和黄斑点外,其他品种都能得到证实。唐英风火神传载:臧公督陶,每见神指画呵护于窑火中,则其器宜精矣。Zhang Yingxuan Zhang Yingxuan, held a position in the industrial departmen

2、t in the 19th year(1680) of Kangxi reign, worked as ceramic governor in Jingdezhen from 20th year to 27th year of Kangxi reign to supervise the ceramic making. It was recorded that the ceramic products in the kiln of Zhangs supervision were delicate in the texture, bright and thin in quality with va

3、rious colours as decoration among which green snake-skin glaze, yellow ell-skin glaze, Kingfisher blue glaze and yellow mottled glaze were especially excellent. Besides, the ceramic products with Jiao green and Jiao yellow glaze,cow-pea red and Cui blue were also exquisite. Viewed from the remaining

4、 products, all of them can be confirmed except the ones with yellow ell-skin glaze and yellow mottled glaze. It is described in Tang Yings work“On Miracles of Wind and Fire” that each time the governor Zhang was supervising ceramic firing, he saw god directing in the kiln fire for the protection, th

5、en the products would be quite fine. 年希尧清雍正四年(1726)为内务府总管,四月奉命督理淮安板匣关,兼遥领景德镇御窑厂总理,至乾隆八年(1743)。据载,年窑选料奉造,极其精雅。驻厂协理官(唐英)每月于初二、十六两期解送色样至关,呈请岁领关币。琢器多卵色,圆类莹素如银。皆兼青彩,或描锥、暗花、玲珑诸巧样,仿古创新,实基于此,年公曾作重修风火神庙碑记,碑立御窑厂址。Nian Xiyao Nian Xiyao was appointed to be the general manager of the inner affairs department in

6、the 4th year(1726) of Yongzhen in Qing dynast. In the April of the same year, he was dispatched to charge Banxia pass of Huaian district and held a concurrent post of general manager of Royal Ceramic Factory in Jingdezhen until the 8th year of Qianlong reign(1743). It was recorded that the ceramic w

7、ares from the kilns under charge of Nian were quite delicate with carefully selected materials. On the 2nd and 16th days of each month, the assistant official in the royal kiln (Tang Ying) would carry ceramic samples to the pass for inspection and then offered to the court for the fund. The Zuo ware

8、s were mostly in spawn white color, while round wares were in plain brightness like silver. All the products were decorated with either blue color, or relief depiction, or shadow patterns or rice pattern. Both imitating the antiques and creation could be seen from it. Master Nian once wrote “Inscrip

9、tion on Tablet for the Rebuilding of the Temple for Gods of Wing and Fire”. This inscription tablet was set up in the site of Royal Kiln. 唐英清奉天(今辽宁沈阳)人,字俊公,自号蜗寄老人。雍正六年(1728)起奉命驻景德镇御窑厂任协理官,乾隆元年(1736)起先后管理淮安关及九江关并兼理窑务,直至二十一年。习惯上把清乾隆二年(1737)到十四年、十七年至二十一年,唐英兼管御窑厂窑务时期的御窑器称为“唐窑”。据载,唐英深谙土脉火性,慎选诸料,所造俱精莹纯全,厂

10、窑至此,集大成矣。所著有陶成纪事、陶冶图说及陶人心语等。 Tang Ying Tang Ying was from Fengtian ( Shenyang in Liaolin province today),styled as Jungong, self called Woju Old Man. In the 6th year of Yongzhen reign, he was appointed to be the assistant of the Royal Kiln in Jingdsezhen. In the 1rst year of Qianlong reign, he was a

11、ppointed to be in charged of Huaian and Jiujiang passes and took the concurrent post of ceramic supervisor for Royal Kiln, which lasted 21 years. It is accustomed to call the kilns under his charge Tang kilns. It was recorded that Tang Ying knew well about the properties of mud and fire. In the proc

12、ess of making ceramics, he selected materials carefully and the products were quite delicate and beautiful. The Royal Kiln of his time had already reached full perfection. He finished writing works “About Ceramic Manufacture”, “Illustration for Ceramic Making” and Hearty Talks form Potters” and so on.


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