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1、Module1Unit1【学习要点】掌握提出建议的表达方式,如 How about-? Why dont you-? Its a good idea to-? You should-? Try to- 等【要点精讲】 向别人提出自己的建议时可以用以下句型:1.Why dont you write it down? = Why not write it down? Why not + do sth .为什么不做 呢?只可跟动词原形。2.You should have breakfast every day. should + do sth .应该做某事。should后使用动词原形。3.How W

2、hat about playing football after school? How What about + doing sth .做怎么样?about为介词,后跟动名词。4.Its a good idea to swim in that river. Its a good idea + to do sth .做是个好主意。5.Try to remember my phone number. Try not to make mistakes . Try driving this car slowly. try (not) to + do sth .尽力(不)做 try doing sth

3、 试着做 6.Lets go to Jinan tomorrow. Lets + do sth .让我们做 。 基本的回答形式有: Thats a good idea. Great! Thanks a lot.【巧思妙记】1. Im going to give you some advice. advice 意为“劝告,建议”。为不可数名词, 没有复数形式。give advice to sb 意为“给某人提建议”例:Ms James gave us _ on how to learn English. A. some advices B. many advices C. some advice

4、 D. an advice另外,若说“一条建议;一个忠告”可用a piece of advice 来表示,但“两条建议”则要说two pieces of advice2. She can help me with my homework help sb with +名词 还可以说 help sb do (to do) sth.Eg:Can you help me with my homework?Can you help me do my homework?3. Why dont you write it down ? =Why not write it down ? why dont you

5、/we = why not +动词原形eg:Why dont you ask him ?=Why not ask him ?4. What else? 别的什么? else与other (别的,其它的)的用法区别:else作形容词,放在疑问词或anything , something , nothing , nobody , something之后; else作副词,放在疑问副词之后。 other作形容词,放在名词之前eg : When else can I come ? 别的什么时候我可以来呢?Please come some other day . 请改日再来。I.根据句意及首字母提示完成

6、空格中所缺单词1. The question was very difficult so many students didnt know the c_ answer.2. Our teacher asked us to m_ the pictures with the words.3. I didnt hear your name clearly. Please r_ it.4. His p_ is wrong. He needs to listen to the radio in English.5. Julia made a m_ again. Her mother asked her

7、to be careful.6. I dont know the word. Can you s_ it?II.英汉词组互译give some advice _ write Email messages _ help sb. with sth. _ 紧邻,在近旁_写下、记下_ 相互 _ 犯错误 _ .用词的正确形式填空:1. Why not ( go )to fly kites?2. She tried (not worry ),but she found it difficult.3. How about (invite )his sister to our party together?4

8、. My pen friend often helps me (learn )my English.5. We should ( be )friendly to our classmates.6. Its not a good idea (climb) that tree to get apples.7. Lets (listen) to the news on the radio.8. Welcome (to 不填)our school!IV.根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)。1. _ _ (欢迎回来) , everyone!2. -Lets go out for a walk now. -

9、_ _ _ _ (好主意).3. You should always _ _ _ _(在课堂上说英语).4. Why dont you _ _ _ (把它写下来)?5. Its a good idea to _ _ _ _ (每天说英语).【能力突破】I.用括号内动词的适当形式填空1. My brother _ ( make ) some mistakes last night.2. -Where _ ( be ) you born?-I _ ( be ) born in the city of Tianjin.3. Have you _ ( get ) any English books?4

10、. Thank you for _ ( tell ) me the news.5. Im sorry, I forget _ ( call ) you yesterday.II.单项选择1.These English words are important, please_. (09黄冈市) A. write down them B. write it down C. write them down D. write down2. Its bad for you, _ do it again. (09北京市) A. dont try B. try not C. try not to D. do

11、nt try to3. _ you come a little earlier? A. Why not B. Why dont C. Why D. Why not to4. He often helps us _ our English. A. for B. with C. at D. in5.Could you please tell me _ in todays newspaper?Sorry, _.(09黄冈市)A. something special; special nothingB. special something; special nothingC. anything spe

12、cial; something specialD. something special; nothing special6.Can you hear me? No, I cant. Would you please speak_?(09江苏 宿迁市) A. clearly enough B. clear enough C. enough clear D. enough clearly7. The zoo keepers is worried because the number of visitors_ _smaller and smaller. (09河南省)A. become B. bec

13、ame C. is becoming D. have become III.补全对话。(从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。)A Thanks a lot ,Mr Li.B Ive just been to the English Corner.C But you know my spoken English is poor.D Yes, but only a few words.E Would you like to go with me?F We all learn from mistakes, dont we?G Mark and Judy are good at English.Feifei: Good morning,Mr Li.Mr Li: Hi,Feifei.Where have you been?Feifei: 1 Mr Li: Really? Thats great! Did you talk with Mark and Judy ?Feifei:



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