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1、Unit 2 After school一教学内容Sound time & Song time & Checkout time 二教学目标 1.能用名词替换并编写新的歌谣,从而体会英语学习的快乐。2.能有感情地表演动画,体验学习英语的乐趣。3.能了解字母Aa在单词中的另一种读音,即/ /.4.能完成checkout time三教学重点1.能用名词替换并编写新的歌谣,从而体会英语学习的快乐。2.能了解字母Aa在单词中的另一种读音,即/ /.3.能完成checkout time四教学难点1.能了解字母Aa在单词中的另一种读音,即/ /.2能完成checkout time五教学准备卡片,PPT六教学过

2、程Step 1 Greeting and free talk1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, XX2. Free talk and work in pairsT: What day is it today?Ss: ItsT: What makes a week? (Show the question on the screen.) teach:weekS: Sunday, Monday, TuesdayT: All right. Lets sing the song Days of the week together.Ss: OK.(S

3、ing the song together)Step2 Song timeT: We know a week contains Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Can you guess what is my favorite day? Ss:T: Listen! Lets me tell you. (Adapt the song according to my favorite day.)Sunday, la la la,Monday, I love you,Tuesday, la la l

4、a,Wednesday,Thursday, la la laFriday, la la la,Saturday. That makes a week.T: Now you know what my favorite day is. What is it?Ss: Monday.T: Yes. I love Mondays, because on Mondays, I can see you again. I love you, so I love Monday. How about you, boys and girls? What is your favorite day and why? N

5、ow please adapt the song and then tell me the reason.Step 3 Review the Cartoon timeT: Most of you love Saturdays and Sundays, because you can sleep late on Weekends. Then when do you get up on Saturday and Sunday?S: I get up at.T: What about Bobby and Mr. Rooster? Do you remember?Ss:.T: OK. Lets rev

6、iew the Cartoon time. a) Look and sayb) Act the Cartoon outStep 4 Sound timeT: Boys and girls, since Bobby doesnt have any lessons on Saturday, what will he do?Can you guess?Ss:T: Lets have a look. (Show another picture.) As we all know work comes first. (Emotional education) Lets do it together, OK

7、?Ss: OK.T: The English exercise contains two parts. Part 1: Listen and completeb_g c_p h_mburger s_ndwich sn_ck让学生自己体会并总结说出字母a在这些单词中的发音Aa/ /。T: Can you give me more words with letter Aa pronounced / /? Discuss in groups of four. Ill give you one minute.Ss: cat thatT: Well done. Weve finished Part 1.

8、 Lets come to Part 2. Part 2: Look and sayT: Look at the picture. Who are they?Ss: Dad and boy.T: The boy cant find these things. What are these?Ss: A cat, a cap, a bag.T: Look. He is asking his father. How does he ask? Can you try?Ss:T: Lets listen.(Play the mp3 about the two sentences.)Dad, Dad, w

9、heres the cat?Wheres my cap and wheres my bag?T: Lets read it loudly.大声读出句子注意语音语调,培养学生语感Step 5 Checkout timeT: Wonderful. All of you did a good job. Now lets finish the third part, Part 3 Listen and tick. 让学生先说出图片所表达的动词词组让学生说出缩写字母所代表的意思-What day is it?-ItsT: My children, youve finished all the Engli

10、sh exercise. Awesome! Clap for yourselves.Step 6 Ticking time Aims (学习目标)自我评价know another sound of letter Aa (我能总结归纳字母Aa的另一种发音)act out the cartoon vividly(我能生动有感情的表演卡通动画。)Sing and adapt the song Days of the week(我能演唱并创编歌曲。)Step 7Homework1.听录音,熟读今天所学内容(Sound time& Song time)2.做调查:问一问你的朋友和家人最喜欢一个星期中的哪一天以及原因。 板书设计


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