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1、第一课情景对话Dialogue 1A: Good morning.早上好。B: Good morning to you too.Do you think it will rain today?早上好。你觉得今天会下雨吗?A: Yeah,maybe.Its hard to tell.可能会吧。这很难说。B: I hope not.I am going to the beach this afternoon.我希望不要(下雨)。今天下午我准备去海滩。A: Maybe you should check the weather forecast first.也许你该先查查天气预报。B: Good id

2、ea.I think I will.好主意。我会的。A: Well, I hope you have a good afternoon.那我希望你过一个愉快的下午。B: You too.Frank.你也一样,Frank.Dialogue 2A: Hello.你好。B: Hello,Bill.你好,Bill.A: How are you doing?你近来怎么样?B: Not bad. Work is going well.还可以。工作挺顺利。A: Oh,is it?Thats good to hear.噢,是吗?听你这么说真好。B: What about you?那你呢?A: Im doing

3、 okay,although my car is in the shop.还好。只是我的车在维修。B: Oh,really?Thats too bad.哦,真的吗?那太糟糕了。Dialogue 3A: Hi,Ralph.你好,Ralph.B: Oh,hey,Mark. Did you have a good time hiking today?哦,你好,Mark.你今天远足开心吗?A: Yes,although it was a bit hot.开心,只是天气热了一点。B: That is why I stayed inside.那就是我呆在室内的原因了。A: What did you do?

4、你在干了些什么?B: I read a book.我读了一本书。Dialogue 4A: Whats up,Andrew?有什么事吗,Andrew?B: Not much.Not much at all.没什么,真的没什么。A: Are you hungry?你饿了吗?B: A little bit.Did you want to eat?有一点儿,你想吃东西吗?A: Yes.Lets go find something to eat.想。我们去找点吃的吧。B: That sounds good to me.好啊。Dialogue 5A: Good afternoon. Is Doctor K

5、olb in?下午好。可比医生在吗?B: Yes,but he is busy.Do you mind waiting?在,但他正忙着。你介意等一下吗?A: I dont mind.Do you think he will be a while?我不介意。你认为他会很快吗?B: He shouldnt be long.应该不会很久。A: Oh,good. Ill wait.哦,那好,我等一下吧。B: Just take a seat over there.He should see you shortly.就在那边坐一下吧。他很快就会见你的。第二课情景对话Dialogue 1A: Hi,I a

6、m Marvin.你好,我是Marvin.B: Marvin? My name is Robert.Marvin?我的名字是Robert.A: I am here to play baseball.我是来这里打棒球的。B: Good.We need more people to play.太好了。我么我呢正需要多一些人来玩呢。A: I am not very good.我打的不好。B: That doesnt matter.We are just here for fun.不要紧。,我们只是来这里玩一下而已。Dialogue 2A: Im Amy.And you are.我是Amy,你是.B:

7、 My name is Elizabeth.You can call me Beth.我的名字是伊丽莎白。你可以叫我贝斯。A: Oh,that is my mothers name.哦,那是我妈妈的名字。B: Really? Im named after my grandmother.真的吗?我的名字是取自我的祖母的A: Actually.Amy is not my real name.Its Amanda.事实上,Amy 不是我的真名。我的真名是Amanda。B: Why do you go by Amy?你为什么用Amy 这个名字呢?A: I dont know.Ever since I

8、was young,that is what people have call me.我也不知道。我很小的时候,大家就这样叫我的。B: Thats interesting.那真有趣。Dialogue 3A: Good morning.Im looking for Doctor Kolbs office.早上好,我正在找可比医生的办公室。B: I am Dr.kolb. How can I help you?我就是可比医生。我能帮你什么?A: Im Dave Fowler.My stomach has been hurting.我是Dave Fowler。我的胃一直在痛。B: Is it an

9、emergency?十分要紧吗?A: Oh,no,its not that bad.I just need to make an appointment.哦,不是,没那么糟糕。我只想定个预约。B: Please talk to my secretary over there.请跟我的秘书在那边谈吧。A: Thank you,Doctor,I will.谢谢,医生。我会的。B: Ill see you soon.很快就到你了。Dialogue 4A: Hello.Im Hugh.What can i do for you?你好。我是Hugh。有什么可以帮到你吗?B: Yes.Im Bill Pa

10、xton.I left my car here last week. Is it repaired?是的。我是Bill Paxton。上星期我把吃完放这里,请问修好了吗?A: Yes,sir. it is Mr.Paxton.Can you sign your name here?是的先生。是有一位Mr Paxton 先生。请把你的名字签在这里,好吗?B: No problem.没问题。A: Okay,its around back.Ill bring it up front.好了,车子就在后面。我这就把它驶到前面来。B: Thanks.Whats the damage?谢谢。我的损失大吗?A

11、: To the car?车的损坏?B: No,I mean what is the cost?不,我是说价钱是多少?A: Ill have to check with the mechanic.我要跟机修师傅查核一下。B: Ill be right here.我就在这里(等你)。Dialogue 5A: Hi,there. Are you Tina?嗨,你是蒂娜吗?B: Yes, I am.How did you know my name?是的,我是。你怎么知道我的名字?A: Im friends with your roommate Bob.我是你的室友Bob 的朋友。B: Oh, I d

12、idnt catch your name.哦,我还不知道你的名字呢。A: Yeah,Im sorry.My name is Tony.是啊,对不起,我的名字是Tony。B: Pleased to meet you,Tony.很高兴见到你,Tony。A: Same here.我也是。第三课情景对话Dialogue 1A: Eric,did you finish the report?Eric,你完成那份报告了吗?B: Yes,its right here,Mark.完成了,就在这儿,Mark。A: Thanks.谢谢。B: No problem!不用谢。A: Were there any dif

13、ficulties for you?你做报告时遇到过什么困难吗?B: It was tough to get it done promptly,but it was not too bad.要把它迅速完成是有点困难,但也不是太麻烦。A: Thats good to hear.Keep up the good work.听到你这样说真好,继续保持这股劲。Dialogue 2A: I thought you might like this book.我想你可能会喜欢这本书的。B: Oh, wow,yeah,this is great.哦,哇!太棒了。谢谢你A: Dont mention it.不用

14、谢。B: No,this is great.This is just what i wanted.Thank you.不,这的确太棒了,这正是我想要的。谢谢。A: Well,youre welcome.不用谢。B: She is my favorite author.她是我最喜欢的作者。A: Im glad you like it.你喜欢,我就高兴。Dialogue 3A: You do fine work here.你在这里干得很好。B: Oh, I just try to do my part.噢,我只是做好本分罢了。A: No,you do better than that,and we

15、 appreciate it.不,远远不止你所说的,我们都有目共睹。B: Really?Im embarrassed.真的吗?我真有点不好意思。A: Dont be.As a sign of our gratitude ,youre the new manager.别这样。为了表示我们的感激,你就是新经理了。B: Oh, thank you,sir.好,谢谢你。A: Thank you ,Louis.谢谢,Louis.Dialogue 4A: I couldnt have finished this race without you and Mark encouraging me.如果没有你和马克的鼓励,我是不可能跑完这场比赛的。B: Let me know i


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