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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、What? We can take buses with just a mobile? Yes. Buses in Yangzhou began to _ Alipay app.AshareBsaveCsearchDsupport2、-I cant h

2、ear any sound in Tonys room. Is he in?-Oh, I forget to tell you. He _to attend his friends birthday party two hours ago.Ahas invitedBwas invitedCwill be invitedDhas been invited3、The boy promised _ late for school again.Anot to beBto not beCnot beingDbeing not4、China_great achievements in science an

3、d technology since 1978.AmakeBmadeCwill makeDhas made5、Which of the following pictures shows the mascot of Beijing Expo (世园会) 2019?ABCD6、In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from others?AwolfBhoneyCton7、After playing football for more than half an hour, the students

4、took rest.Aa few minutesBa little minutesCa few minutesDa little minutes8、The person to _ you just spoke is Mr. Lin.AwhichBwhatCwhom9、There are _ people in the supermarket. Its so crowded.AhundredBhundredsChundred ofDhundreds of10、 Is that Bills volleyball? Yes. Bill likes playing volleyball. volley

5、ball is his.Aa; /Bthe; /Cthe; TheD/; The. 完形填空11、 Emperor Akbar was travelling to a city a long way from his home. The 1 was hot and he was beginning to feel tired and bored.“Can anybody shorten this 2 for me” he asked impatiently.The courtiers 3 one another nervously. They knew there was no shorter

6、 road through the mountains to the city.“I can,” said Birbal.“You can shorten the road?” said the emperor. “Well, go on. Do it!” “I will,”said Birbal. “But first listen to this 4 ”Birbal rode beside the emperor and began to tell a story. It was a very 5 tale, so all the listeners were fascinated. Be

7、fore they were told the end of the story, they had reached the end of their journey.“Weve arrived!” said the emperor 6 . “So soon!”Several days later, a man came to challenge Birbal. He had 7 stories about how clever Birbal was.The man asked Birbal, “Would you prefer to answer a hundred 8 questions

8、or just one difficult question?”“Ask me one difficult question,” said Birbal.“Well then, tell me,” said the man, “Which came first into the world, the 9 or the egg?” “The chicken,” replied Birbal.“How do you know?” asked the man, thinking he had trapped Birbal.“We had 10 you would ask only one quest

9、ion and you have already asked it,” said Birbal. He walked away, leaving the man speechless.1AjoineryBweatherCgroundDaction2AfarmBbridgeCroadDstick3Alooked forBlooked atClooked afterDlooked like4AstoryBsongCsportDphoto5AdifficultBboringCdifferentDexciting6AhappilyBcarefullyCmostlyDespecially7AreadBw

10、roteCdrewDheard8AoldBbadCeasyDbig9AduckBchickenChorseDcat10AagreedBhopedCadvisedDbelieved. 语法填空12、In China, many junior school students spend a lot of time on their studies. Many of them try their best 1 (get) good marks in the exams. They have a lot of homework every day, and the exam is 2 big head

11、ache. They think good education is the ticket to 3 (succeed) in the future.At school, students study very hard, but they enjoy 4 (them) after class. They can take part 5 all kinds of sports and games, music and dance, painting and hiking. Most students like pop music 6 Hollywood movies. Some student

12、s spend their free time 7 (play) computer games and chatting with their friends. Sometimes they go to libraries and bookstores. They are 8 (real) good places to relax. So as a junior school student, 9 (live) in China is not easy, but it is colorful and 10 (interest). 阅读理解A13、ABOUT THE BLACK BEARDesc

13、ription: Black body and head, brown nose, and large ears that stick outSize: 150 to 600 pounds, 4.5 to 6.5 feet longLiving space: Heavily wooden areaFood: Plants and small animalsImagine this situation: You go out to your backyard, and you see a bear smelling your rubbish bin. Or you go into your ga

14、rage(车库) to get your bike and find a bear there. What would you do? People in some parts of Florida think about these situations a lot. They have been running into black bears more and more often. This is frightening and dangerous for both bears and people.The number of cases of people and bears run

15、ning into each other has gone up. In 1978, just one case was reported. In 2002, 1,340 cases were reported. These cases are called “conflicts”. Studies show that the number of conflicts in Florida is going up.Some people think that human-bear conflicts are going up in Florida because there are more bears. Actually, its just the opposite. The number of bears is goin



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