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1、6、 Mrs Green lives in the country, and she doesnt know London very well. One day, she goes to London. She cant find her way. Just then she _1_ a man near a bus stop. I can ask him the way,she says to herself and asks,Excuse me, will you please _2_ me the way to King Street?The man smiles with no ans

2、wer. He _3_ know English. He speaks Russian. He is a visitor. Then he _4_ his hand into his pocket, takes out a piece of paper and lets her look at it. On the paper are these words, Sorry, I _5_ English. (1)、 A:putsB:seesC:tellD:dont speakE:doesnt答案:B(2)、 A:putsB:seesC:tellD:dont speakE:doesnt答案:C(3

3、)、 A:putsB:seesC:tellD:dont speakE:doesnt答案:E(4)、 A:putsB:seesC:tellD:dont speakE:doesnt答案:A(5)、 A:putsB:seesC:tellD:dont speakE:doesnt答案:D7、 A rich American went into a shop in London. He wanted very much _1_ a nice-looking watch. He saw a watch and liked it so much that he decided to buy it. But t

4、he owner of the shop asked five hundred dollars for it.While the American was hesitating, a young man suddenly came into the shop, took the watch out of the owners hand and ran out with it. It all happened in _2_ seconds. When the owner ran out into the street, the young man had already _3_ among th

5、e people. The American went on. At the next corner, he saw the young man with the stolen watch in his hand, Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir? he said in a low voice, Its only a hundred dollars. The young man doesnt know I saw him _4_ the watch just now, he thought. The American paid at once and

6、went happily back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about the fine watch. His friend _5_ a look at the watch and started to shout immediately. He said, You are a fool. This watch is worth only ten dollars. Im sure the shop owner and the young man planned all this together.(1)、 A:a fewB:

7、disappearedC:to getD:tookE:stealing答案:C(2)、 A:a fewB:disappearedC:to getD:tookE:stealing答案:A(3)、 A:a fewB:disappearedC:to getD:tookE:stealing答案:B(4)、 A:a fewB:disappearedC:to getD:tookE:stealing答案:E(5)、 A:a fewB:disappearedC:to getD:tookE:stealing答案:D8、 Mr. Clarke works in a middle school. He likes

8、reading and often borrows some books from the library. He keeps _1_ to the radio every morning and reading newspapers after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His students worship(崇敬)him very much. Mike, Mr. Clarkes little son, is only nine. He _2_ likes reading books. And he often asks his

9、father some qusetions. Mr. Clarke always thinks hes too _3_ to understand him and chooses the easiest ones to answer. Of course the boy is not pleased with that. One day Mike read _4_ about the lights and was interested in it. When his father told him to do some housework, he went on thinking of it.

10、 He asked him _5_ questions, and his father answered all. Then his father said proudly, Fathers always know more than sons! The boy thought for a while and said, I dont think so!(1)、 A:a fewB:listeningC:alsoD:youngE:something答案:B(2)、 A:a fewB:listeningC:alsoD:youngE:something答案:C(3)、 A:a fewB:listen

11、ingC:alsoD:youngE:something答案:D(4)、 A:a fewB:listeningC:alsoD:youngE:something答案:E(5)、 A:a fewB:listeningC:alsoD:youngE:something答案:A9、 The last patient left his office. Mr. South had a look at the _1_ on the wall.It was a quarter to six. It meant that he had to stay there for fifteen minutes. A fri

12、end of his asked him to dinner that evening. Of course he should _2_ some flowers for her. He brought out the purse and counted the money in it. He had sixty dollars and it was enough to do that. And then he remembered he bought a newspaper on his way to the hospital after lunch. He was too busy to

13、read it. Now he brought it out, but then came in a man _3_ forty. He looked at him carefully. The man looked strange. Mr. South didnt know what he came for. Whats wrong with you? asked Mr. South. Nothing,Mr. South, said the man, But The man began to smile and said, Dont you _4_ me, Mr. South? You cu

14、red (治愈) my rheumatism(风湿病) three years ago. Mr. Bell? Yes. Did you _5_ me not to get myself wet? Yes, I did, answered the doctor. Well. I come here to ask you if you think its OK for me to take a bath now?(1)、 A:clockB:buyC:tellD:aboutE:remember答案:A(2)、 A:clockB:buyC:tellD:aboutE:remember答案:B(3)、 A:clockB:buyC:tellD:aboutE:remember答案:D(4)、 A:clockB:buyC:tellD:aboutE:remember答案:E(5)、 A:clockB:buyC:tellD:aboutE:remember答案:C全套完整题库,全中文翻译题库,考前独家提供简化版本和作文辅助工具,助您快速通过,全程免费答疑。唯一QQ2863835410、 Mr. Brown was a rich shopkeeper. He left a lot of money t


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