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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Live MusicLate Night JazzEnjoy real American from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet(小号) player.Place: The Jazz Club Dates: June 15-23Price: $ 100 150Time: 10 p. m. till lateTel: 466 8736 Scottish DancingScottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will b

2、e shown.Place: Jack Steins Dates: May 10-20Price: $ 100 150Time: 7 10 p. m. Tel: 402 1877 ShowsAnhui MuseumThere are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole Chinese history.Place: Anhui Museum Dates: 1 March 30 JunePrice: $ 60 ($ 30 for students)Time: Monday Friday 9 a. m. 8 p. m.Tel: 488

3、6888窗体顶端1If you want to watch dancing, you can call _. A 466 8736 B402 1877 C488 6888 D468 6788 窗体底端窗体顶端2You can see the whole Chinese history at _ in April in Anhui Museum. A3 p. m. every day B9 a. m. from Monday to Friday C7 a. m. at the weekend D9 p. m. every day 窗体底端窗体顶端3You can enjoy _ at Jack

4、Steins. AAmerican jazz BScottish dancing C12,000 pieces on show DA, B and C 窗体底端窗体顶端4You have $ 70, and you can _. Alisten to American Jazz Bwatch Scottish dancing Cgo to Anhui Museum to see Chinese history Dwatch magic shows in Anhui Museum 窗体底端窗体顶端5If you want to visit Anhui Museum, you can call _

5、. A402 1877 B466 8736 C488 6888 D468 6788 窗体底端答案15 BBBCC解析:此片文章属于广告类型的阅读题,在阅读理解中属于最简单的题型,对于不认识的单词跳过,选择先看题再看文章的顺序。重要的是,大家在解题过程中认真查看题干细节及文章细节,并做仔细的比较。1B关键词是题干中的dancing,参看第一篇广告即可找到答案2B在第二篇广告中除了细节对比可得答案,还可以使用排除法。排除everyday和weekends。3B题干中关键字at Jack Steins,在第二篇中找寻答案。4C题干中的$ 70是关键字,排除AB。而D是安徽博物馆没有的内容。5C题干中

6、Anhui Museum是关键字。语法加油站:1Live Music 可译为现场音乐会,此处live读作/l aiv/。意为现场的,直播的。2Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn。苏格兰舞蹈是很美的也是很容易学的。 Sth be+形容词+to do表示“某事做起来的怎么样”。This book is hard to read.这本书读起来太 难了。3There are 12,000 pieces on show here.大家复习there be句型,1.表示某时某地有。2.就近原 则。4The wonderful dance from England will be shown.将来时的被动语态。 will be done将要被。


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