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1、2009年仁爱版初一英语(下)选择填空题专练(1) 清远市英德英东中学 张淑艳 1. He often early every morning . A. wake up B wakes up C woke up D waking up 2 The students in NO.1 Middle School at 6;15 early everyday . A gets up B got up C getting up D get up3 - you a short break ? - Yes ,we were too tired A Do have B Did have C Are havi

2、ng D Is having 4 What about ? A going dancing B went dancing C goes dancing D to go dancing 5. Look , LiQiang is homework. A did my B doing his C does your D to do his 6. I often my mother . A talk to B talks with C talked to D talking about 7. We must school on timeA get to B get C gets D getting 8

3、. You may come to my office between 8:00 9:00 tomorrow . A on B and C to D at 9. Do you want to buy ?A anything else B what else C else nothing D something else .10. The students in our school a class now . A had B are having C have D to have 11. Classes .A is over B end C . finishes D. ending 12. W

4、ho he for now ? A does wait B. are waiting C. did waiting D. is waiting 13. I am this problem . A think of B thinking of C thought about D thinks of 14. He is best to study English .A doing my B tries your C trying his D does our 15.Mother often my study A cares about B caring about C to care about

5、D is care about16. We must LeiFeng . A to learn from B learning from C learn from D are learning from17. you for me with my English . A Thank help B Thank helping C to thank helping D not to thank helping 18. Let a look . A I have B me have C he have D her has 19. There are nice books on the shelf .

6、 A so many B so much C a little D little 20. There are a few students football in our classroom . A play with B playing with C playing D play 21. Your books are here and there , away, Linlin. A put it B put them C not put D puts them 22. We must after the old .A look B looking C looks D looked 23 He

7、 got a letter his sister just now . A to B in C from D of 24. Look, the students are standing their teacher .A in the front of B at the front of C in front of D on front of 25. I want to rent a double room that old woman . A from B on C at D of 26. Is there with your watch . A something wrong B wron

8、g something C anything wrong D things wrong 27. We will start A right now B right C now D right away 29.My parents asked me play games on the computer on weekdays . A dont B not to C dont to D to 30 My home is school. A close to B closing to C are near D to close 31. The sun is far the earth . A fro

9、m B on C at D away 32 He her son a book last night . A .heard reading B .hears read C .heard to read D .hears reading .33.I could write a letter in English the end of last term . A in B at C on D of 34. We football every afternoon . A enjoy playing B enjoyed playing C enjoys play D enjoy play 35. Yo

10、u must careful when you the road A are , walk across B be , goes across C be , cross D were , go across36. Our school is the hospital .A across from B across C cross from D from2009年仁爱版初一英语(下)选择填空题专练(2)37. The boy picked up a watch his classroom . A on the way B on my way C on the way to D on her wa

11、y to38 She home at 5:00 yesterday afternoon . A .get to B gets C got D getting here 39 He out for a walk after supper the day before yesterday . A go B goes C is going D went 40. There are trees on the hill. A thousands of B thousand of C two thousands of D a thousands of Unit 8 Topic 1 41. I like English than math I like English of all my subjects . A better , best B good ,well C best, better D well , best 42. After having a rest ,he working last Sunday . A go on B goes on C went on D going on43. We hope that we can a t


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