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1、Section B 3a-Self CheckUnit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?R九年级全一册九年级全一册Learning objects(学习目(学习目标)标)By the end of the class,you will be able to:1.Learn to ask for information politely and get the information you want to know.2.Write a polite letter to ask for information.Revision

2、How can we ask for help politely?Excuse me,do you know Pardon me,can you tell me Im sorry to trouble you,but Could you please tell me I wonder if there is a Free talkHave you ever been to a foreign country?Have you ever studied in a foreign country?What would you do in a foreign country?How do you a

3、sk for help if you are in trouble?Youre going on a short vacation at a school in an English-speaking country,and you want to choose something to study.There are certain topics that youre interested in and want to get some information about.3aImagine you are going on a short study vacation at a schoo

4、l in an English-speaking country.What would you like to know before you go?Write some polite,indirect questions about the following topics.I want to know something about the following topics.Could you help me express these questions most politely?TopicQuestionThe course you will studyThe time of the

5、 courseWhere and what you can eatWhere you will stayCould you please send me the information about the course?Could you tell me how long the course lasts?Do you know where students usually eat and what kind of food they eat?Could I find out more about where students can stay,please?TopicQuestionWhat

6、 activities you can doTravel to the schoolOtherCan you tell me the kinds of activities students can do?Could you please tell me how students usually travel to the school?Could you tell me how much the course costs?Write a polite letter to the school asking for the information you want to know.Use yo

7、ur notes in 3a.3bIn your letter,you should:introduce yourselfsay when you are comingpolitely ask for informationthank the person for helping youUse the following expressions to help you:My name is.and Im from.Ill be coming to your school for.Id like to know about.I would like to thank you for.Im loo

8、king forward to your reply.would like 想;想要想;想要would like sth.想要某物想要某物would like to do sth.想要做某事想要做某事would like sb.to do sth.想要某人做想要某人做某事某事thank sb.for+n./pron./doing 因因而感谢某人而感谢某人thanks to sb./sth.多亏;由于;因多亏;由于;因为为look forward to 盼望;期待盼望;期待to是是介词介词,后接,后接名词名词、代词代词或或动词动词-ing形式。形式。Dear Sir/Madam,My name

9、is Li Jie and Im from Beijing,China.Ill be coming to your school for a short study vacation this year.Id like to know more about your school and the course I will study.First,I would like to find out exactly how long the course is and when it will begin.I wonder if you could send me the course outli

10、ne and some information about the course fees.Possible answer自我介绍自我介绍Could you please also send me some information about student housing and transport to your school?In addition,it would be interesting for me to know about the activities that students can take part in and the places where they can

11、hang out and have their meals after school.I would like to thank you for your help and Im looking forward to your reply.Yours faithfully,Li Jie询问信息询问信息表达谢意及期盼表达谢意及期盼假如你是假如你是Linda,你即将到纽约上学,对那里的一切还不是很熟悉,你即将到纽约上学,对那里的一切还不是很熟悉,于是你想写一封电子邮件向居住在那里的好友于是你想写一封电子邮件向居住在那里的好友Mike求助。请根据下求助。请根据下面的提示内容,完成邮件。面的提示内容,

12、完成邮件。80词左右,可适当发挥,开头和结尾已给词左右,可适当发挥,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。出,不计入总词数。提示:提示:1.where to borrow books;2.how to ask for help politely;3.how to greet(问候问候)others in America.Dear Mike,_Yours,Linda经典例题经典例题假如你是假如你是Linda,你即将到纽约上学,对那里的一切还不是很熟悉,你即将到纽约上学,对那里的一切还不是很熟悉,于是你想写一封电子邮件向居住在那里的好友于是你想写一封电子邮件向居住在那里的好友Mike求助。请根据下求助。

13、请根据下面的提示内容,完成邮件。面的提示内容,完成邮件。80词左右,可适当发挥,开头和结尾已给词左右,可适当发挥,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。出,不计入总词数。提示:提示:1.where to borrow books;2.how to ask for help politely;3.how to greet(问候问候)others in America.Dear Mike,_Yours,Linda审题立意审题立意体裁:应用文体裁:应用文人称:第一人称人称:第一人称时态:一般现在时为主时态:一般现在时为主要点要点谋篇布局谋篇布局点明主题点明主题分条询问分条询问信息信息表达愿望表达愿望Im

14、glad that I can meet you However,Im kind ofNow Im writing to ask I wonder if you can help meIm looking forward to hearing from you.First,Could you please tell me whereNext,Id like to know howLast,I wonder if积句成篇积句成篇come/be from 来自来自ask for 要求;请求要求;请求get some information about 获取关于获取关于的信息的信息be worrie

15、d about 担心担心would like to 想要想要have to 不得不不得不look forward to 期待期待开头句:开头句:My name is and Im fromIll be coming to your school forIm writing to you to ask for中间句:中间句:First Then Next Last Could you please tell me?I wonderId like to knowI want to get some information aboutWould you mind telling me?结尾句:结尾句

16、:Id like to thank you forWould you like to give me some suggestions about?Im looking forward to your reply.经典名句:经典名句:The polite do not need to spend money,but it can win everything.One never loses anything by politeness.Dear Mike,Im glad that I can meet you soon,because Im going to study in New York next week.However,Im kind of nervous.Now Im writing to ask you for help.I wonder if you can help me with the following things.First,I love reading.Could you please tell me where I canborrow books?Nex


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