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1、四年级英语学科上册第五单元第一课课题:Unit 5 Dinners ready! A Lets talk Lets survey Lets spell教学目标:1能听、说、认读句型:Whats for dinner?What would you like (for )? Id like some.,please. 2能在情境中运用句型What would you like for dinner? Id like .进行相互调查。3.掌握字母e不同情况下读音。教学重点、难点:1.句型What would you like(for )? Id like some2.字母e不同情况下读音。教学准备:

2、录音机 、单词卡 、多媒体课件预习提纲(学案):预习内容:Unit 5 P48 A Lets talk Lets survey P50 Lets spell 预习要求: 1.听Lets talk 录音两遍。注意hungry,soup,bread和vegetables的读音。2.自读Lets talk对话,将不会读的单词和不理解的句子标出来。 3.写出对话中主要学习的句型,并参照课本P75写出相应汉语意思。 4.阅读以下单词,感受字母e的发音。i: me he she we be e bed red pen pencil get let教学时间:共4课时 第1课时教学过程:一、热身(Warm-u

3、p)1. 预习展示:Listen to the tape:让学生听Lets talk录音两遍,说一说对话中主要学习的句型,拼出不会读的单词,由教师板书以便教读。(预计板书:句子What would you like ? Id like some,please.单词hungry,dinner,would,soup,bread,vegetables,ready)二、新课呈现与操练 (Presentation and practice)Lets talk X k b1.C om1. 教师呈现Mike和妈妈在厨房的情景,并播放对话录音中Mike的语言:“Mum,Im hungry.Whats for

4、dinner?”让学生模仿朗读和表演理解句型“Whats for dinner?”的意义,教读hungry和dinner,解释dinner的意义中午或晚上吃的正餐。2.教师呈现汤和面包的图片,问:Whats this?根据学生回答作出反应,如:Yes,its bread and its soup.教读soup和bread.Now,Mum asks Mike: What would you like? Whats her meaning?Can you guess?学生通过预习能够回答:你想吃什么?教师及时点播:用来征求用餐意愿。How does Mike answer ? “Id like s

5、ome soup and bread,please.”教师点播:Id like对What would you like?进行回答,用来表达用餐意愿。教师呈现一组食物图片,让学生借助图片运用句型What would you like? Id like some练习对话。3.教师呈现Mum和Mikes father 对话的情景。Now, Its time for dinner.Mikes father comes back home, What would he like for dinner?学生根据课文回答:Some fish and vegetables.教读单词vegetable,分音节领

6、读vege-ta-ble,强调v的发音位置。4. 教师完整播放对话视频,学生跟读,引导学生在语境中理解Dinners ready的意义,并教学这句话。5. 请学生回答问题: What would Mike like for dinner? What would Mikes father like for dinner?6.教师说:Now Im Mum,who wants to be MikeDad?找两名学生和自己做示范,师生对话。7. 三人一组做课文对话表演。8. 让学生到前面表演对话,进行评比。 Lets spell1.教师播放Read ,listen and chant部分四个单词的录音

7、,学生跟读并准确模仿-e的发音。2.出示歌谣文本,学生听录音跟读,请几个小组单独朗读,关注学生-e的发音是否到位。3.播放Read ,listen and tick录音,勾出听到的单词,进一步巩固-e的发音规则,并复习-e-的发音规则。4.完成Listen,circle and tick活动。三、扩展延伸(Consolidation and extension)1.Letsurvey教师说:Suppose its dinner time.What would you like for dinner?Let me make a survey.教师手拿调查表,写好一学生姓名,然后问What wou

8、ld you like for dinner?学生回答Id like教师在相应的食物下面打勾。然后请学生在小组内完成Lets survy.并说一说组内最受欢迎的晚餐食物,对比Mike 的晚餐,说一说中西方饮食中主食的区别。2.Bingo or Uh-oh教师朗读一系列包含-e或-e-的单词,过塑学生听到认为含有-e的单词说Bingo!认为不是的说Uh-oh.学生认真听音作出判断。四、总结(Sum-up)Through the study of this lesson, what knowledge have you learned?限时作业:一、看一看,选一选,说一说。A.Dinners re

9、ady!B. B.What would you like?C.Some fish and vegetables,please.二、圈出与所给单词划线字母读音相同的单词。(1)me he get pen (2)rice pig fish white(3)cake cat face fat (4)nose long boy home板书设计:hungry Whats for dinner?dinner What would you like(for dinner)? soup and bread Id like some,please.vegetables Dinners ready!i: me

10、he she we be e bed red pen pencil get let四年级英语学科上册第五单元第二课课题:Unit 5 Dinners ready! A Lets learn Lets play B Lets sing C Story time设计者单位:东疏镇刘茂完小 姓名:范满教学目标:1. 能够听、说、认、读 beef,chicken ,noodles, soup, vegetable等单词。2. 能够熟练运用句型What would you like ? Id like some-.征求和表达用餐意愿。3. 正确理解欣赏story time。教学重点、难点:1.能够正确读

11、单词vegetable.2.运用句型What would you like? Id like some.OK. Here you are.教学准备:录音机 单词卡 多媒体课件 英语配套练习册预习提纲(学案):预习内容:Unit 5 P49 A Lets learn Lets play P54 Lets sing P55 C Story time 预习要求:1.欣赏本单元歌曲P54“What would you like?” 2.结合图片,参照单元词汇表写出下列单词的汉语意思,听录音跟读单词3遍。beef chicken noodles soup vegetables rice fish jui

12、ce milk bread 3.用句型What would you like? Id like some,please.编一组对话写在下面。 OK.Here you are.(给你。)4.看一看,读一读P55 Story time,了解故事大意。教学时间:共4课时 第 2 课时教学过程:一、热身(Warm-up)Lets sing欣赏本单元歌曲“What would you like?”二、新课呈现与操练 (Presentation and practice)1.复习A部分对话之后教师问:What would Mike like for dinner?学生根据对话回答:Some soup an

13、d bread.教师板书soup,在ou下面加下划线,强调u:的发音,学生模仿朗读soup,巩固对话中学过的soup读音。2.教师呈现各种汤的图片,引导学生说egg soup ,fish soup ,vegetable soup操练soup的音、形、义。3.教师问:What would Dad like for dinner?学生根据对话回答:Some fish and vegetables.教师板书vegetable,然后分音节教学发音ve di-t-bl ,强调唇齿音v的发音方法。学生模仿朗读,并按发音规律拼读,提示学生vegetable一般用复数,所以末尾通常加s.4.教师呈现以颜色分类

14、的各种蔬菜的图片,介绍说:Look ,there are many kinds of vegetables.引导学生通过说The vegetables are greenyellowred.进一步操练vegetable的音、形、义。5.教师呈现面条图片说:They are usually long and white .What are they?学生通过预习能够回答:Noodles.教师板书noodles,并在oo下面划线,强调u:的发音,并用红笔描写s,提示学生noodles一词一般用复数。6.教师说:Zhang Peng would like noodles for dinner .Look ,there are many kinds of noodles ,egg noodles(图),vegetable noodles(图),beef noodles(图),chicken noodles(图)。板书beef和chicken,引导学生说出汉语意思,在ee下面加下划线,强调i:的发音,学生模仿朗读beef。然后分音节教学chicken,t-i-k-i


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