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1、七年级英语乐园同学们时间过得真快,不知不觉你们升入初中已有半年了,在这期间老师真切感受到:学习上你们进步了,生活上你们懂事了。我为你们的点滴变化感到欣喜,初中生活我们有了良好的开端,如果大家在假期里能够劳逸结合,学并快乐着,畅游在英语乐园里,我相信在新的一年里你们会有更大的进步!Come on!Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from ? Section A 第一课时【预习指导】1自我预习:A:自学生词。根据音标读出P108页的单词并在书上划出重点新词汇,并试着朗读几遍,还有那些不会读?请圈出来。B:将课文1a,1c,2a 翻译成汉语并能初步记住。预习效果检查:根据汉

2、语写出单词:(1)笔友n._ (2)加拿大 n._ (3)法国 n._ (4)日本 n._ (5)美国 n._ (6)澳大利亚 n._(7)新加坡 n._ (8)英国 n._(9)国家 n._ (10)悉尼 n._(11)纽约 n._ (12)巴黎 n._(13)多伦多 n._ (14)东京 n._2.自主探究:(1)请翻译:A: Where are you from ?_B:Im from China ._A:Where is your pen pal from ?_B:He is from Canada._归纳:从上面的对话可以发现,“来自”的英文是be from,_随着主语发生变化,“我

3、来自枣庄”的英文是I am from Zaozhuang.,“他们来自Zaozhuang”的英文是They _,“他来自薛城”的英文是He_;“come from ”的意思也是“来自”;come是行为动词,在提问时要借助于助动词do 或_。请用do 或does 填空并翻译下面的题目 。(1) A:Where_you come from ? _B:I come from China._(2) A:Where _Jane come from ?_B:She comes from the UK._(3)I come from Xuecheng.= I am from Xuecheng .He com

4、es from Xuecheng.= He _ Xuecheng .3.学习成果展示:一.根据汉语提示完成句子1. Paris is the capital of _(法国).2. They are from _(澳大利亚).3. My pen pal is from _(纽约).二. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.How many _(country) do you know? 2.Were from China.We speak_(China). 3.Tom_(not come) from Japan. 4.Can you _(speak) English? 5.Today is his_

5、(twenty) birthday?预习检测一.句型转换1. Anna lives in the United States.(对划线部分提问)_ Anna _?2. He is from China. (对划线部分提问) _ _he _?3. They come from England.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_they_from England ?_,they_.4. Lisa comes from Shanghai.(改为同义句)二.单项选择( )1.Tokyo is a big _ in the world. A shop B school C city D country(

6、 )2._are Lucy and Lily from ? A What B Where C who D How( )3.Hes from England ,_he speaks Chinese well. A and B or C but D so( )4.“_is Shanghai?” “In China.” A Where B How C what D When( )5 “ Dont _it in English like that .” “Why?” A say B tell C talk D speak ( )6.Susan is form _,and it is a city in

7、 England. A Sydney B Tokyo C London D Toronto( )7._ you have_pen pals?A.Are;some B.Does;a C.Do;some D.Do;any( )8.My friend is form _.Shes an American girl.A.Japan B.the United Kingdom C. France D.the United States( )9.“You speak English very well.”“_.”A.No,not good B. Thanks C. Not at all D. Youre w

8、elcomeSection A 第二课时 【预习指导】 1. 掌握关于国民名称的词并能默写下来。2.对于国民名称的复数能够学会变化3.将课本中Grammar Focus 及 3b 译为汉语继续落实单词表中的单词(P108中的P2_3)识记与背诵。4.把下面的汉语译成英语:(1) 中国人_ 中国人(复数)Chinese(2) 日本人_ 日本人 (复数.)Japanese(3) 英国人_ 英国人 (复数.)Englishmen(4) 法国人_ 法国人 (复数.)Frenchmen(5) 加拿大人_ 加拿大人(复数.)Canadians(6) 美国人_ 美国人(复数)Americans 归纳:从上面

9、的规律可以发现:(1)_ 人和_人的复数形式不变;(2)_ 人和_ 人的复数形式把_变_;(3)_ 人和_ 人的复数形式直接在后面加_。5.请翻译: How about listening to classic music? _“怎么样?”的英文是How about ,它的后面跟名词,代词或doing。译:现在(now)打篮球怎么样?How about _(play) basketball ? 弹钢琴怎么样? _? 翻译:Where does he live ? He lives in Shanghai._What language do you speak ? _Tom 说什么样的语言?_?

10、6.实践应用:翻译下列对话:你来自哪里?我来自枣庄。_-你会说什么样的语言?我会说英语和汉语。_你住在哪里?我住在薛城。_预习检测:一根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 1.“What_l_ do you speak?”“English.” 2.Can you say it _i_ English? 3.My pen pal comes from Toronto,C_. 4.-Where does he live? _-He_l_ in Beijing. 5.-W_ language do you like?-Chinese. 6.What about p_ the drums now ? 7.How about s_ the song now ? 8.Tom s_English and French.二单项选择 ( )1. Do you speak English or_? A.France B.French C.England D.Japan (


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