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1、英英语动词语动词的的时态时态Try to feel the difference between English and Chinese.我明天打算去看个电影。Im going to see a movie tomorrow.我昨天去看了个电影。I saw a movie yesterday.我上个月已经看过这个电影了。I have already seen this movie.我正在看电影。Im seeing a movie.动词动词-Verb什么是动词:表示主语的动作、存在、变化,或主语对宾语的动作,态度。动词的时态动词的时态时/态一般进行完成完成进行过去现在将来过去将来was/were


3、,does1.be(am/is/are)由其主语的人称和数决定,行为动词注意三单变化 Eg:I am free tonight.The boy is 10 years old.2.表示经常、习惯性发生的动作或存在的状态 Eg:It often rains in our city.3.表示普遍真理和客观事实 Eg:The earth moves round the sun.4.表示心理情感或者状态的动词往往一般现在时 Eg:She hates rock music.5.在时间、条件状语从句中表达将来的动作 Eg:I will call you as soon as I am free.4.一般现

4、在时表示已经预先计划或安排好的动作,可以代替一般将来时 Eg:The train leaves at 8 oclock.时间状语:today,often,always,usuallysometimes,seldomonSunday,everyday/week.一般一般过过去去时时-Be(was/were)/did1.be(was/were)由其主语的人称和数决定,行为动词都用过去式 Eg:I was in Beijing last year.They visited the Great Wall yesterday.2.表示过去某时间发生的动作或存在的状态 Eg:The vase was br

5、oken just now.I went to school this morning.3.表示过去一段时间经常或反复发生的动作 Eg:You often climbing when you were a little boy.4.表示心理情感或者状态的动词往往一般现在时 Eg:She hates rock music.5.如果强调已经终止的习惯,要用used to do Eg:He used to smoke and drink.I used to talk a walk after supper.时间状语:amomentago,anhouragolastweek/month.,theoth

6、erdaythismorning,yesterday,justnow一般将来一般将来时时1.am/is/are going to do或will/shall+do结构be going to 表示即将发生的事,或将要/打算做的事。will表示未经考虑的意图 Eg:Hes going to see a film with his friends.Well have an exam tomorrow.2.表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态 Eg:There will be a meeting tomorrow.3.主从复合句中的主句表示将来的动作或状态 Eg:I will wait for you wh

7、en I arrive there.4.be to+动词原形,表示按计划且在近期发生或必须做的事 Eg:The children are to learn English next week.5.be about to+动词原形,表示马上、很快就发生的动作 Eg:The manager is about to arrive in Beijing.时间状语:tomorrow,nextweek/day其他句子中表示将来的词过过去将来去将来时时1.was/were going to do或would/should+do结构 Eg:He told me that he was going to see

8、 his brother.I knew he would come.2.表示从过去某一时间看,将来发生的动作或存在的状态,常为宾语从句 Eg:She wondered where he would go.3.表示过去习惯性的动作 Eg:Whenever I had time,I would read books.时间状语:无,根据语境和要表达的意思现现在在进进行行时时-am/is/are+现现在分在分词词1.表示说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作 Eg:The managers are having a meeting now.He is writing a novel.2.表示最近按计划或安排要进

9、行的动作 Eg:We are leaving for Beijing tomorrow.3.与always,forever等副词连用,表达说话人不满厌烦 Eg:She is always asking questions.He is always making the same mistake.4.现在进行时表示暂时性动作,一般现在时表示经常性动作 Eg:Where is he living?他这几天住哪?Where does he live?他住在哪里?时间状语:now,thisweek,atpresentthesedays过过去去进进行行时时-was/were+现现在分在分词词1.表示过去

10、某时刻或某阶段正在进行的动作 Eg:What was he doing at ten last night?2.用于时间状语从句中 Eg:My mother was cooking while I was doing my homework.3.表示过去将要发生的动作 Eg:He said he was attending the meeting the next day.Tips:表示感觉,感官的动词(see,look,hear,notice等),表示态度和情感,心理的动词(like等),以及have,belong表示“占有”时不用进行时 Eg:He looks fine today.而不是

11、He is looking fine today.时间状语:atthattime,lastnightthen,yesterday将来将来进进行行时时-shall/will be+现现在分在分词词1.第一人称用shall/will,其他人称都用will Eg:I shall/will be doing my homework at that time?He will be leaving in two days.2.表示按计划将要发生的动作 Eg:They will be having their holiday in June.3.表示将来某一时刻或某一时间段正在进行的动作,常有时间状语短语/

12、时间状语从句 Eg:What will he be doing this time next year?When you get to the station at 9 tomorrow,I will be waiting for you there.Tips:将来进行时在口语使用中比较普遍,不带感情色彩,单纯表示将来的动作时间状语:atthattime.以及其他表示将来的短语现现在完成在完成时时-have/has+过过去分去分词词1.表示“继续继续”,说明从过去某时开始的动作,状态一直延续到现在 Eg:The weather has been cold so far this winter.

13、I have had a DVD for a week.2.表示经验经验,说明从过去到现在的经验,这个经验来自从过去到现在的事情 Eg:I have seen your father many times today.3.表示完成完成,说明过去开始的动作现在刚结束。表示过去的动作结果对现在仍有影响 Eg:Someone has broken the window of my house.时间状语:just,since,already,foralongtimerecently,since1990,yet,uptonow过过去完成去完成时时-had+过过去分去分词词1.表示过去的过去已经发生的动作

14、或完成的状态 Eg:By the end of last month,Jack had studied skating for five months.3.用于间接引语或宾语从句中 Eg:He said he had read the book twice.时间状语:just,since,already,bythenuptillthen,yet,bytheendof.3.表示过去未曾实现的希望、打算或意图。主要用于下列动词:expect,suppose,hopeintend,mean,think等 Eg:We had hope to catch the 8:00 train,but found

15、 it was gone.2.与when,before,till等引导的时间状语从句连用,强调动作发生时间的前后 Eg:She had already cleaned the house before her parents came back.将来完成将来完成时时-will/shall have+过过去分去分词词1.表示动作或状态延续到将来某一段时间,常用延续性动词。多与by,for,before连用 Eg:He will have read this book by this Friday.We shall have walked a long way before we reach th

16、ere.3.在时间和条件状语从句中用现在完成时代替将来完成时 Eg:I will give my opinion when I have read the book through.时间状语:无终止性动词:accept,arrive,become,begin,borrow,break.2.表示动作在将来某一段时间前已结束,但其影响持续到那一时间,常用终止性动词 Eg:You will have reached Shanghai by this time tomorrow.现现在完成在完成进进行行时时-have/has been+现现在分在分词词1.表示发生在过去一直持续到现在的动作。该动作可能刚停止,可能继续。(延续性)Eg:He has been saying that ten times.The Chinese have been making paper for years.时间状语:无延续性动词:live,study,work,stand,lie,know,walk,keep2.表示现在以前这个阶段重复发生的事情 Eg:He has been calling me severa


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