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1、2018年广州荔湾区六年级上期末英语试题及答案2017-2018学年第一学期六年级英语(荔湾区)试题答察与解析笔试部分六、找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词,在答题卡上把所选单词的编号涂黑。(6分)()31. A. rideB. gooseC. sheepD. turkey()32. A. modernB. wideC. dirtyD. postcard()33. A. oilyB. simpleC. finallyD. polite()34. A. yearB. fingerC. weekD. month()35. A. jiaoziB. zongziC. mooncakeD. secret()

2、36. A pick B. felt C. sat D. wore七、根据中文提示在答题卡上写出句子所缺的单词。(10分)37. Please _ the _ (药) three times a day.38. A little baby should sleep _ _ (至少) ten hours a day.39. You should_ (刷) your teeth _ _ (两次)a day.40. We should help _ _ (互相).41. Dont _ _ (害怕), children.八、 选择正确的答案填空,在答题卡上把所选答案的编号涂黑。(15分)42. The

3、re _ only 150 pupils in that school last year.A. is B are C were43. Mr. Li _ go to work yesterday.A. didntB. isntC. doesnt44. Its 6 oclock in the evening. The child cant wait to _ back home.A. goes B. went C. go45. What did the teacher _ this morning?A. sayB. said C. says46. - _ I a good boy when I

4、was young? -Yes, you were quiet and polite.A. Am B. Was C. Were47. The life in a big city is very different _ the life in the countryside.A. toB. inC. of48. Youll _ well soon.A. areB. beC. were49. They have _ one hundred sheep.A. plenty of B. a fewC. more than50. I feel _ . I have a bad cold.A. comf

5、ortableB. illC. wide51. We _ a good film last night.A. sawB. seesC. see52. There are so many cars in the streets. The traffic is very _.A. surprisedB. expensiveC. slow53. These are _ pictures.A. theyB. themC. their54. From 4: 00 to 5:00 in the afternoon, we often take exercise _ an hour.A. of B. for

6、 C. at55. Old people should eat _ vegetables and _ meat.A. more, less B. less, morec.more, more56. -whats your favourite _? -Christmas, of course.A. subject B. festival C. countryA. learnedB. stayedC. lookedD. walkI九、 用方框内的单词填空,使短文意思完整,在答题卡上把所单词的编号涂黑。(8分)When I was born I was very weak(虚弱). I 57. _i

7、n the hospital for three months. I began to 58. _ when I was two. I 59. _ to talk when I was three. I 60. _ about four when I was six.A. worryB. takeC. getD. eatII Now I am twelve years old. I am strong. I know the secret to good health. Every day I 61. _ healthy food and 62. _ much exercise. I 63.

8、_ plenty of sleep. I never 64. _ about my lessons. And I am one of the best students in my class.十、选择适当的问句填空,使对话意思完整,在答题卡上把所选句子的编号涂黑。(5分)Li Ming: 65._David: Im from New York City in America.Li Ming: 66. _David: Its a big and modern city.Li Ming: 67. _David: Many of them are crowded and some are dirt

9、y.LI Ming: 68. _David: No, I dont. Its quite noisy. And everything is very expensive.LI Ming: 69. _David: Oh, I like your city. Things here are cheap and the people are friendlyA. Do you like living in New York?B. Where are you from?C. What are the streets like in New York?D. What about Guangzhou?E.

10、 whats New York like?十一、读短文,根据文段内容选择正确的答案,在答题卡上把所选答案的编号涂黑。(5分)My name is Zhang Ling. Im a seventy-year-old lady. I lived in the countryside before. But now I live with my son in Guangzhou. Our flat in Tianhe has only two bedrooms, one is for my son and one is for me. But in the countryside I have a

11、big house with five bedrooms and a garden. I dont like Guangzhou. Its crowded and noisy. And there are too many cars. Things here are expensive. The air is not so fresh sometimes. But things are cheap in the countryside. The air is always clean and fresh. And I have many relatives there. I miss the

12、life there and I miss my relatives, too.70. Zhang Ling lived _ before.A. in Guangzhou B. in the countryside C. with her son71. Now Zhang Ling lives _ in Tianhe, Guangzhou.A. in a hotelB. in a big house C. in a flat72. Zhang Ling doesnt like Guangzhou because _ .A. its noisy and crowdedB. she has too

13、 many relatives hereC. old people like to live in the countryside73. Zhang Ling prefers to live in the countryside because _ there. A. things are cheap B. there are many cars C. her son lives74. Zhang Ling has _ in the countryside. A. a flatB. no relativesC. a big house十二、读短文。判断下列句子是否符合短文的意思,如符合在答题卡上把”T涂黑,否则把F涂黑。(6分)My name is Zhang Xiaoling. My mother is forty-two years old. She thinks she is too heavy. So she is on a diet. On weekdays she always eats an egg and drinks a glass of milk in the morning. And she has a bow of rice and some


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