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1、课题Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.Section A 1 (1a-2d)课型听说课教师所在单位年级九年级学习目标1.知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词: custom, bow, kiss, greet, be supposed to, 2)掌握be supposed to句型的用法。2.能力目标: 能听懂书中短文并能用be supposed to说一些日常交际用语。3.情感态度:1). 学习一些见面礼仪,生活习俗和对时间的看法。2). 了解西方国家的风土人情和习俗。学习重难点1. 教学重点:be supposed to的用法2. 教学难点:中西方人们

2、见面礼仪的差别。 培养学生跨文化交际意识。教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动Step OneI. 情景导学,示范听说1. 听写单词,词组。2.师: 学生在学校应该做哪些事情?引出新句型。如 :Is it a good idea to come to class late?S: No. T: Thats right. Its not a good idea to come late. Youre not supposed to come to class late. Youre supposed to do homework every day, raise your hand before

3、talking等做更多的练习,引出be supposed to句型学生写单词,词组。和教师一起读出来。为本课的学习做准备。生回答问题。Step TwoII. 情景模拟,小组合作1. 大屏幕展示各个国家国旗,师生对话:T: Do you know which country are they?S:T: Do you know what people do when they meet for the first time?2. 多媒体呈现1a图片, 让学生根据图画内容,按要求把书本给出的“国家”和“习俗”连接起来。老师不要给出答案。3.利用多媒体播放各国初次见面的礼仪, 学习新单词:custom

4、, bow, kiss, greet.4. 小组间进行话题问答。学生认识国旗,进入custom的话题。学生根据图画内容, 说说图中的握手, 接吻, 鞠躬是哪个国家的礼仪, 然后按要求把书本给出的“国家”和“习俗”连接起来。学生进行问答练习。Step ThreeIII. 深化活动,展示交流1.T:What are people in different countries supposed to do when they meet for the first time? Make a dialogue.2. T:Can you use be supposed to do to make othe

5、r sentences? 引出其它的话题,小组进行对话练习。Eg: What are people in Korea/ Supposed to do when they have a party?学生表演对话A: What are people in Korea/ Supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: They are supposed to bow. How about in the United States?A: Theyre expected to shake hands. 小组对话练习Step Four.明题猜果,循

6、序渐进1. T: Look at the picture.What are they doing?Can you guess Marias mistakes?Listening to 2a and 2b. 2. Check their answers. 1.Look at the pictures and answer the questions2.Finish 2a and 2b. Step FiveV. 阅读原文,巩固提高1.Role-play a conversation between Maria and Dan. 2.Work on 2d Role play a conversati

7、on between Katie and John. Discuss different customs in different countries. 3.完成任务: 礼仪大荟萃1).让学生展示上课前通过网络或书籍等形式查找到的各国礼仪, 并分类记录, 制成表格。2).Ask students to write a passage about different customs in different countries.1. Read the passage again. 2. Role- play the conversation between Maria and Dan. 3.完成任务Write a passage about different customs in different countries.教学后记 本节课学生对国旗和见面礼仪很感兴趣,能积极参与到课堂中来,但是在听力原文回顾表演时,学生会出现错误,语言表达能力需多加练习。


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