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1、 学校 班级 姓名 座号 20122013学年度第二学期 小学六年级英语科第二单元检测卷 评分: 听力部分(共24分)一、听音,给听到的音标词编号。4%1. k t( ) l d( ) s p( ) rz ( )2. kant ( ) has ( ) l ad ( ) ma( )二、听句子,选择最合适的答句。 6%( )1. A. He is excited. B. I feel tired. C. Shes happy.( )2. A. I have the flu. B. See the doctor. C. Take some medicine.( )3. A. I got a new

2、bag. B. Im fine.C. My leg hurts. I cant play football.( )4. A. Hes a driver. B. Hes at home. C. Hes not well.三、听音,补全句子。9%1._ _ _ ? My leg _. 2. Dont worry. Take some medicine and drink more .3. Do you have a ? No, I have a .4. My is . I cant say any words.四、听短文,用“T”或 “F”判断下列句子的正误。5%( ) 1.Today is Tr

3、ee-planting Day.( ) 2.Tom and his classmates are going to the park.( ) 3.There are many big trees on the mountains.( ) 4.They are tired and sad.( ) 5.John is tired because he cant go.笔试部分(共76分)一、用“T”或 “F”判断下列每组单词划线部分发音是否相同。6%1. count down( ) 2.shark class ( ) 3.sick kite ( )4. tail they ( ) 5.boat n

4、ow ( ) 6.tea feel ( )二、根据上下文,补充对话。6%A: Hi, Lily. ? B: Its sunny today.A: _? B: I feel well. ?A: I am sad.B: _?A: Because my parents are going to Hong Kong, but I cant go.B: _?A: Theyre going there by plane.B: _? A: They are going to go shopping in Hong Kong. B: Im sorry to hear that.三、根据首字母或音标词填空,使对

5、话通顺、正确。7%1. My nose is s_. 2. Im much t_ than you.3. Shes b_ . She has nothing to do.4. A: They look so e_ . B: Yes, they won the football match.5. The ball flies into Johns face, he is a little a_ .6. My j brother has a hedeik.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。7%1. How _ (do) he feel?2. The boys _ (laugh) at Mikes fu

6、nny goal now.3. My desk is longer than _ (you).4. Whats the matter? My hands _ (hurt).5. Dont _ (stay) in bed, _ (do) some sports.6. He usually _ (have) a picnic on the weekend.五、选择填空。 8%( ) 1._ Jim feeling now?(A. Whats B. Hows C. Wheres)( ) 2.-I have a bad cold. - _.(A. Im sorry to hear that. B. I

7、ts OK. C. Great.)( ) 3.There is a football match _Class 1_ Class 2.(A. between; or B. for; and C. between; and)( ) 4. The ball bounced _ Jacks head. (A. on B. of C. off)( ) 5.This story book is _.(A. excited B. exciting C. are exciting)( )6. Hes going _ a big trip.(A. in B. for C. on)( )7. Im _, bec

8、ause I failed the Chinese test.(A. sad B. excited C. happy)( ) 8. Is this _jacket? No, its mine. (A. Jack B. Jacks C. Jacks)六、根据要求完成句子。12% 1.他好吗?他牙疼。(中译英) 2.她今天看上去很累。(中译英) 3. Her throat is sore. (同义句转换) 4. few, stay, a , for , in , days, bed ( . ) (连词成句) 5. match,we, to , going, football, have, are,

9、 a (.) (连词成句)_ 6. My mother feels happy. (就划线部分提问) _ 7. I have a headache. (就划线部分提问) _ 8. Im sad because I failed my test.(就划线部分提问) _七、根据答句(问句)写问句(答句)。6% 1. A:_ B: My father often reads newspapers in the evening.2. A: _ ? B: Yes, hes tired.3. A: How do you feel when you get the flu? B:_4. Are you st

10、udents?(按实际情况回答问题) 八、阅读理解。15% AIts a fine Sunday morning. There are many people in the park. Many of them are young and some are old. Theres a big lake in the park. The water is clean. There are many fish in it, there are some boats on the lake. Three children are rowing a boat. Near the lake a young woman is running with her dog. Two men are playing badminton(羽毛球).What a good day!(一) 根据短文内容判断正误,对的打“”,错的打“”。4%1. There are no old men in the park. ( ) 密封线内不要答题2. There is a lake in the park . ( )3. The three children are running. ( )4. There arent any fish in the lake. ( )(二)根据短文回答问题。6%1. What


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