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1、2014年七年级英语期中检测试卷(时间70分钟,满分100分)第一部分:听力第一节 听录音,选择正确答案。(10分)1. ( )A。Yes,it is in the pencil case .B .Yes, it is here.C. It is in her pencil case.2.( ) A. It is under the table. B. Yes, it is. C. No, there isnt.3. ( )A Yes,I do. B I can see a bookcase. C. Yes, I can see a bookcase.4.( ) A Sorry,I cant.

2、 B It is my ruler. C It is on the desk.5.( ) A No, I cant. B Yes it is. C No, it isnt.第二节 听录音, 根据问题, 选择正确答案。(10分)( )6. A A picture of Peters room. B This is Peters picture. C A picture of a classroom.( )7. A It is behind the door. B It is on the wall. C It is on the blackboard.( )8. A It is behind t

3、he chair. B It is on the chair C It is on the floor( )9. A It is behind the door B It is on the desk. C It is under the chair( )10. A Some books.B Peters pencilbox.C A broom.(扫帚)第二部分 英语基础知识运用第一节单项选择:(10分) ( )11. 选出下列字母中都含有|e|的音素的一组字母。A. h, k, s B. f, j, l C. x, m, f ( )12.A: -Whats this in English?

4、B:- Its _ orange. A.an B. a C. the ( )13. A:-_? B:- WATCH.A. Spell it , please. B. How do you spell it C. Can you spell “ruler”( )14. Mrs. Green is _ English teacher, and Mr. Smith is _ .A. my, your B. my, yours C. mine, your( )15.A:- This is my cousin Jane. B:- _. A. Hi. How are you? B. Good mornin

5、g. C. Nice to meet you.( )16. A:- _ is the hat? B:-I think _ in your grandparents room. A. Where, its B. How, its C. What, its ( )17.A:- Have a good day! B:- -_.A. Thanks you. B. Thank you. C. Me, too. ( )18. A:-Whos that in the photo? B:- _. A. Bobs aunt B. She is my uncle. C. He is my aunt.( )19.

6、Ask the teacher _your computer game. A. to B. at C. for( )20. What color is it ? It is _.A red B a red C the red第二节.完形填空(10分) Look at the 31. Its my desk. 32 books are on it. One is my English book, and the other (另一本) is my math book. You can see some 33 on the desk. The flowers(花) are purple. My p

7、encil case is also 34 the desk. A pen, an eraser and a ruler are 35 it. The pen is blue, the 36 is yellow, and the ruler is white. 37 my pencil? Aha, its under the desk. Is my computer game under the desk? No, 38 isnt. The desk has (有) a drawer(抽屉). 39! It is in the 40. ( ) 21. A. chair B. sofa C. d

8、esk ( ) 22. A. Two B. Three C. Four ( ) 23. A. keys B. flowers C. CDs ( ) 24. A. in B. on C. of ( ) 25. A.in B.at C. on ( ) 26. A. eraser B. map C. Pencil ( ) 27. A. What B. Wheres C. Whats ( ) 28. A. she B. he C. it ( ) 29. A. Thank B. Look C. Spell ( ) 30. A. drawer B. bag C. backpack 第三节 阅读理解:(30

9、分)(A) My English teacher is Miss Smith. She has two daughters. Their names are Grace and Helen. They are students. And they are in the same class. Graces English is very good. She says it is very interesting. But Helen doesnt like it. She says its very difficult. Helen likes sports. She has two bask

10、etballs and six volleyballs. She plays sports in the morning. 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”。(15分)( )31.My English teacher is Miss Smith. ( )32.My English teacher has two sons. ( )33.Graces English is very good. ( )34.Helen says English is very interesting. ( )35.Grace likes sports. BHello! Im Gina Gree

11、n. Im an English girl. Look! Here is a photo of my family. This is my sister. Her name is Jenny. She is in Class Two, Grade Eight. This is my uncle. His name is Bill. His daughter is Alice Green. She is a student, too. Oh, Grace is my aunt. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择填空。(15分)( )36.My name is .AJenny BGina CGrace

12、( )37.Jenny is in . AClass one, Grade Eight BClass Two, Grade Eight CClass Two, Grade Seven ( )38. Bill is my . Auncle Baunt Cparent ( )39.Alice Green is my . Auncles daughter Buncles son Cuncles mother ( )40.Alice is a . Ateacher Bstudent Cpoliceman 第四节 写作技能(30分)A 补全对话。(10分)Alan: Excuse me. I cant find (找不到) my backpack.Clerk:(41)_ _?Alan: Its blue.Clerk:(42)_?Alan: No, it isnt.Clerk: Whats in your backpack?Alan: A set of keys, a notebook and my ID card.Clerk:(43)?Alan: My first name is Alan. My family name is Smith.Clerk:(44)


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