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1、TH ENERALREEMEN TARIFSANTADThe enmns of the CmmoealthfAstrala, he Kkingd f Bgim, he United ate of Brzil, Bra,Ca, lon, he Reubc of ie, h Republic of China, the Republic of Cub, the Czechoso Repubic, the FencRepublic, Iia,eann, tGrnd-uchy ofuxeurg, th Kindomof the Nethelands, New eala, theKingdom of N

2、oway, Pakt,Sothernhodesia,Syria, theUnionf South Afric,thiteKinm o GreaBriainandNrter rlan, adt United Sttes o America:ecogiig thatthei reation in th fid of trade n econom devour should onductedwth aview to raising standards f iving, nsurig full mlomen anda large and stadil win volue o licoedefetive

3、demand,developingthe full se fthresouces of t woran epadin throducion and exchae fgos,eingdsious ofcntributin t thee objectve by enteri in rciproa ndmutualy avatgeouarragementsdirec o te sustl reducton o ariffs nd other bariers t rae ad t theeliminaion of dscrimnaty treaent iinterntional commerce,Ha

4、ve though their Represntive agreed as llows:PRT ArticleGeneral ostavredNton Trmet1.With espect oustoms dutsand harge ay ind imposd n or conectonwit mrtao or exportaion oimposed o te inatona ransfer o paymnts or mpor o expors, andwitrsect to temetho o evying sch ties and chage,and withrepect to allrl

5、es and fmalitiesincncon wh imporation nd exportion, and withresct to al mate refere o in paarahs and 4 of Article III,any adantae, favor, rivilegeor muni rante by nycontrtpat t any poduct orginang i ordstine for ay oher ountryshalbe accordedimeitey and uncondtionll to h liepodut orignatngin or esine

6、d frhe terrioies f all othercorain parties。.T poss ofparagap ofthis Aicl sllnotreirehe eliinaion o a prerens in respctof mortuties cares whihdo n exce thelvels provided fr in pragraph 4 of isArticle ndhich fall wthin he flong escriton:(a)Prefrecs inforce excluivly bewen tw or moe o the trtoresis Ann

7、ex A, sujct thconditins set fr therin;(b)Peereces i for exclsvely beween two r mor trriorie which on Juy 1, 139,ercocted bcomonsovereintyor eltins of protetionor serantya which a listd in Annexs, C nD, subjec tthe coniions st orth heein;(c)Preferenin orc xlsvly beweenthUnitedStates of Ameica andeRep

8、ublic o Cub;(d)Prfeences in frce excusively etwe neighorng ouie lsed n AnexesEand F.3The provisions of raraph 1 shll o ly toprfence etween te cutrie frmely a arof thOtman Epire nd dtached fro i nJuly24, 23, provided suchpreernces areapproed underparagrph _ of rtile X,wichshll bapplied in tis rsect n

9、 the lght of paraap1 of Articl XI.The auhtc tet erronesl ras sbragrap 5 (a).Themarin o prrence oany podt in repectof wich a rferencs pittedndpagrah of thisricl but isnot secificlyset fot a maxmum rgio refence in happropriate Schedue eed to thAgement shl notexcee:(a)iesect of dtie o hargs onanyprodct

10、 desied n shShedue, te differencebetween thmst-faoued-natin and efernil tes rvid o ten; if oprfentilrte is proided fo, theeeential rte shall for te puross f tis praap betakn be thti focen pil10, l947, nd, if nomostfavourenion r is rove for, the margin sal oteced te difreneeeen he osfavore-ation a pr

11、eferenil ae itig o Apil 1,147;(b)in respec fduties r hars on nyproductnot descre n hppopriate Schedul, t frenc betwe the mtaouedaton an preferentia ates exsng onApr 1, 17。 In he cas of the onrcting artienamedin AnxG, te teof pril 10, 19, rerred to in u-aagraph(a) and (b)of ths arrphll be rplaced by

12、the rspecv dates set frt i thatAnne.Article IIScdues of ocesins.()ch contating prtyshal accord to hcorce f the oter coractng partis reatment noles favrta at proidd fori the apopriat rtoftheappopriae Scue ne tothis Agement。(b)Th put descbed Pat ofthe Schdle reating toanycontractng party, whic ae th prductsoterrtrie of her contracing parties,sll, ontei importo into the teritory owic e hde reas, ansubject to the te


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