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1、Module9Friendship第18课时分层训练Unit 2 & Unit 3.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1The sky is blue and the sun is _(灿烂的). I feel very comfortable. 2Its silly of you to _(信任) that young man! He isnt an honest person.3Kate, please help me _(粘贴) the posters on the wall. 42017阜康At my first art show, a famous professor praised me

2、and _ (鼓励) me to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures.5Our team is stronger now because we have _(包括) the best playerJim!.用所给词的适当形式填空12017杭州She has _ (hide) her diary where nobody can find it.2When I entered the room, I heard him _ (talk) with his friend on the phone. 3Rose said she _ (remem

3、ber) the address of the bookstore. 4Its too dark now. My sister is afraid _ (go) out on her own. 5How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?It makes me _ (feel) very proud. .用方框中所给词的适当形式填空suggest, bright, include, silent, stick, hide, treasure, live1The girl is very _ and kind; we all l

4、ike to play with her. 2For me, friendship is the best _ in the world. 3The sun is shining _. 4His _ sounds great. You can have a try. 5Have you got any glue? I want_ these pieces of paper together.6The children are doing their homework in _. 7To his health, smoking is a _ danger.8There are 40 studen

5、ts in the classroom, _ me.单项填空 ()1.China is becoming stronger and stronger _Aday and night Bday by dayCsome days Done day()2.2017达州Is it _ cheaper and _ enjoyable to travel by train than by plane?Yes, I think so.Avery; very more Beven; a littleCmore; much more Dmuch; far more()3.I want to know _ he

6、will go climbing or not.Aif BwhenCwhether Dwhat ()4._ others is a good way to start ones friendship.ALaughing at BSmiling forCSmile at DSmiling at ()5.The old man walked to the end of the road and then _Aturned back Bturned offCturned on Dturned down()6.Id like to visit Kate tomorrow.Do you know _?S

7、orry, I dont know her address, either.Awhy she lives there Bwho she lives withCwhere she lives Dhow she lives()7. I had trouble learning English. I asked the teacher for help and he gave me many useful _Aadvice BsuggestionsCinformation Dmessages()8.Is Jack in the next room?Well, its hard to say. But

8、 I heard him_ loudly when I passed by just now.Aspeak Bto speakCspoken Dspeaking()9.2017咸宁Celia, join us in the Super Summer Camp if it _ this weekend.Id love to. But nobody knows if it _ .Ais fine; rains Bis fine; will rainCwill be fine; will rain Dwill be fine; rains()10.2016潍坊Its difficult to ima

9、gine _ it is like in that village after the earthquake.Awhen BwhatCwhere Dwhich.连词成句根据括号内的中文提示, 将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。1love, she, in the family, is, everyone, for, full of(她对家里的每一个人都充满爱。)_2sat, at that moment, the, in silence, in, she, sofa (在那一刻, 她静静地坐在沙发上。)_3I, playing, they, dont, understand, football

10、, are, at this moment, why (我不明白他们为什么在这个时候踢足球。)_4wide, she, circle, had, of, a, friends(她有广泛的朋友圈。)_5hear, every time, I, song, think of, I, this, will, my, childhood(每次听到这首歌, 我就会想起我的童年。)_.按要求完成下列各题1Im afraid to be alone.(改为同义句)Im afraid_ _ alone.2Do they want fried chicken? He asked the boys.(合并为一句)

11、He asked the boys _ they _ fried chicken.3They had fun in the park last weekend.(改为同义句)They _ _ in the park last weekend.4She went out. She didnt say a word.(合并为一句)She went out_ _ a word.52017达州Whose schoolbag is on the desk? Father asked. (合并为含有宾语从句的复合句)Father asked _ schoolbag _ on the desk.2017丽水

12、阅读理解My best friend Jenny and I got to the mall for shopping. She held up a white sweater and matching skirt. “Do you like this?” she asked.“Its great,” I said. Jenny nodded and continued looking while I moved about, touching the beautiful clothes. “Ill try this on,” Jenny walked towards the dressing

13、 room. After a while, she came out in the outfit(一套衣服). She looked beautiful.I sighed. Part of me wanted to say how good she looked, but another part stopped the words coming out. Jenny was in such good shape that shed look good in the outfit. Sometimes, I regretted choosing a best friend who was so pretty. God, why cant I be the one with the rich parents and the great look? More and more, I was envi



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