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1、八年级英语周练二 制卷人:杨杨 潘杰 做卷人:张淑芳一、单项选择(20分)1. You must listen _ next time, or you may miss something important again.A. more careful B. careless C. more carefully D. more careless 2. Its enjoyable _ young people _ listen to music.A. to, for B. to, to C. for, for D. for, to 3. Maybe _ can change Tonys mind

2、. He is such a person who never gives up easily.A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D.everything 4. When did you arrive _ there?A. in B. at C. on D. /5. -Why do you look so _? -I lost my bike.A.worry B. worrying C.to worry D. worried6. Wang Fan is _ than any other boy in his class.A. tallest B. tall

3、er C. higher D. Highest7. The story is very _ and I am _ in it.A. interesting, interested B. interesting, interestC. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting8. Swimming is relaxing, but running is _.A. boring B. safe C. tiring D. Popular9. -What do you think of the movie? -Its _ than that

4、one, I think.A. More much exciting B. Much more excitingC. More many exciting D. Many more exciting10. The teacher speaks _ and _.A. Slowly, careful B. Slow, carefulC. Slowly, carefully D. Slow, carefully11. -Can you tell me why you learn English so well? -Its very simple. _ you work, _ grades you w

5、ill get.A. The harder, the best B. The hard, the betterC. Harder, better D. The harder, the better12. I like English very much. I never miss a _ to practice English with foreigners.A. subject B. mistake C. chance D. Space13. Look! All students are busy _ trees over there.A. plant B.planting C. to pl

6、ant D. Plants14. In 2012, _ people watched Olympics on TV.A. billion of B. billions C. billions for D. billions of15. China is an old country _ a history _ 5,000 years.A. for, of B. with, for C. of, of D. with, of16. -Whats wrong with you? -Oh, bad luck! I _ my knee and it _ now.A. hurted, hurt B. h

7、urt, hurt C. hurt, hurts D. hurted, hurted17. _ is more dangerous than _.A. Ski, swim B. Skiing, swim C. Skiing, to swim D. Skiing, swimming18._ the rock music, please! I cant stand it any more!A. Stop B. Stopping C. Stops D. Stops 19. -Its a little cold today. Would you mind _ the window? - Of cour

8、se not.A. close B. closes C.closing D. to close20. -_, Peter ? -I have a bad cold.A. What color do you like?B. Where are you ?C. What a pityD. Whats the matter with you?二、 完型填空 (20分)ADear Robert,I hope you are well. Thank you for your last letter. You ask me about Mid- autumn Day. Now, let me 1 you

9、something about it.Everyone in China likes Mid-autumn Day It 2 comes in September or October. 3 that day, everyone eats mooncakes. A moon cake is a delicious, round cake. It 4_ the moon. There are many different kinds of mooncakes. Some have nuts in them, 5_ some have meat or eggs in them. My friend

10、Li Lei likes mooncakes with meat. But I think the 6_ with nuts in them are 7_. Han Meimei says the nicest cakes 8_ Guangdong. At night, families often stay 9_ the open air near their houses. There they 10_ the moon, and eat the cakes. Mmm! How delicious they are! Yours, Sun Huimin()1. A. speak B. te

11、ll C. say D. talk()2. A. never B. usually C. sometimes D. not often()3. A.On B. At C. For D. In ()4. A. like B. likes C. looks for D. looks like ()5. A. but B.until C.and D. So()6. A. moon B. moons C. ones D. one ()7. A. delicious B. nicer C. nicest D. bigger ()8. A. hear from B. comes from C. is fr

12、om D. come from()9. A. under B. with C. into D. in ()10. A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look upBAll over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help people to keep _11_, happy and to live _ 12_. People play different games in winter and summer._ 13_ is good for swimming. And in winter people

13、 often go skating. Some sports are very _ 14_ and people everywhere like them. For example, football is very popular. In China, most people, men, _15_ boys and girls, like to watch football games. They often talk about them. _16_ and jumping began long, long ago. But basketball and volleyball are rather _17_. People began to play them not long ago. And people are_ 18_ new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of _19_. People _


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